Hunter Biden trial live updates: Hunter Biden guilty on all charges in historic gun case
Category: News & Politics
Via: robert-in-ohio • 8 months ago • 183 commentsBy: Xerxes Wilson and Bart Jansen, USA TODAY NETWORK

The verdict was not wholly unexpected
It will be interesting to see what sentence is handed down and what the reaction of the White House will be

W ILMINGTON, Del. − A federal jury convicted Hunter Biden of federal gun charges , a historic first for the offspring of a sitting president, after a trial featuring wrenching emotional testimony about his drug use from his ex-wife and sister-in-law.
President Joe Biden's son faces up to 25 years in prison for three charges − lying on a federal screening form about his drug use, lying to a gun dealer and possessing the gun − although first-time, nonviolent offenders typically get shorter sentences.
The 54-year old businessman and attorney's case came after a plea deal fell apart in July 2023 that could have resolved gun and taxes charges without prison time. Hunter Biden still faces another federal trial starting Sept. 5 in California for allegedly avoiding taxes .
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Hunter Biden in a statement following the verdict said he was "disappointed by the outcome" but "grateful" for his family and loved ones.
Biden's legal troubles coincide with his father campaigning for reelection. But the elder Biden as the trial kicked off issued a statement supporting his son and later told ABC News he wouldn't pardon him.
The article is not about Trump
The article is not about MAGA
The article is not about Democrats or Republicans
Please discuss the article and not what it is not about
Be civil or be gone
I did not expect a verdict to be reached so quickly, but I did think he would be found guilty after following the evidence presented by the prosecution.
The defense approach "he was not an addict at the exact moment he bought the gun" seemed very weak and wandering to me.
well that settles it. I won't be voting for hunter or any other convicted felon POS ...
same here!
glad you were able to settle that!
Since the proof of existence of "the laptop" seems to be a byproduct of this case, I wonder if it and its contents will pop up in other cases.
What is even more telling on how deranged some have become, they asked Clapper if he was sorry for promoting the laptop as Russian propaganda and he said no.[✘]
Patriotic is another word (like fascist) that is used incorrectly so often it has pretty much lost all meaning.
thank heaven...
I do have a problem with people hijacking people personal and private possessions (like the other family member's diary) through hook and crook techniques being allowed to be used against them, but it is what it is (and allowable in a court of law). With that stated, Hunter (sober) understands by now that he did these things and its time to face justice: acceptance of the consequences (that can't be denied) is a form of maturity.
That is most glaring. Evidence of influence peddling is all over it. However, as you say "I wonder...
I imagine it will.
And it didn't take a Judge giving fucked up instructions, pathetic gag orders or a DA dressing an expired misdemeanor up as a felony. This one is legitimate.
It was a sham trial.
Prove it.
Yea, he wasn't an addict for the 10 seconds it took him to check no on the application and celebrated with a double hit of coke.
The evidence presented seemed pretty clear and convincing.
This charge is not often brought to trial (plea bargains) but the sides were unable to come up with a plea bargain that the judge would accept.
The trial was legit, the verdict was not unexpected if you followed the evidence presented and the defense case was pathetic.
That concept of defense strategy insured a guilty verdict
I accept the verdict. There is law. There is understanding. There is law and understanding. The latter applied here. Hunter knew it was a 'long-shot.' As he left the court video seems to show a smile briefly on his face. It's called relief of sorts. And I can understand why: The long wait to know the outcome of his case is nearly over.
"It was a sham trial."
Are you referring to Trump or Biden?
Agree but I am not so sure what a better strategy would have been, the check and signature weren't really his?
Both were valid prosecutions - the jury verdicts in each are also legitimate
Agreed, and both will more likely than not be appealed, and whether the grounds for appeal are valid will be decided by the courts. The only thing I can be 100% assured of is there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth no matter which we it goes.
'This one is legitimate.'
But #34's wasn't?
We have been kindly asked to not bring 'outsiders' into this case! Please do not test the red box, or be the source of others violating it.
Didn't mention him.
That's a leftist childish slur. Never mentioned it.
