



@cb • 9 hours ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Kamala Harris is leading Donald Trump by 6% in national postdebate polling:
"Not relevant. Donald and Joe are not 'twins.' Both men, have their own 'little red wagon" that each pulls through life—separately."
@cb • 9 hours ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Kamala Harris is leading Donald Trump by 6% in national postdebate polling:
"No clue why anyone is attempting to 'defend' a Coward who "reported," (not sure why it was necessary to state that clearly) but did not enter military..."
@cb • 19 hours ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Kamala Harris is leading Donald Trump by 6% in national postdebate polling:
"It is morally irreprehensible to call treat good (people) as bad. Just wrong-headed. On the other-hand, Donald has proven himself to be a moral reprobate who..."
@cb • 19 hours ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Kamala Harris is leading Donald Trump by 6% in national postdebate polling:
"Crooked Donald is somewhere on the planet (I am pretty sure) LYING his butt off right now. If that man's lips are moving. . . something 'weird' is coming out..."
@cb • 21 hours ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Kamala Harris is leading Donald Trump by 6% in national postdebate polling:
"John Roberts is a some conservative 'true believer,' he is not a caller of 'balls and strikes'  - he is a patient partisan who rules in favor of a..."
@cb • 21 hours ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Kamala Harris is leading Donald Trump by 6% in national postdebate polling:
"2 of 3 3 of 3 https://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/trump-draft-deferment?page=2"
@cb • 21 hours ago • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Kamala Harris is leading Donald Trump by 6% in national postdebate polling:
"Deferments Helped [Crooked] Trump Dodge Vietnam How the presidential candidate avoided combat 1 of 3"
@cb • yesterday • comments: 43
Posted a new Comment on This far-right MAGA candidate is exposing Trump's Project 2025 lies - Alternet.org:
"Robinson as minisoldr ‘Slavery is not bad’ In the pornographic forums, Robinson revealed his unvarnished thoughts on issues such as race, gender and..."
@cb • yesterday • comments: 43
Posted a new Comment on This far-right MAGA candidate is exposing Trump's Project 2025 lies - Alternet.org:
"‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum By  Andrew Kaczynski  and  Em Steck ,..."
@cb • yesterday • comments: 43
Posted a new Comment on This far-right MAGA candidate is exposing Trump's Project 2025 lies - Alternet.org:
"Here is what "gets" me about certain Blacks. . . their limited perspective. . . which involves their personal appetites and desires to be 'break-out' stars..."
@cb • yesterday • comments: 182
Posted a new Comment on Kamala Harris is leading Donald Trump by 6% in national postdebate polling:
"Donald does not respect those who served or whom serve. Oh, it's true. We're all 'tools' to Donald (the 'king' of bone spurs).  Donald could have volunteered..."
@cb • yesterday • comments: 43
Posted a new Comment on This far-right MAGA candidate is exposing Trump's Project 2025 lies - Alternet.org:
"I don't care what happens to this hypocrite-bum. Exception: North Carolina needs to let Mark pound sand from the political sidelines. Elect a democrat and..."
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