Obama's Not a Christian in Any Meaningful Way
Barack Obama is not, in any meaningful way, a Christian and I am not sure he needs to continue the charade. With no more elections for him, he might as well come out as the atheist/agnostic that he is.1 He took his first step in doing so yesterday in a speech reeking with contempt for faith in general and Christianity in particular. Saying that violent acts are not representative of Islam, the President then attacked Christians for the Crusades (started as a response to Islamic invasion), the Inquisition (a Catholic thing, not us Protestants), slavery (abolished thanks to Christians), and Jim Crow (Dr. King also had a Reverend in front of his name).
... Forgot this link above.
If he is not a Christian, perhaps that's a good thing.
And the seeder of this article speaks for Jesus and all sects of Christianity?
Speaking the truth is not an act of contempt it only seems that way to those who find that the shoe fits.
To quote Gandhi; "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians."
Get Sarah to explain the anomaly to you.
Jefferson was not a Christian in any meaningful way.
I have to agree with that.
Anyone who claims to exclude another from Christ is in violation of Christ's central teaching.
Here's a couple pieces of Christianity for ya', Sarah.
Matthew 7:1
John 8:7
So Christians had to love Hitler to love God.
So then, scripture must be interpreted? Open to REALITY?
Revelation for ya!
You sure you want to go there, Sean?
Panderer to the Christian Right
List of George W. Bush Lies
1) Bush Exaggerates, Misinforms and Misleads 24 Times in One Debate!
2) Bush Exaggerates, Misinforms, Lies 15 Times in One Debate
3) Bush Comes Through With Bushisms
4) 25 Bush Flubs in the Second Debate
5) Gore Wins Debate on Coherence and Facts
6) Bush Watchers Report In ...
7) Bush and Cheney self-made men? They've got to be kidding
8) Smear of Gore can't hide Bush's fuzzy numbers
9) That's three arrests for Bush
10) Gore Went to 'Nam; Bush Went AWOL
11) Election 2000 Dissent
12) Top 10 Lies of Election 2000
13) The dishonest case for war on Iraq
14) Questions That Won't Be Asked About IRAQ
15) 20 Lies About the Iraq War
16) Bush's New War Lies
17) Top Ten Bush Lies
18) The Two Most Essential, Abhorrent, Intolerable
Lies Of George W. Bush's Memoir
19) The True Lies of George W. Bush
20) The Twenty Lies of George W. Bush
21) The 935 lies of George W. Bush
22) The Other Lies of George Bush
23) The Two Biggest Lies of George W. Bush
24) The Lies of George W. Bush :
Mastering the Politics of Deception
25) Yes He Would
26) Facing Tough Questions, Bush Defends War
27) Five Questions Bush Must Answer
28) Bush administration on Iraq 9/11
29) Bush rejects Saddam 9/11 link
30) Bush Lies, Media Swallows
31) Did Bush lie under oath in funeral home case?
32) Key Bush Intelligence Briefing Kept From Hill Panel
33) Iraq had no WMD: the final verdict
34) Bush Misled America about the Threat from Iraq
35) Bush Lies - Richard's Reflections
36) Lies, Fraud and Deception to Promote War in Iraq
37) Bush Lied to the American People about 9/11 Terrorists' Motives
38) Motives for 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
39) Did Bush Lie Us into War?
Barack Obama:
as a Christian, he believed that marriage is the union between a man and a woman? Talking to a Pastor, no less.
What I believe in my faith, Obama suggested in 2004, is that a man and a woman, when they get married, are performing something before God, and its not simply the two persons who are meeting.
"Im a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman." [WBBM-AM, Sept. 25, 2004 ]
I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian -- for me -- for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God's in the mix."
Clearly this expansive cut & paste does not prove the Bush lied . Since you haven't read it yourself you wouldn't know that ...
Unfortunately, the Boobus americana electorate forces all or most politicians to place politics over values and they f'n lie.
Just gettin' around to realizing that, Sean?
But you read every last word and are ready to rebut each one.
Cut and paste is a lot like providing specific information; libraries are just chock f'n full of cut/copied and pasted words they are mostly contained in things called "books."
Don't care for information?
Make up stuff.
Actually, I have read a large percentage of the words most when they were in the Kucinich Articles of Impeachment.
Make a specific rebuttal rather than complaining about the way, that which you claim is without proof, got here.
Here's an idea . Pick one or 2 of the most salient points in your opinion and put them out for us to hash them out . OTW I'm going with the first impression . Notice how I did not attack the source Kucinich even though he seems largely incompetent ...
That is my interpretation.
An Obama expressed his.
Two way street.
By whose authority do you proclaim "Barack Obama is not, in any meaningful way, a Christian" or "he might as well come out as the atheist/agnostic that he is" since both are declarative statements.
It doesn't matter to the liberals. Obama can be for marriage between a man and a woman before the election and change his mind afterwards. Lying and cheating are typical liberal values. Morals are way down the line.
Stupidity and ignorance are typical wing nut values.
Morals may be way down the line, but higherthan wing nuts,who have no morals.
That sounds about right.
And just think this was a year and a half ago and I didn't put everything in it, but everyone with an ounce of brains in their head should have become aware of the imposter in the White House by then. Since then his record has been much worse than before I put this article up.
What if the President of the United States was Jewish?
I can't wait to see the tap dance around that question.
Why does the POTUS or any public official have to be a Christian in order to get the Haters-Seal-of-approval?