Didn't mention either one of those.
Discussed the article just as everybody else.
Have been civil.
I'm good. If you are too, then "Steady on."
It will be interesting to see how the gun control group on the left react. Do they go with wanting Biden to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law or will they try to rally around Biden and the hell with lying on a gun application in order to get a gun.
It would seem that what "the left" thinks or does will matter little, how harsh the sentence rests with the judge at this point, rather than with national polling.
The interesting part of the sentencing will be how bad does it have to be for Joe to pardon him. I am not thinking the sentencing will be that severe though.
I do not see a pardon forthcoming from President Biden, jmo
Tom Dupree, a former principal deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department, told CBS News that he does think Biden will be sentenced to prison, but more likely for a year or two, rather than a longer sentence.
Is Hunter Biden going to prison? What to know about the possible sentence after his conviction - CBS News
On Nov 6 Biden has nothing to lose, Pardon Hunter and be done with it.
looks like a good precedent will be set for future violators...
You can bet a dollar to a donut that the liberal courts and Hunter's lawyers will pull out all the stops to get him probation and/or community service in lieu of actual prison time. I personally hope that in sentencing they nail him to the wall!
One of the factors in awarding prison time would have to be considered: What amount of prison time, if any, is sufficient to punish but not be an opening for Hunter to become a 'worse' character (falling from his new found deliverance from drugs) behind bars. Oddly enough, it is often rumored that you can get intoxicated or 'high' in prison!
You may want to wait for the sentence to begin before you defer to a pardon which has already been stated as not happening.
That was my thought as well. Time spent in prison could seriously impact his recovery as an addict never is cured and is a lifetime fight.
It's also my thought that as this is his first conviction and he didn't hurt anybody else, that he stands a good chance of not getting any prison time at sentencing. I would support community service rather than prison for this.
Why? He's a first time offender. Why jail time?
So is Trump. I am sure you feel the same way.............../s
sure! I support community service for the Orange Bad Man. But do you think he would really pick up trash in parks and along highways? I want to see him with one of those trash picky uppy things
Hunter is not convicted on 34 felony counts like the former 'president'.
Gloat while you can, this is all you all got on President Biden - his son's misdeeds.
Have anything to say about first offenses equity across the board??
who owes almost half a billion dollars from previous court judgements?
It's that little detail called multiple felonies. He's potentially looking at serious jail time.
yeah, completely unlike the former 'president'
“…that little detail called multiple felonies…”
….can you count to thirty-four?
And that's just the case of the cover ups of the hush money payments ...
A felony is still a felony, no matter who committed them and how many. The law is still the law.
See post #4.1.20.
Totally agree. And the upcoming sentencing for these two high profile cases should be accepted by all.
Curious thing about him is he is a "special case." A president's son would have to be isolated in prison to avoid any chance of revenge or retribution from someone who hates his father or is paid to just fight, "break something," or sadly worse. It could happen in an instant or snap-no pun intended. That said, isolation for a person who is not emotionally stable or 'newly emotional stabilized can cause a whole new set of psyche pressures.
BTW, without meaning to do so, I am making a case for why this judge may decide no jail/prison time is practical and my opt for 'new' forms of punishment without jail/prison. All of these politically-charged cases between two presidents and family will take deep and fresh thinking.
Why? Is the son of a politician somehow more of a target than a politician?
Reformat your question as a statement and I will interact with it, please.
Because this is a request for understanding on background, I will proceed to deliver: I don't play games of questions: ignored, answered, unanswered with MAGAs. It turned into a reason for mocking, slowing, and non-reciprocation, plus. Just state what you seek from me in conversational sentences-no questions. I will amicably do my best to reply to it. Otherwise no.
I see you are deflecting.
[deleted] [✘] Doesn't apply to Hunter
got nothin', as usual
Looking at his path through life - what "worse character" could he become?
Rich, privileged, indulged and still unable to keep his life between the navigational beacons (so to speak)
That is equally true for both Hunter Biden and Donald Trump. The difference is that Hunter Biden is not running for President!
The problem with all false equivalencies is that they are false!
