Pope Francis: U.S. was ‘stupid’ for shuffling around pedophile priests instead of firing them
Pope Francis is staunchly opposed to the stupid practice of reassigning priests who are accused of pedophilia, preferring to drum them out of the priesthood instead.
The former archbishop of Buenos Aires then known as Jorge Cardinal Bergoglio favors zero tolerance for priestly sexual abuse and criticized previous cases in the U.S. where accused clerics were simply moved to other parishes, according to a book of conversations he had with Rabbi Abraham Skorka.
During his 14 years as archbishop, Bergoglio ordered church officials to report all allegations to the police rather than simply moving them to avoid damaging the church.
That solution was proposed once in the United States ... switching the priests to a different parish. It is a stupid idea, Bergoglio said. That way, the priest just takes the problem with him wherever he goes. - http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/pope-francis-calls-u-s-churches-stupid-article-1.1295178
Now far be it from me to tell the Catholics how to run their business but as Pope, I hope this becomes part of their Canon law....the local police must be notified when a criminal priest or cleric is found in their midst.
Looks like we now have a Pope with some common sense.
That's impressive! And BRAVO!
Let's hope that the US cardinals and bishops actually do this!
Whatever course of action is taken, if it doesn't include excommunication of the offender, then it lacks any semblance of sincerity. You can't excommunicate women for attempting to become priests,yet not excommunicate clergy convicted of raping children, and expect to be seen as remorseful.
Well there is one thing the Pontiff and I somewhat agree on, so far so good.
The Catholic Church is an insular, archaic criminal organization that should be raided, indicted under RICO statutes @ organized crime.
Child molestation, obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting, money laundering, bribery, etc...
Actually the CC doesn't do the ex-communication thing anymore, except in extreme cases, although ALL clergy accused of any illegal activity are tried according to the CC's "Canon Law" and many priests found guilty are subsequently defrocked.