How "Christian" -- How "Christ-like" -- is that myopic, ethnocentric, hypocritical, dogmatic pile of crap of a prerequisite for acceptability?
MM, I can accept what you hope foras your opinion and what you'd like to hear. I'm calling upon C4P as a fellow believer and asking by whose authority he declares. I don't mix up my faith here for political, personal or any other reasons. However, when people of like faith disagree they should be able to provide the reasoning behind a statement.
C4P, I await your answer.
So, a guy comes in, drops a turd on Tuesday, farts around for a couple of days, leaves the stink for his 'pooper scoopers' to pick up the shit, and everyone begins to complain about the smell 5 days later when it stinks up the Front Page. Had to check if thisis really NT, or I was timewarped back to NV. I think you guys have been, to put it mildly, super-punked!
Because America is a Christian nation, dummy!
When there are no limits to free speech... even aholes get their pulpit time.
Glad I'm not a right wing nut.Oh Holy President Zero, please help me make it through the day. I promise I will remain ignorant and blind for as long as it takes to destroy this country and work with and for your cause as long as I am able just as long as you don't ask me to pay anything out of my pocket.
Not everything I have put up has been correct and always when it was proven to be incorrect, I always have admitted it or took the article down. I can't say the same for some of you and neither can you say it for yourself. Maybe it's because you don't have the balls to acknowledge when you are wrong or just too naive to realize it. I don't know, but best wishes to you and hope you recover soon.
I'm one of those lying cheating liberals too.
Ain't that right Six?
When are one of you devout Christians going to answer my question?
"What if the President of the United States was Jewish?"
Then his claim to be a Christian would be just another one in his long list of lies. I think odds are better thats he is really a Muslim that claimed to be a Christian for political gain.
Why does the POTUS or any public official have to be aChristianin order to get the Haters-Seal-of-approval?
There are haters on both sides of this issue . As to the president being Jewish [hypothetically] only a political neophyte would ask that question ... or in this case an expert ideological "tap dancer" .
How TF do conservatives explain the way the bashed Obama's Christian Minister while simultaneously saying Obama's a Muslim.
I'm tired of your character disorder attacks. When you can't viably answer a question or rebut a point, you insult.
expert ideological "tap dancer" is an insult ? That's my idea of a description ... an accurate one I believe .
Isn't that being proposed for the CoC ?!
Conversed with you years ago on NV regarding the conservative right-wing evangelicals in this country. As you profess faith and belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, that would make me your Sister in Christ and therefore I waited patiently for your answer to my question:
By whose authority do you proclaim...
Evidently you'll not answer so I'll give my perspective. You sir have NO authority to speak for the God you proclaim to believe in and follow. Who in the name of Jesus would want what you're peddling? As the church is suppose to be the light, proclaim hope and share the gospel, how does thatline up with right-wing conservative Christiandom today? It doesn't!
All the grandstanding and holier than thou attitudes are NO different than the Pharisees in the day of Christ. We the church are our brothers keepers and I don't recall reading in my bible the exclusion of anyone? Perhaps you have a chapter and verse to direct me where demeaning, hating and spewing trash about anyone, including the President is ordained by the God we serve? Have I missed where hating the LGBT community, minorities, welfare moms, pro-choice, etc. is condoned by Christ.
There are thousands of Christians who pray for the leadership of this country. Why? Because we're directed to and lest we forget a tenant of our belief system - God in control. Do you think Obama's election and subsequent relection was a surprise? That somehow God needs our assistance in righting the wrong you believe perpetrated on America?
Love, where is the love that wants to see successes? Love that encourages and lifts up others. Love that seeks to help our fellow man. Love that sacrifices because much has been sacrificed for us.
As I step off my box, many perhaps most on NT's will take issues with all I've written, please know I'm not posting for arrows and dagers to come my way. I'm calling out C4P to explain and I tire of being painted with his brush to describe Christians.
Those who would determine at what point one's religious devotion is "meaningful," are among the religionists and, in the name of "love," represent the hater-hypocrite wing of "humanity."
So one must love Hitler to love God.
AS a christian, you should know;
It is written that no earthly person knows when or if another person has received god. That is between him/her and their god.
Any judgment otherwise places yourself above god.
And you are no god.
So religious doctrine isn't written in stone, or, must be interpreted or, was not intended by its authors to be taken literally.
I would agree AND FOR THAT REASON, THOSE WHO POST ARTICLES LIKE THIS, REPUDIATING OBAMA, ET AL for not meeting their arbitrary self-interpreted standards of what constitutes "meaningful Christianity," are hypocrites -- as they themselves are doing their own religious thing.
So why doesn't the President get to do his?
Maybe it's not really about whether he's a meaningful Christian.
It's not easy, is it? "The straight and narrow" indeed...
I'd like to hear your interpretation of John 4:20?
Before asking someone else's interpretation, it would be proper to give your own...
I did. One must love Hitler to love God.
I understood that to be a "logical conclusion", without necessarily having your own personal adhesion.
Straw man bullshit use of "HE" reveals the bias and subjectivity of your "thinking."
Not at all his meaning; he stated the history and succinctly summarized by repudiating those who perpetrate murder and mayhem to advance alleged religious mandates and agendas.
One version
The fact that you ask for "interpretation" is indicative that "interpretation" rather than literal acceptance is in play.
So again I ask, if "interpretation" is in play, why can't Obama et al be "meaningful" if they interpret differently than those who try to decide the standard for everyone?