No idea what "false equivalency" you are talking about, but I agree with you that neither Hunter nor Donald have much room to become worse characters
But remember this is not about the former president it is about Hunter
Robert, surely you can understand that history is replete with rich, privileged, and indulged adults—even, 'fallen' celebrities whom even gave up their lives after driving it off-course: Matthew Perry comes to mind and Whitney Houston. 'Tons' of them at the top of their industries.
Prisoners are compelled to join prisons gangs (to belong); become party to criminal networks, and stronger drugs.
Hunter has made mistakes. Like many of us he has had problems with drugs and drug addiction. I am sure he has many redeeming qualities unlike the former 'president' who has none as well as zero class, decency, decorum, empathy, compassion, class, standards, morals, I could go on and on and on and on and on but you're correct, this isn't about #34, it's about Hunter.
The gqp made Hunter the target
Agreed, but it must be accepted that both individuals have the right to appeal their convictions, however distasteful some here may find that concept.
You need to learn to speak for yourself.
Robert, surely you can understand that history is replete with rich, privileged, and indulged adults—even, 'fallen' celebrities whom even gave up their lives after driving it off-course: Matthew Perry comes to mind and Whitney Houston. 'Tons' of them at the top of their industries.
Prisoners are compelled to join prisons gangs (to belong); become party to criminal networks, and stronger drugs.
I certainly haven't seen any of them in his demeanor, but perhaps you are correct.
Hunter has made mistakes and like many others have in the past, he should be made to pay for those mistakes.
Hunter has made mistakes and like many others have in the past, he should be made to pay for those mistakes.
So it’s time to go back and revisit every instance where someone did what Hunter without being made to pay for their mistake, or just Hunter?
You forgot booted out of the US Navy under less than honorable conditions for positive drug tests.
BS! Hunter and his less than sterling qualities made himself the target on his own with no help from others.
The only reason they went after Hunter, was because they had nothing on President Biden.
Regarding his 'sterling qualities' - do you abandon your friends and/or family if they have problems/struggle with addiction?
Do his drug problems define him? I imagine he has many sterling qualities like his parents who stand by him and don't throw him under the bus when he has problems.
He is paying for those mistakes wouldn't you say?
Pretty much my thoughts as well.
So you have no issue with someone lying to get a gun and owning a gun illegally?
"I certainly haven't seen any of them in his demeanor,'
So how well do you know him?
Of course, but so what?
His plea deal went south when Hunter pushed for too much. Instead of settling for a deal that would close the tax and gun case against him, he demanded broader immunity for other potential crimes as well. Makes you wonder what other potential prosecution he fears.
It remained Hunter’s choice about whether to take the altered deal and he refused, choosing to gamble on his chances in court. The next question is the likelihood of guilt on his tax charges.
You asked about what could be worse. I provided what I could to explain so.
thanks to his dad’s DOJ letting the SOL expire, he also got completely away with not paying taxes on his 2014 and 2015 foreign income and he didn’t even have to get a sugar daddy to pay those taxes for him. And of course the FARA violations
First offense???????????????????????????????????????????????????
The first time he got caught and had to actually be accountable for a life of scumbaggery
That's what I typed. First Offense
Like most convicted felons like #34, they get away with a lot of shit, pretty much a life time of shit, fucking over 1,000s in the case of/regards to #34, and finally got caught for SOMETHING OF WHICH HE WAS FOUND GUILTY 34 TIMES
Show us your stats.
It'll be more interesting to hear how the gun rights group on the right react to it. Hunter Biden is being prosecuted for his desire to use his 2nd Amendment rights.
Hunter Biden is being prosecuted for lying on his application. I doubt you will hear much from the right about it at all. I haven't heard them say much about drug addicts having guns
Yeah, try again. He was prosecuted and convicted of lying on the documents.
Hunter Biden is being prosecuted for lying on government forms about a firearm and ILLEGAL drug use. And what SAVED his out of control. . .hiney. . .from worse is he did not found to have fired it in the direction of someone. I know it and he knows it too, because he can surely read like the rest of us a government form and yet he felt it strongly enough to GET the gun anyway.
