Charlie Courtois

Who Is Charlie Courtois' Great-great- grandfather?

By:  Charlie Courtois  •   •  12 years ago  •  3 comments

Who Is Charlie Courtois' Great-great- grandfather?


Bernard Courtois


8 February 1777
Dijon, France


27 September 1838 (Age 61)






discovering iodine


Madeleine Morand


Jean-Baptiste Courtois
Marie Ble Fairbanks

Bernard Courtois , also spelled Barnard Courtois , (12 February 177727 September 1838) was a French chemist born in Dijon, France .

My father, Fernand Pierre Courtois (1902-1974), was given Bernard's brother, Pierre's first name.

Source: Wikipedia some years ago

French chemist (17771838) 30_blogs.jpg

Iodine is a chemical element with symbol I and atomic number 53.

Courtois was the son of a saltpeter manufacturer from Dijon in France and as a small boy he worked in the plant showing an alert interest. He was later apprenticed to a pharmacist and subsequently studied at the Ecole Polytechnique under Antoine Fourcroy. During his military service as a pharmacist he became the first to isolate morphine in its pure form from opium .
Meanwhile his father's saltpeter business had been running into difficulties because the product could be manufactured more cheaply in India, and Courtois returned to help his father. Saltpeter was obtained from the seaweed washed ashore in Normandy; the ashes (known as varec) were leached for sodium and potassium salts. Courtois noticed that the copper vats in which the lye was stored were becoming corroded by some unknown substance. By chance, in 1811, during the process of extracting the salts, he added excess concentrated sulfuric acid to the lye (the solution obtained by leaching) and was astonished to see a vapor of a superb violet color that condensed on cold 31_blogs.jpg surfaces to form brilliant crystalline plates. Courtois suspected that this was a new element but lacked the confidence and the laboratory equipment to establish this and asked Charles Bernard Dsormes (17771862), the discoverer in 1801 of carbon dioxide , to continue his researches. His discovery was announced in 1813, and Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac and Humphry Davy soon verified that it was an element, Gay-Lussac naming it iodine (from the Greek for violet).


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Charlie Courtois
Freshman Silent
link   author  Charlie Courtois    12 years ago

For the science aficionado Wikipedia has the chemicals associated with Iodine in much more depth. Simply put Bernard Courtois discovered the element, Iodine, in Sea Weed by accident.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago


Some of our best scientific discoveries were discovered by accident. I find it amazing that this is your family history!

I am only thedecedentof coach makers. They made the "Berlin Coach" hence my maiden name is Berlin. Not so exciting.

Charlie Courtois
Freshman Silent
link   author  Charlie Courtois    12 years ago

I am blessed with a very august family heritage. My maternal side is quite remarkable as well. Thanks for stopping by.