Category: Religion & Ethics
Via: retired-military-ex-republican • 11 years ago • 3 comments
Once again Religion is used as a inroad to child abuse. Religious leaders and Staff have been doing this for years. It goes to show that religion is a tool to deception and then victimize the citizens of the world.
Jail with out Parole.
I'm not a Christian, but the teachings of Christ are profound. It's often difficult to separate the teachings from the people who are of ill intent. Religion and faith are often used by bastards like this guy as a tool to victimize others, its true. Not all religious people are predators. Some are and some aren't and we owe it to the good people of faith to discern the difference.
They are also profoundly obvious, and profoundly propagated by countless religions having nothing to do with Christianity or Judaism, not to mention all the virtuous atheists, agnostics, deists, pagans, etc. throughout the world.
Religion is a powerful tool for no one wants to go to Hell. The younger the mind the easier it is to take advantage of. The fact that this individual had someone else come forward then back out I'm sure set off a bomb shell. How do you see the punishment that is deserved for the Youth Minister. Those who are sexually abused coming forward to expose the horrific act that was carried out is mental anguish reliving the sick crime carried out against them. The embarrassment and fact that it happened at all is major cause of suicide. Three girls from my high school committed suicide years after their rapes as young children and teenagers. None of those three were religiously associated but all were as often happens family related. Only one rapist was prosecuted. The other Two I know of no way to prove the guilt of the rapists. Two were married and divorced. They carried the guilt and unjustified lack of self worth to the grave with them. If their is truly a heaven all five of these girls deserve to be there.
The power position these children were up against was horrific. I was a psychology major starting my senior year when I realized that the legal system and general religious attitude was to hide it and turn their back on the victims. At that point in time 1/3 of all women had been forced into sexual acts as a child or young girl or teenager some still later in life. Most though were young girls pre-teenagers but once it started it tended to continue for years.
The fact that the legal system in two cases I was aware of during my start of my Senior year in College young girls had been taken from the parents by the court system after approximately six months of the child being in a school/therapy training both were put back in the same home they came out of. One young girl went through that twice. That was the beginning of the end for my Psychology career.
I find it very hard to believe that no one suspected this youth Minister of these evil deeds.