Darwin' s Theory may be proved in ISLAM
1) More than 1400 years ago , the magnificent ALLAH, directing his holy words to human beings , in a " soura" (means, part of holy quraan), named ' ANAAM ' , and definitely, in " aaya" (means, paragraph), no 133, and says;
I asked superior relegious men, to interpree that, but , i received no sensible answer !!!.
2) prophet " Mohamad " is a very poor man, lived during the sixth century, doesn't read or write, doesn't have any learning or communication devices , just dull disert everywhere and few sheep. It's mentioned in detected Islamic history that, Once, his friends asked him; "who is the first human ?" he said "'Adam'", they asked again ; " and what is before 'Adam'?? " he answered " 'Adam' , and if you keep asking, what was before ?, i'll keep answering, 'Adam' 'Adam' 'Adam' "
and again , no body gave a sensible interpret for that.
if we consider these situations as proofs for darwin's theory ... , what about the story of "Eve and Adam", mentioned in the three holy religions !!!?
Sorry, but I don't understand. The fact, as you said, that Islam proves Darwin's theory seems to me instead to be contrary to Darwin's Theory. If the prophet Mohamad says Adam was there not by evolution, but what appears more to be creationism, then how does that prove the Theory of Evolution?
i said " prophet Mohamad ensures that , before Adam there was anotherAdam and before , there was anotherAdam .... and so on" , which contradict with " Eve and Adam story".
indeed , when i was in school, i thought much about this case, until i achieved a convinsible hypothesis , but , i m interested to listen to many other brains.
Give OvO first prize for honesty. LOL
Mohamad had friends ?
A most excellent question, OvO.
BTW here is my take on:
The other folk would be Abraham andHagar, one was a Hebrew and the other was Egyptian and probably an idol worshiper. They had a son Ismael. From two different back grounds came a new one, since Ismael was promised to be the father of a great faith of his own. And it is from him that Islam came. No evolution required.
BTW, as a science teacher I believe in evolution.
I always thought Hagar was a beer worshipper ...
You know what, OvO? I'm not religious. I just know what's right and what isn't.
Humans haven't stopped killing eachother since Adam's sons or apes or whoever the first ancestry of mankind 'up to what you believe'
Religion just gave them a holy reason for killing spree, they call their opponents infidels and kill them in the name of the Super Power
***( this article is written to be a guide to my previous article )*****
The majority of people use 'only' there senses and previous experiences , while analyzing any phenomena or hypothesis. But,
a very few magnificent scientists, like, Einstein and Isaq Newton , have the capability to send their brains beyond the palpable environments.
If this is the situation while analyzing something in our world , then, what about analyzing an event concerns the creator ( the only source ) of every thing else ??? .
when we digest this idea , then , we may be able to answer the previous questions about the (apparent) contradiction between what is mentioned in 'holy Quraan' and Darwin's theory.
Although , my article is not intended to be about religion , but it is a chance to say that , the majority of people have an 'eternal believe' that religion is a group of severe cuffs which contradict with human nature. After years of monitoring and speculations, I found out that , the only cuffs exist in all ways that are far from religion.
, although , my article is not intended to be about religion , and it is just a logical analysis , hoping to achieve a closer point to the truth, .. but it is a chance to say that , the majority of people have an 'eternal believe' that religion is a group of severe cuffs which contradict with human nature. After years of monitoring and speculations, I found out that , the only cuffs exist in all ways that are far from religion.
That is asking a lot . I'm stumped . But if you have ideas on this please expound on them .
I made up my mind long time ago to avoidinvolving in religious debates because it never ends up with something certain but I have an insisting question. Are you sure that the highest level of human intelligence 'supposedly like Einstein' is enough to get to the absolute truth about existence?
Watching your cat playing with an electric wire, would his brain ever get to understand that there's an electric energy and from where it comes and how it works? it is to him a rope or toy
Human intelligence could be the highest among all creatures but it has bounderies too to be 100% certain of anything beyond his available limits. Your thoughts are a complicated mixture of what you've been inculcated to and what your senses tell you and a lot of other influential factor and individual experiences, it is your belief. My belief is that I exist and it's none of my business to know the design of existing
Very insightful comment Fada . We in the west feel that Iran developing the A-bomb is like that cat playing with the electric wire . But maybe we are like monkeys playing with it ...
And the less civilized people are, the more they are like primitive savages, the more likely they are to kill for the cause of religion or superstition, or just plain old xenophobia.
