Mount Etna erupts in spectacular fashion - IN PICTURES
By: the Guardian

Europe's most active volcano has erupted, with high lava fountains and several magma flows, and copious ash and lapilli reaching as far as Catania
Just for the spectacular photos

Etna volcano in Sicily, Italy
ANSA/AFP/Getty Images
A store owner sweeps up ash that fell on Tuesday during an eruption by Mount Etna
Fabrizio Villa/Getty Images
Ash from the eruption covers a street in Catania
Fabrizio Villa/Getty Images
Mount Etna, which is Europe’s most active volcano, spews ash and lava, as seen from Catania
Davide Anastasi/AP
Lava gushes from the volcano
Salvatore Allegra/AP
Ash and smoke billow into the sky as lava spews from Mount Etna
Salvatore Allegra/AP
Smoke billows from Mount Etna on Tuesday
Davide Anastasi/AP
The eruption generated about six lava flows that poured into the Valley of the Ox, one of the volcano’s many live craters
Angela Platania/REX/Shutterstock
A view of the Mount Etna eruption spewing ash, as seen from Paterno
Luigi Senna/Reuters
Lava streams descend during the eruption
Angela Platania/REX/Shutterstock
Etna, in full volcanic activity, as seen from the port of Catania
Fabrizio Villa/Getty Images
Tonnes of volcanic ash is thrown up into the atmosphere during the eruption
Antonio Parrinello/Reuters
A night view of the south-east crater complex and the intra-crater of the
Bocca Nuova and Voragine crater complexes during explosive activity
Fabrizio Villa/Getty Images

I know that this volcano is probably the most closely watched in the world... but I can't help imagining Mt St Helen's.
Very cool pics
Mother Nature is badass when she wants to be. I hope no one got hurt.
They've been living under Etna for thousands of years... Kinda strange...
Amazing photos.