Charlie Courtois

Corporate Greed of the NRA & Gun-Makers Fueling Massive Gun and Ammunition Sales

By:  Charlie Courtois  •   •  12 years ago  •  2 comments

Corporate Greed of the NRA & Gun-Makers Fueling Massive Gun and Ammunition Sales
In The Week article below the indisputable evidence of greed for: gun sales, push-money donated by the gun-makers to the NRA, are fighting for more gun users to buy not just hunting weapons, but every conceivable type of hard-core weaponry by taking advantage of the fear of stricter laws.
This media frenzy began at the same time the Newtown Massacre was first reported by Nicholas Thompson in New Yorker.com with this statement: "It's time to talk about guns, but it's time to talk about a lot more." From that minute on the gun lobby has been shouting to the roof-tops ad nausea-um in tandem with the NRA about the need for arming every willing citizen with this war like weaponry, as well as gargantuan quantities of ammunition as well.

Whom does the NRA really speak for? asked Jordan Weissmann. Yes, the National Rifle Association represents 4 million gun ownersthe deer hunters, and self-defense-minded 2nd Amendment devotees who would kindly like the government to keep its hands off their Glocks and AR-15s. But in a very direct way, the NRA also represents Bushmaster, Browning, Smith & Wesson, and the rest of the gun industry. Gun-makers have donated at least $39 million to the NRA in recent years, and have become deeply enmeshed with the organizations revenues through special gun-purchase deals and ads in its publication. As a result, the NRA adamantly opposes virtually all restrictions on gun saleseven ones that NRA members support, such as requiring background checks at gun shows and banning sales to people on the terrorist watch list. Gun-makers can no longer depend on a shrinking pool of hunters; they need to sell arsenals of powerful weaponry to hard-core gun devotees preparing to fight a tyrannical government. So when the NRA speaks, its these extremists and their suppliers who are talking, not your average Joe Six-Shooter.

The NRA is basically helping to make sure the gun industry can increase sales, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, a New York Democrat and longtime gun control advocate, told The Huffington Post.

The sales of guns and ammunition are going through the roof, since this catastrophe. All of the reports are reported through December 31 2012. There doesn't seem to be any reports of January sales yet. But, there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence the gun shows, and gun distributors are taking full advantage of this opportunity to cash in big time on the profits of guns and ammunition. Hundreds of thousands of people who never owned a gun before will be filling up the coffers of the gun manufacturing industry, no matter what laws get passed or not. The damage is already done.

The horse is out of the barn...the bell can't be un-rung.


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Charlie Courtois
Freshman Silent
link   author  Charlie Courtois    12 years ago

The increased gun and ammunition sales are going to become a major threat in the medium and large cities very soon.

Charlie Courtois
Freshman Silent
link   author  Charlie Courtois    12 years ago

Perhaps it's time someone started a new "NRA" type organization?

Not a bad thought, Mickey. After this Newtown debacle is the nudge that would inspire someone to do just that. It would take a few experienced lawyers to put an outline together...read the NRA charter, and a few good sales types to promote the concept, maybe even a member or retired member of Congress, and see what flies. A counter-culture concept to counter-act the current corrupt NRA, as we know it now.