This was also my opinion about the less civilized people but not holding to it anymore, criminality is an individual behaviour no matter how educated or civilized or religious. A glimpse at the news of crimes gives me a chilling
The idea of living within a larger mind is fascinating flameawy. Everything you figure in your post is possible. My point is that we can't be certain 100% about anything because all we have is science we make and rules we conclude and senses that conveying every individual's reality. Two people would see a one scene in two different ways. Just a meditation, I am trying to think beyond what we see and touch and hear and smell and beyond what we inherit of cumulative acknowledgement this doesn't mean that I have any answers
I am imagining what if all human intelligence collectively is 'like the example of cat' just a step in an endless growing existence our brains are not deshgned or meant to percieve anything behind its high gate like the cat is not meant to know anything about the world of human intelligence and acknowledgement
You've got my thoughts right Raven. I feel good when I don't have to defend my belief , it is that I don't know who and what is right and who and what is wrong, so why should I tell anyone he is right or wrong? It is what he believes in even if he believes in the sun like Pharaoh
Yes, it's obvious that individuals today are as capable of being uncivilized savages as people were before - there are many examples.
people from all types , fight for their " own benefits " not for religion , because , the real three religions states that ; " you are allowed to fight only" enemy how began first to fight you ... AND never begin a fight with any body "
and , any way, the willing of the magnificent ' ALLAH ' was to give human the freedom to do what he choose ( in this life) until the judge day
as i said before , (in the holy quraan), in a " soura" (means, part of holy quraan), named ' ANAAM ' , and definitely, in " aaya" (means, paragraph), no 133,
*************************************************************************** in the present time , people fight for their own benefits , not to support religions !!!! , because all the real three religions state that " you are not allowed to start fight for any reason , except , if an enemy started fighting you first ". and the willing of magnificent ' ALLAH ' was to give human complete freedom in this life to choose their decisions , until the judge day
*********************************************************************** in the present time , people fight for their own benefits , not to support religions !!!! , because all the real three religions state that " you are not allowed to start fight for any reason , except , if an enemy started fighting you first ". and the willing of magnificent ' ALLAH ' was to give human complete freedom in this life to choose their decisions , until the judge day
Somehow I don't think these people and these organizations agree with your theory:
Well if the Adam and Eve myth does anything, it confirms that both Christianity and Islam support Incest.
This statement alludes to an intelligent designer. Before humans evolved into the stage where effective communication methods were developed, the same thing could have been said about us. With no method of sharing complex ideas, we were not that much better off than cats. We had the advantage of faster, broaderbrain growth, along withdigits and oratoryflexibility whichaccelerated our abilities to develop communications. We didn't come loaded with software, we came loaded with hardware and a reptilian brain operating system, just likeso manyother organisms that survived natural selection. I think people need to put themselves into those shoes before considering what we may have been "meant to know."
in the present time , people fight for their own benefits , not to support religions !!!! , because all the real three religions state that " you are not allowed to start fight for any reason , except , if an enemy started fighting you first ". and the willing of magnificent ' ALLAH ' was to give human complete freedom in this life to choose their decisions , until the judge day
no body has a right to tell you what to believe, because the willing of magnificent ' ALLAH ' was to give all human the complete freedom in this life to choose their decisions , until the judge day
Excuse me ,
all my respect for all participants , but , the objective of my article is not to know your opinion about religion.... but, i expected to hear many brains with variety of visions and opinions , which will help to answer my question;.... is their a contradiction !!!?.... between the " paragraphs " , that i quoted from 'holy Quran' , and the (Eve & Adam" story) , mentioned in all religions ???
Flameaway, your statement is very close to what I am trying to say in other posts:... (...what if the larger mind is operational butpredictably incomprehensible?) The universe is operating through an obvious design but its secrets could be incomprehensible to human brains.
I imagine existence is operating beyond our rules and our 'human thinking and human sciences'
We can't think but in our 'human way' and use our human brains and thoughts when trying to understand 'in our human rules' the whole existence that is operating long time before we exist.
We speak in our human terms and theories. Even 'time' could be a human method of measurement functioning alone for us who have brains and feelings to detect a time passaing. Time might not exist in the endless big existence
((((((((((((Fada)))))))))))))) I've missed you!
Hi dear Dowser
I'm lucky to see you here my friend, you don't show up often. I hope everything is good in your side
You saved me of adding anything to figure out my thoughts Raven, thanks
I was not pointing literally to a particular creature but a comparison with the highest level of grown intelligence in a period of time. Let us say the period human acknowledgment has grown from zero to what mankind has achieved in the current time. This period is too short comparing to the age of universe and it could be measured inaccurately with hundreds of thousands of years, less or more. Not billions of years anyway
The growth of human intillegence in this short period of time was not enough to humans overthrow the buzzle of existence. I don't think that humans will get the chance to survive for a very long time to get irrefuatable answers, so saying 'not meant to know' is just a sort of analysis. But who knows what?
all of these people typically fight for their own benefits , and always scam their followers with a mask of some false religions , which they , inside themselves do not believe
good step, Raven , now ,while analyzing any phenomena , which is beyond the palpable world,it is logic to avoid any previous experiences , rules or laws governing this world , because , they are valid only in this world, and march ahead in your analysis
logic words , but i think, to be able to analyse some case ,i always need to collect all opinions, with , or against mine.
Hi, Rescue, may be this is one of the infatuating versitalities of life, we are different in thoughts and perspectives or it would be boring to exist arround
I miss the cat adorers
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