
The Whitewashing of Socialism In America


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  96ws6  •  7 years ago  •  31 comments

 The Whitewashing of Socialism In America

By Chris Rossini

Governments have been the biggest murderers in mankind's history. No private gang, club, organization, mafia, or cabal can possibly come close.

A major reason for this is the fact that government legally steals its revenues. So there really is no choice for taxpayers in financing government's wars.

You may not like government invading Iraq, or Syria, or Libya, but you're paying for it nevertheless. We can't say: "I'm not paying my taxes because I don't want it used to destroy innocent people". What we want, like, or think has no bearing...We're paying.

Private institutions have no legal power to steal (unless they join up with the government, which many do).

But on their own, private organizations can only get our money if we voluntarily give it to them. If a private institution heads in a direction that you disapprove of, you have the power to withhold your money. You're not forced to finance them against your will.

​What you want, like, and think *does* matter.



Keeping this in mind, it's probably a good idea for people to know just how destructive government can be. If governments have been the biggest perpetrators of murder in the world, that's really important information for people to know. Right?

Well,   Thomas J. DiLorenzo , professor at Loyola University Maryland, recently  gave a wonderful talk titled:  Ten Things You Should Know About Socialism   at The Mises Institute .

He provides some sobering news as to how kids can reach the university level without knowing that *anyone* was ever killed by communist governments.

The 20th century was the heyday of socialism, and the amount of dead bodies that socialist governments piled up boggles the mind.

​And yet, today in America, it has been whitewashed.

DiLorenzo says:


The essence of socialism is a government plan, or set of government plans, that will replace people's own private plans for their own lives.

Government has to use force and coercion because people don't like to have their lives and their own personal plans disrupted. 

Stalin had to murder 6 million Ukrainians. They wanted to be farmers. They wanted to keep their farms. They didn't want to give their farms over to the government. So they killed 6 million Ukrainians (for starters) in the 1930's.

My students were totally unaware of this. They didn't know that a single person died under communism. They were never taught a darn thing about it.

Academic socialists totally dominate higher education in America now, and most other countries.

According to The Black Book of Communism :

- Soviet Union - 20 million people killed by their own government
- China - 60 million 
- Vietnam - 1 million
- North Korea - 2 million
- Cambodia - 2 million
- Eastern Europe - 1 million

These were people killed by their own governments for merely dissenting...*not* being sent off to war, or anything like that.


There's a reason why governments want monopoly control over schools. They cherish that monopoly probably more than any other.

Next important is an FCC-licensed mainstream media. The media picks up where the schools leave off. You graduate from your socialist professors, and CNN and Fox News take over from there.

It all starts with thinking.

If Americans have no idea about the deadly ideology of Socialism, and the destruction that it wrought a mere half century ago, what are the odds of those horrors being repeated again?



jrDiscussion - desc
Junior Quiet
link   seeder  96WS6    7 years ago

Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.  SOCIALISM KILLS!!!

Professor Silent
link   kpr37  replied to  96WS6   7 years ago

Ah, but there has never been real socialism you see. Utopia may need another 100 million or so more corpses to achieve. What don't you want utopia?

You must be evil!!!

Think of the environmental benefits of the human decay!!

The reduction in carbon emission from the human expulsion of carbon as they breathe.

It will cut down on global warming. Think of the children!!! please!!!!

Look at Venezuela, If that imperialist Obama had not continued the white supremacy policies of his predecessors they would have achieved utopia long ago. That is a fact!!!!!!!! 

It's hard to talk to the ruthless soulless bastards of the right. They just don't get it.

Do I need a sarcasm tag? Wink

Freshman Silent
link   katlin02  replied to  kpr37   7 years ago

i remember pol pot murdering millions after we withdrew from s vietnam--they were dragging out anyone suspected of collaborating with the americans and shooting them--it wasn't that long ago and today we act like it never happened.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    7 years ago

Governments have been the biggest murderers in mankind's history. No private gang, club, organization, mafia, or cabal can possibly come close.


This poses an interesting question . What would the inhabited parts of the world be like if there were no governments?

I remember the movie The Revenant. They were kind of out of the reach of government. It was a story of thievery, murder, hardship, and constant violence.

Cortez came into Mexico beyond the reach of government and massacred and stole from everyone he found.

I don't think the problem is government in itself.

Junior Quiet
link   seeder  96WS6  replied to  JohnRussell   7 years ago

You always think Government is the answer so how COULD it be the problem?   (too much is the problem)  ...And socialism requires WAY too much government.  But you wouldn't know that if you talked to Bernie.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick  replied to  JohnRussell   7 years ago

Without any government there would be potential Anarchy.  Government has a place in our society, but it must know its place.  When government fears its citizens, you have Liberty.  When citizens fear their government, you have Tyranny.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    7 years ago

And tiny Cuba too. 

The late and widely respected University of Hawaii historian  R. J. Rummel , who made a career out of studying what he termed “democide,” the killing of people by their own government, reported in 1987 that credible estimates of the Castro regime’s death toll ran from  35,000 to 141,000 , with a median of 73,000.