This is not about his second amendment right: this is about what he did (unlawfully) to get a gun he, or any other 'User' should not possess. His case was a 'long-shot' and it did not pay off for him at this stage. Call it what it is.
No he is being prosecuted for purchasing a gun when he was legally prohibited from doing so and for lying on a federal document.
"...prosecuted for his desire to use his 2nd Ammendment rights."
I thought the same thing.
“Call it what it is.”
Agree. He lost his right and subsequently and rightfully lost his case.
Here’s hoping that anyone applying to possess a lethal weapon be held to the same level of scrutiny.
You feel that former addicts should lose their 2nd Amendment rights?
Drug user cannot be barred from owning guns, US court rules
So you feel he should not have the right to keep and bear arms?
Drug user cannot be barred from owning guns, US court rules
So his 2nd Amendment rights have been stripped away from him as an American Citizen?
Drug user cannot be barred from owning guns, US court rules
Where did he say that? If you start out making a dishonest post about what someone said you have already lost.
Did I say anything to make you believe that? I think people should tell the truth on any application and be held accountable if they don't. Is there an issue with that? Do you think there should be no limits as to who has guns? No permits needed?
What’s the Difference Between a “Former” Addict and a “Recovering” Addict? | by Benya Clark | Exploring Sobriety | Medium
It will be fun to watch litigation titled Biden arguing to remove restrictions on gun ownership.
Must watch TV. My gut feel, with absolutely nothing to back it is he will get a year in jail max. As a first offender he may get less. I would also guess if Biden loses he will pardon his son. I would not have a major issue with that. I don't always agree with who a president pardons but I am not going to go crazy over it. It will be interesting if Biden wins the election if he would pardon his son, that could be dicey. While I doubt it would happen I think it would be interesting if Joe stepped down from running so he could more easily pardon his son. I also understand most of these types of cases don't go to trial because they are plea bargained out. I have to wonder if any get jail time with the plea. I am still not understanding why he chose to go to trial.
I agree with everything but I expect him to pardon his son win or lose, especially after another likely conviction at his upcoming tax trial. I can’t imagine he’s going to serve out a second term and even if he were, he’ll never face voters again so there is little downside to him personally, and that has always been what has motivated Biden throughout his career.
He was prosecuted and convicted of lying on the documents.
Yet, if he had told the truth in that 1 single checkbox he would have lost his rights under the 2nd Amendment. Correct?
Stop with the pathetic game. You know as well as the rest of us the law steps in. You don't like the law, then you need to bring that up with your "representative" in congress.
I am simply pointing out the 2nd Amendment gun rights advocates on NT are remarkably silent about him losing his ability to keep and bear arms. If you are afraid to address that aspect of this issue, stop replying.
Only remarkable due to your uninformed bias. Even the NRA has had longstanding support for the federal bans on gun possession by illegal drug users and people convicted of drug-related felonies.
Much like you are remarkably silent about the law?
Pay close attention
He lied on a federal form in the process of purchasing a gun and that is a felony
I ran that question by my adult daughter. Her response was the only former addict was a deceased one. She considers herself a recovering drug addict and will be one till the day she dies. It is a ever constant struggle to maintain ones sobriety. I am very proud of my daughter who went cold turkey and kicked a years long crack habit and has been clean and sober for the last four years. She has been through Hell and clawed her way back out of the pit.
“I am very proud of my daughter…”
As are we all.
Peace and perseverance.
She is correct and you should be proud
Go back and read my provided link about gun bans for addicts.
So silent that I provided a link???
If he'd answered honestly he would have been denied his 2nd Amendment right.
Yeah, we know.
Funny how some don't seem to know what #34 was found guilty of, 34 times.
So you understand that drug addiction doesn't define a person?
Hunter must have many sterling qualities, correct?
He consoled his brother's widow and shared a house while cheating on her.
Well they say old soldiers never die and I guess that puts that to rest.
Of course it defines a person. It defines them as a drug addict.
Pot and crack are two different things.
Addicts are addicts.
