‘God is not a magician’: Pope says Christians should believe in evolution and Big Bang
Via: z
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
The Big Bang and evolution are not only consistent with biblical teachings, Pope Francis told a Vatican gathering they are essential to understanding God. When we read about Creation in...
God is not a Magician ... no, seriously!
Via: hal-a-lujah
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
http://ffrf.org/news/blog/item/21232-catholic-hypocrisy-satanists-and-the-body-of-christ [Update: The Satanists caved and returned the wafer. The judge, as is typical in property cases, ordered...
Vatican thinker brands US woman's suicide 'wicked'
Via: hal-a-lujah
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
http://news.yahoo.com/vatican-thinker-brands-us-womans-suicide-wicked-155629813.html AFP 3 hours ago Vatican City (AFP) - A senior Vatican official has condemned as "wicked" the assisted...
The Ten commandments explained on video by Dennis Prager
Via: len
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Ten commandments explained one by one. Intro video followed by ten more (one for each commandment). After each segment please click right arrow to jump to next segment.
The Temptation to Dehumanize
Via: bob-nelson
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
But the thing that bothers me most about the dehumanizing of the poor and the dispossessed is its violent conflict with the supposed religious ethic of this country, particularly when it is...
Bless my soul! ... by Bob Nelson
Via: bob-nelson
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
"Life begins at conception!" That's nonsense, of course. Life began several billion years ago, at least. But let's be charitable: what this should be is "A 'new individual' begins at...
Never too late to celebrate Krampus!
Via: perrie-halpern
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Yes, we all know about Santa Claus The jolly nice man who comes and gives all the good children lovely gifts on Christmas... But what happens to all the naughty children. Starting on Dec 5th.,...
The Bible used to get a lot of things wrong
Via: bob-nelson
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
by Fred Clark, at 'slacktivist': Amanda Marcotte writes at Salon about 10 things conservative Christians got horribly wrong . Looking over the long history of people claiming to be speaking...
Creche scene saved at statehouse where satanic display looms
Via: nona62
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Creche scene saved at statehouse where satanic display looms Michigan Capitol to host satanic holiday display A Michigan lawmaker has snatched victory from the clutches of Satan, just...
Suicide of Transgender Teen Sparks Heightened Advocacy for Trans Rights
Via: hal-a-lujah
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
http://www.newsweek.com/suicide-leelah-alcorn-transgender-teen-sparks-new-advocacy-trans-rights-295724 The suicide of transgender teenager Leelah Alcorn has brought heightened attention to the...
North Carolina city removes sculpture of soldier kneeling before cross
Via: nona62
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Regions North Carolina city removes sculpture of soldier kneeling before cross King city officials voted to remove this sculpture depicting a soldier kneeling in prayer before a cross to...
The Outspoken Conservative Behind This Viral Video Has Gotten Thousands Of Death Threats
Via: xxjefferson51
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
http://www.westernjournalism.com/outspoken-conservative-behind-viral-video-gotten-thousands-death-threats/#5Fd5pzcG3sWVD1yz.97 conservative comedian and commentator Steven Crowder told...
Alex Malarkey, 'The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven,' Admits He Made It All Up
Via: hal-a-lujah
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/6483432 A bestselling Christian book that claims to detail a boy's trip to heaven and his return to Earth is being pulled from stores after one of its co-authors...
Op-Ed - How secular family values stack up
Via: hal-a-lujah
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-0115-zuckerman-secular-parenting-20150115-story.html More children are growing up godless than at any other time in our nation's history. They are the...
Rabbit Breeder to Pope: You Don't Know Rabbits
Via: hal-a-lujah
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Germany's top rabbit breeder said Tuesday that he was "misunderstood" when he was quoted as saying Pope Francis had offended rabbit breeders by comparing Catholics who have more children...
How a biracial woman grew up thinking she was white( Little White Lie)
Via: cm
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
How a biracial woman grew up thinking she waswhite Updated by Jene Desmond-Harris on January 22, 2015, When Lacey Schwartz was accepted to Georgetown University, the school saw her photo...
Princeton professor and others offer to take 1,000 lashes for Saudi blogger Raif Badawi
Via: hal-a-lujah
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Source A Princeton University professor and a prominent Muslim American figure, as well as five other religious freedom advocates, are offering to take 100 lashes each for imprisoned...
My compromise measure for gay marriage laws
Via: petey-coober
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
I would think the following measure would be an acceptable middle ground position for the right at least . Male homosexuals must sign an oath to the effect that they have read the following warning...
Swearing on a stack of Bibles
Via: bob-nelson
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Swearing an oath on the Christian Bible is problematic, at best. This is a book, after all, that includes the words of Jesus Christ himself commanding his followers not to swear oaths:...
Missouri Teen 'Miracle Recovery': Mom's Prayer Saves Boy Dead for 45 Min
Via: hal-a-lujah
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Source A Missouri teen who fell through the ice and was dead for 45 minutes made a "miracle recovery" after a prayer from his mother. John Smith, 14, was with two other 14-year-old boys...
Obama's Not a Christian in Any Meaningful Way
Via: xxjefferson51
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Barack Obama is not, in any meaningful way, a Christian and I am not sure he needs to continue the charade. With no more elections for him, he might as well come out as the atheist/agnostic that...
Convicted killer says state won't let him practice religion
Via: hal-a-lujah
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Source HARTFORD, Conn. A convicted killer has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the state of Connecticut, saying he's not allowed to practice his religion in prison. Kevin...