Penis shaped church erected in Dixon IL
Well....the sermon this week is: Who told you that you were naked - Genesis 3:11
The site used to be used to manufacture gas, so I guess this is an improvement.
Hhhmmmm--- doesn't look like they're anticipating the Second Coming real soon...
Looking for a hard-on? Here's the biggest one you'll ever see. It was built in China. So if size is important - here you go!!!
As I undersand it, all church steeples are penis shaped --- more or less.
Be kind, Len. You could just have said they're phallic symbols.
Right on, JFT.
The Wall Street Journal, in an article on the Noahite movement, referred to steeples as "fertility symbols." Why?
The first I heard about an organized Noahite movement was from a Page 1 article in the Wall Street Journal in 1991. It told how the Rev. J. David Davis, then of the fundamentalist Emmanuel Baptist Church of Athens, Tenn., and about 15 of his flock, took down the steeple and carted it off to the dump. They had decided it was a fertility symbol that had no business on a house of worship. Then they scraped the words, Baptist Church off their sign. They stopped celebrating Christmas and brought in an Orthodox rabbi to regularly instruct them on Jewish philosophy.
Following is the best web site on the subject of the Noahite movement for gentiles. Bookmark and study it.
There is a national movement, called, Bnay Noach (Children of Noah), headed by Vendyl Jones, a former Baptist preacher in Arlington, TX. He also runs the Institute for Judaic-Christian Research, a clearing house for the Noahides (or Noahites). There are informal study groups in Minneapolis, Kansas City, and Houston; and abroad in Belgium, Great Britain and Nigeria. Jones calls it, Judaism for Gentiles. He says that the movement is a fulfillment of Ezekials prophecy that Gentiles would eventually turn to the God of Israel.
Mr. Davis 80-member congregation is the largest (in 1991). They are not converting to Judaism, keeping kosher, being circumcised or becoming bar mitzvah.
The article quotes James D. Taylor, professor of religion at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
According to the article,