Three Day Weekend ~ CREATIVE ARTS GROUP ~ APRIL 14, 2022
Last Week, I was posting CUBES, this week, I'm experimenting with a SPHERE.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Loosely using "LATITUDE" & "LONGITUDE," I divided a SPHERE into segments, & filled each segment with one of my acrylic paintings. I made the "north pole" "hollow" & black so as to make the sphere/globe, a vase.
I like it; more to come.

And, we're back again. Post your creative works, commentary, or, both.
And I very much like it, Mac. Simply amazing! I am truly awed by your new artwork adventure. Not only are they beautiful, but, ultra creative.
And...they are an inspiration to others to spread their own imaginations and creative ideas. I anxiously await the other to come.
Spring is here (actually it has been for a while in Florida) and Easter is around the corner.
Stone Creek, Ocala FL.
I hope they are not throwing eggs at people...
What a cute bummy wabbit. We used to have different holiday parades through the complex here, most of the participants were other residents in their decorated golf carts. The most elaborate one was the 4th of July parade. Residents would line the streets to watch them, but, my apt faces the street so I can sit in the coolness of my apt and watch them pass by.
Taken this morning in my garden..
Hibiscus one of my favourite flowers..
Mine too. Those are beauties.
Last year I planted two rose bushes. They are still alive so, so far doing good...Haha
I planted 2 rosebushes last year, too. The problem is they're Knockout roses and they look more like wild roses than the kind you might cut and bring inside. They bloom profusely, but I kind of wish I'd done more research before ordering them.
I saw that a lot when I was looking at them. The knockout varieties. I really didn't know what it meant so I stuck with the hybrid varieties.
The one I posted a pic of is suppose to be the hybrid Peace Rose. There is one more I wanted to get called the Tropicana. They are always sold out though.
If that is one of yours below, they are pretty.
Sorry, those were G's roses.
Those are beautiful hibiscus. Really lovely.
Beautiful blossoms, shona. The is a peach colored hibiscus in front of my apt, and I really enjoy seeing it bloom in the spring and through the summer.
My Rose from last year.
Can almost smell the perfume from here..
A lovely, delicate rose, Ender.
Last week I posted our new bird feeders, which have been extremely popular with the birds. What I didn’t expect is that the deer are more than happy to clean up after them when the birds spill half the contents to the ground below.
Nice angle and a visually refreshing one as it departs from the one we've all seen again and again.
Thanks Amac. Interestingly, this was shot with my iPhone 13 Pro Max at night from the edge of my deck. I played with the lighting and shadows in photoshop, but the latest iPhone camera is very tech heavy. If you take a photo in the dark the processor brings light into the shot without using a flash, as if there’s daylight. If I hear footsteps in the yard at night when it’s too dark to see anything, I can just use the camera and see all the way across the yard in a photo, without a flash scaring anything away. I’ve read that many photographers are not happy with how overly processed photos are with this camera, since it is the camera making the decisions on light and shadow rather than the person. This is the unedited version straight from my iPhone:
A beautiful image of Mother Earth's wildlife.
A cute baby bunny.
The more adult version
Outstanding wildlife images, EG!
What cute lil wabbits! They must like what they her, as they are all ears.
Happy Friday!
A stained glass window waiting to happen, RW!
Thanks, Mc.
I purposefully made this image somewhat obscure to try and represent a dream-like state. The photo was taken in Nanjing, China.
I did something similar with this image to emphasize a feeling of melancholy. The woman in the photo seems to be lost in her thoughts, or perhaps, she is just waiting for something to happen.
Great 'dream' effect on both, G. I really like how you are letting your imagination inspire you to 'reach for the stars' so to speak. Sharing your creative experiments with us here is very interesting, and enjoyable.
Thank you, Raven Wing.
You have achieved the "dreamy" effect you were looking for. Keep experimenting, the possibilities are endless.
Thank you very much.
From our garden. I attempted to make this stylistically similar to the two above.
Those are really beautiful roses, G. I love the layered,blending of the colors. While I am very allergic to the Attar of the roses, I really enjoy seeing them and their many varities.
© A. Mac/A.G.
A very lovely sphere, Mac, and the quote that accompanies it is truly very fitting.
In celebration of Passover and the struggles of all people to live free.
A rose is a rose, and these are Florida drift roses in my front garden. Stone Creek, Ocala FL.
Those are roses are both beautiful and make a very cheerful impression.
Here in Florida, they bloom almost year round.
Last evening at Stone Creek, Ocala FL.
This guy loves the fountains in our lakes. It's been circling this fountain for the last day.
Are there fish there ?
Yes, there are, some really big carp up to 15 lbs and mosquito fish and bass.
Editorial Comment
©A. Mac/A.G.
Truly awesome, Mac! You are really stretching your imagination and we here get to enjoy the amazing results.
Best one yet !
Thanks … kind words help get me passed the doubt when doing some of these.
Gettin' the Hang of it.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Another beauty, Mac. And very busy one indeed.
Just a note to all,
I am in the process of completing the third section of my project, and then it will be reviewed for accuracy and to scale. Barring any needed revisions the project should be put to bed by the first week of May. Then I can get back to my artwork.
Easter Sunday in Harlem, 1947. photo by Henri Cartier-Bresson
Thanks Vic.
Henri Cartier-Bresson is one of the great photographers. He died just short of his 95th birthday in 2004. He was also an artist who drew and painted. This photo is an interesting example of his work.
Last night's Easter moon, Stone Creek, Ocala FL.
New Cube.
Spatial Anomaly
© A. Mac/A.G.
Beautiful colors.
Dinner view tonight at our neighbor's house. Stone Creek, Ocala FL.
This was my second rose. I just noticed this bloom. Sorry, kinda blurry, I need to get a better pic when it opens.
This one was suppose to be what was called Mint Julip. A yellow and green. Doesn't quite look like that.
This bush I noticed was grafted. I wonder if I lost the grafted part at this was whatever the base was.
Thanks to all; see you soon.