Read more here:
321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Guide
link   321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu     7 years ago



Crave power.  No self-respecting despot comes to power without having some sort of desire for power in the first place.
  Have military experience.  Although a military background isn’t absolutely necessary to your becoming a dictator, it can be a big help.
Become self-centered.  Josef “Man of Steel” Stalin and Saddam Hussein were noted for their narcissistic behavior, as were many other strongmen throughout history. To be an effective dictator, you have to love yourself, because you can’t be sure anyone else will.
Espouse non-mainstream beliefs.  Most of the great dictators of history, and many of the not-so-great, are remembered for their personal peccadillos and odd beliefs that set them apart from others. If you want to become a great dictator, look at your belief system and what you can take from it to oppress your future subjects with.
Develop your charisma.  Despite how outside the mainstream your beliefs may be, you can fool all of the people some of the time if you develop your personal charisma and speaking skills.
Build a cadre of supporters.  Your friends should be those who depend on you for their rewards, while your enemies are cut off from them. Provide your supporters with just enough rewards to keep them dependent on you, but not enough so they can build up their own resources to turn on you.
Trust no one more than you have to.  Although you need supporters to take power, you should remember that they’re your supporters because of what you promise and give them, not necessarily because they like you or believe in your cause.
Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    7 years ago

Reagan warns us socialism will come to America first by way of socialized medicine.

Junior Quiet
link   seeder  96WS6  replied to  Dean Moriarty   7 years ago

Gee.  Who wants that?

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Guide
link   321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  Dean Moriarty   7 years ago

raygun stayed a my great grand parents home as a roomer and boarder in Eureka Illinois when he was in college.

He was still an idiot.

He closed down a major mental health institution in the small town of Bartonville Ill and they released all the nutjobs onto our streets. The whole damn town was awash in severely mentally ill people for months.

Junior Quiet
link   seeder  96WS6  replied to  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   7 years ago

Oh Please.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    7 years ago

Pray tell Steve, how did he do that?  He wasn't in college, but was Governor of California in 1973, the year Peoria State Hospital closed.  Bartonville, Illinois is a long way from Sacramento, California and he didn't have any jurisdiction to do that.  I think you are confused about this.  During the 1950's Peoria peeked at 2800 patients, but by 1972 the year its closure was announced, it only had 600 patients.  The state closed that hospital.  It had 47 buildings and was too expensive to operate, evidently, but Reagan had nothing to do with it.

Reagan graduated from Eureka College in 1932 and was long gone from Illinois by 1972.

Junior Quiet
link   seeder  96WS6  replied to  sixpick   7 years ago

Oh Please.Nice catch Six

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   Sean Treacy  replied to  sixpick   7 years ago

Obviously, Reagan had supernatural powers.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     7 years ago

Good point BF, but there are 401K and other types of savings that can be used in addition to SSN. 

If, as in your example the guy works 45 years and dies after 10 years of collecting SSN, his wife is entitled to draw on his SSN until her death. 

I agree it's not perfect, but what is. It has been a life saver for millions of people and will continue to be IMO. 


Freshman Silent
link   katlin02    7 years ago


Junior Quiet
link   seeder  96WS6  replied to  katlin02   7 years ago

No wonder why the Democrats always want more of it is there? winking

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     7 years ago

1. False

2. False, you were never able to deduct SS contributions  from your federal income tax. 

3. congress authorized taxation of Social Security benefits in 1983, when Republicans controlled the Senate, and the measure was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan, a Republican.

4. legal immigrants who haven’t earned enough work credits in the United States might still qualify for benefits if they’ve earned enough work credits from one of the 25 countries with which the United States has social security agreements (also called totalization agreements). The countries are as follows:

  1. Italy
  2. Germany
  3. Switzerland
  4. Belgium
  5. Norway
  6. Canada
  7. United Kingdom
  8. Sweden
  9. Spain
  10. France
  11. Portugal
  12. Netherlands
  13. Austria
  14. Finland
  15. Ireland
  16. Luxembourg
  17. Greece
  18. South Korea
  19. Chile
  20. Australia
  21. Japan
  22. Denmark
  23. Czech Republic
  24. Poland
  25. Slovak Republic

The idea behind totalization agreements is that if you don’t have enough work credits to qualify for Social Security in either the United States or one of the countries listed above that you worked in, you can combine your credits from both countries and receive prorated Social Security benefits. These agreements can be especially helpful if you immigrated to the United States later in life and are unlikely to accumulate 10 years of work in the U.S. before you’re ready to retire.

The countries represented above started the Totalization in the late 1970's and each and every administration, both republican and democrat have authorized additional countries to be added to the list.

 4. False, the party does not determine the amount of SS increase each year. It's based on a COLA formula which both parties adhere to.

sam eccles
Freshman Silent
link   sam eccles  replied to  Kavika   7 years ago

I think you're wasting your effort. The people you're talking to don't know the difference between economic systems ( communism, socialism), and forms of government (totalitarian, police states, representative democracies). I look look forward to more of your posts.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  sam eccles   7 years ago

Seems that way sam...Posting false information or talking points doesn't really do the debate any good.

But, what the hell, I'll give it the good old college try.


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