
Australia: Fake tag claim offers pigeon a death row reprieve

Via:  Bob Nelson  •  4 years ago  •  4 comments

Australia: Fake tag claim offers pigeon a death row reprieve

The pigeon, which was declared a biosecurity risk, may get a lifeline after a US bird body said its leg band was fake

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Did anyone ever believe that a pigeon flew 13 000 miles?

But hey! It's a fun story...

... unless the bird gets its neck snapped...

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Quarantine officials said they were still working to uncover Joe's origin              AP Photo

A racing pigeon detained by Australian authorities and set to be destroyed over concerns it was an American intruder received a lifeline on Friday when experts revealed its leg tag was probably fake.

Originally thought to have flown from Alabama to a back yard in Melbourne – an epic journey of 14,500km (9,000 miles) – “Joe” the racing pigeon made headlines around the world.

Australian media had reported that Melbourne man Kevin Chelli-Bird discovered the pigeon – who he named after President-elect Joe Biden – with an ankle band linked to a US racing bird.

As the news spread, quarantine officials labelled Joe a “biosecurity risk” and suggested he might have to be humanely destroyed to prevent possible disease.

But as execution loomed for the feathered flyer on Friday, pigeon enthusiasts cast doubt on Joe’s identity.

The American-style racing band around Joe’s leg appeared to be a knock-off available online and often used by local owners.

And it transpired that Joe was not a US racing breed, as his tag seemed to suggest, but a local Turkish tumbler.

“They’re not bred for flying long distances, they’re bred for tricks in the air. So they’re like a show bird really,” Lars Scott from Pigeon Rescue Melbourne told AFP news agency.

Scott’s claim that the tag was fake was backed up by the American Racing Pigeon Union, which posted on Facebook to try to save Joe.

The union said the American owner of the bird linked to the tag said he did not own Joe.

Quarantine officials said they were still working to uncover Joe’s origin.

“The bird was tagged with what appears to be a US identification – the department is still working to determine its authenticity,” an Agriculture Department spokesperson said.

Earlier, Australia’s deputy prime minister had a stern message for Joe.

“If Joe has come in a way that has not met our strict biosecurity measures then – bad luck Joe, either fly home or face the consequences,” Michael McCormack told media.

McCormack’s predecessor previously threatened to euthanise Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s pet dogs when they were illegally brought into the country.


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Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
1  seeder  Bob Nelson    4 years ago


A Belgian-bred racing pigeon named New Kim was recently purchased by a Chinese pigeon racing fan for a record price of 1.6 million euros ($1.9 million) .

Professor Principal
2  Kavika     4 years ago

The most famous US pigeon, Cher Ami a war hero of WWI.

Cher Ami: The Pigeon that Saved the Lost Battalion

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
2.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Kavika @2    4 years ago

I read about Cher Ami many years ago, and his story still fascinates me. It is unbelievable how devoted he was to his people and his job. That he was challenged in the air and on the ground to complete his mission is astounding. It is funny how we tend to take so many animals and birds for granted, and sometimes see them as being so simple minded.

His courage to complete his mission even though he was badly wounded, and willing to return to active duty once he recovered, is a testament to how serious he took his job. It is as if he knew the number of lives that depended on him and was willing to do his best to help save them.

He is indeed worthy of the praise and honor that has been bestowed upon him. And indeed proof of the unrelenting devotion to their mission, even at the extreme risk of his own life. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
2.2  seeder  Bob Nelson  replied to  Kavika @2    4 years ago

Great story!


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