



@cb • 4 minutes ago • comments: 34
Posted a new Comment on Judicial Activism in 2024:
"This 'situation' with a democratic party win this November. . .may mandate a new 'advent' in SCOTUS personnel. Since SCOTUS can rethink 'it'. . .whose to say..."
@cb • an hour ago • comments: 34
Posted a new Comment on Judicial Activism in 2024:
"The Unitary President Theory has finally 'struck' our nation. Delivered by a conservative SCOTUS majority."
@cb • an hour ago • comments: 34
Posted a new Comment on Judicial Activism in 2024:
"Because the Presi­dent cannot be prosecuted for conduct within his exclusive constitu­tional authority, Trump is absolutely immune from prosecution for the..."
@cb • 3 hours ago • comments: 18
Posted a new Comment on "When The President Does It , It Is Not Illegal":
"If the President claims authority to act but in fact exercises mere “individual will” and “authority without law,” the courts may say so. Youngstown, 343 U...."
@cb • 3 hours ago • comments: 18
Posted a new Comment on "When The President Does It , It Is Not Illegal":
"The way I see this from the courts perspective is it is taking an absolute justice is blind approach-even while using Donald's name throughout its opining..."
@cb • 5 hours ago • comments: 164
Posted a new Comment on Live updates: Supreme Court rules Trump has presumptive criminal immunity for official acts:
"Look! This is either a positive 'thing' for this country to set back or aside those 50 year advancements made toward freeing 'shackled' mentally and in some..."
@cb • 7 hours ago • comments: 18
Posted a new Comment on "When The President Does It , It Is Not Illegal":
"Trump moved to dismiss the indictment based on Presidential immunity. In his view, the conduct alleged in the indictment, properly characterized, was that..."
@cb • 8 hours ago • comments: 18
Posted a new Comment on "When The President Does It , It Is Not Illegal":
"https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24785409/23-939_e2pg.pdf Read: Supreme Court's Trump presidential immunity opinion >>>>> You're..."
@cb • 16 hours ago • comments: 164
Posted a new Comment on Live updates: Supreme Court rules Trump has presumptive criminal immunity for official acts:
"It's interesting. . . those who called SCOTUS unelected officials and 'elites' have turned to those unelected officials to do their powerplays. How long will..."
@cb • 17 hours ago • comments: 164
Posted a new Comment on Live updates: Supreme Court rules Trump has presumptive criminal immunity for official acts:
"Lordy, help us when Donald, the presumptive immunity president, listens to his "elites" whom tell him to let a pandemic ravish the country, because, well,..."
@cb • 20 hours ago • comments: 164
Posted a new Comment on Live updates: Supreme Court rules Trump has presumptive criminal immunity for official acts:
"MAGA has its own 'pig' to deal with come November. "
@cb • 20 hours ago • comments: 16
Posted a new Comment on CNN Hosts Told They're 'Complicit' in Trump Re-Election in Live Interview:
"I watched this interview this AM. I am looking for the video (on CNN) and to my surprise and shock. . .CNN has edited out the "CNN is complicit" statement..."
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