I'll put my clean daughter up against a scum bag like Hunter Biden any day, but I may be just a tad biased.
So will Jill and Joe, they love their son and will not abandon him in his time(s) of need.
Are you saying that pot is addictive? As addictive as crack?
That's their business.
His whole life has been his time of need.
Are you trying to deflect? I have said nothing about pot or crack. Stay on topic.
Maybe, have you heard of any?
Hunter probably uses a sterling crack pipe./s
Born with a silver 🥄 in his nose.
You didn’t but your link did, “Daniels had been arrested in April 2022 after law enforcement officers searched his car during a stop and found marijuana butts and two loaded firearms. The officers did not administer a drug test the night of the stop, but Daniels admitted that he was a frequent user of marijuana.
Reading is fundamental.
This is new. What was President Eisenhower convicted of?
It’s very odd. Eisenhower always seemed like one of our presidents with the most integrity.
surprised I missed all the crime.
I missed it to. In fact the world seems to have missed it.
My link said a lot of things that were not addressed in my comment. It supported my comment not not the other way around. Stop trying to deflect. My comment had to to with addicts, that's it.
No deflection and your comment remains unsupported.
Obviously it's everyone's business.
No, it's not.
Yes, it is, obviously
Then repeat my comment.
Why waste everyone’s time?
Obvious only to those who share your particular views, and many do not.
Thanks for the confirmation. I'm done I'm done with you.
Funny thing is, the 20 year possible sentence, which won't be handed down, was put in effect by the Biden/Harris team to crack (no pun) down on people who lied on applications. Ironic right? LMAO
Ahh! The 'future' can not be known. . . until it is present.
Is it irony or is it karma or is it just what is?
despite its best efforts, this DOJ convicted hunter of a felony.. a big thanks is owed to the irs whistleblowers, who exposed the efforts to protect biden
Some MAGAs are working hard to find a 'put down.' Instead if taking the 'win' and moving on. It is what it is. (Although an appeal is potentially ahead for its own reasons.) If one needs to gloat at a 'lost soul's' internal battles with himself and the law. . . find something to kick and aim for its teeth.
And some bariaites are upset that their attempts to protect Biden failed.
I guess. That would not be be, however. He did the crime, handle the consequences that result. Steady on.
Is that a made up word or a serious typing error or what the hell does it mean?
kind of my thoughts as well regarding whatever that 'word' might be
A few minutes ago Dan Abrams said that he looked for other prosecutions that matched Hunter Bidens circumstances and couldnt find one.
Lawfare ?
Thats funny. Prosecutions for lying on forum 4473 aren’t that hard to find.
293 for 2019, the year Biden purchased his gun illegally, alone.
I saw what Abrams said on the news and what this twitter comment says is accurate.
No ones whose dead brother’s wife/girlfriend who threw away a gun next to a school and blamed it on illegal aliens on a Tuesday in the fall has ever been charged before !
Sounds like something trump would say.
Maybe she is a fan.
Do you think that the law should remain as federal law, just not enforced?
From those circumstances. . . Hunter Biden seems to have been a 'hot mess.' Recreational drugs will do that too you. Your inhibitions go way down and the longer you take them. . . the longer you are open to 'suggestion' or acting uninhibited. Being the son of a Vice-president and sitting president cedes ground to 'play' that is golden. .. and reckless.
or like someone from Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The legal system is not getting into 'bad boy presidents and their misquided children' territory and it is 'shaken and stirred' by all the special considerations that are needed.
Interesting concept
I seem to remember that comment being made in other recent prosecutions and immediately being dismissed by the left.
I didn't believe it then and don't believe it now.
The law is on the books, he broke that law and after a fair trial, he was found guilty by a jury of his peers in Delaware (a home court advantage for the Biden's one would think if anything)
I am satisfied with tis verdict just as I was satisfied with another guilty verdict in a trial where "Lawfare" was claimed
The slap on the wrist he receives probably won't even hurt
Also should recognize the gun shop owner who refused to turn over the paperwork when the secret service intervened and tried to confiscate the paperwork from him in 2018.