Art Therapy
Expression in any form has healing powers. Our ability to connect with ourselves and the world around us depends upon that expression. Unfortunately, not all of us have the talent or the skill to draw, paint, sculpt, sing, dance or whatever else it takes to draw out that connection, but fortunately, photography enables even the most "untalented" of us to at least learn to use a camera to capture some of the therapeutic elements of artistic expression. Of course, there are good photographers and bad photographers, and then many (like me) who fall in the middle range of average (I hope). I capture moments that strike me, and I also capture images of art that I could never hope to accomplish, but still enjoy taking pictures of, to save them on my computer so they are always there.
I share here with you a few images of a morning last week, as I walked to my car and saw the glittering pine tips in the early morning sunshine - like crystals hanging, it seemed, off the branches in the rosy haze of the rising sun. I also share a photo I took of my younger daughter's painting on canvas - oil and acrylic - she created last week, depicting her love of the Pacific coast, specifically, California.