Are you superstitious? ...
Are you superstitious? Do you mind commenting on why?
This is an interesting topic to me as I've discovered many people do have fear for consequences due to beliefs they have.
What prompts me to write this is that someone elsewhere recently stated they started to write an article about an event in their life but changed their mind because of a fear that discussing it would cause something bad to happen.
That was difficult for me to understand, because I wasn't raised to have superstitious beliefs that 'anything' would cause something negative to happen. I'm not referring to natural events caused by the elements - natural disasters, but rather notions such as "step on a crack..., or walking under a ladder...or breaking a mirror -- nor any of the "knock on wood" reasonings; to me, luck or unlucky isn't 'caused,' but just happens!
I was raised with religion. I mention that because I've read site commenters to mock religions that have ritualistic behaviors and belief in a God as "superstitious." The reason why I don't see that as superstitious is that Faith (Catholic and Protestant) generally believes God is about the afterlife, not the here and now. True believers of those religions and sects don't think, "Why did he do this, or what did I do to deserve that car accident," etc. God didn't do it and you are not being 'punished' for having done or said was happenstance, genetics, or timing in living your life.
At least, that's how I was raised - to not have fear. It's always interesting to me when I've read some Atheists say things like, "You God-fearing people," when it's actually to the contrary. Christians love God, don't fear him...and have no superstitious fears as a result.
So, how about you? Do you have some stories you would tell about why you have a superstition?
Please, no judgments should be passed, no making fun of anyone. I am hoping for an honest communication about 'why' - what motivates your superstitious beliefs that bad things will happen because 'you' caused it?
Nope, no superstitions reside in my home
. Fears do, though
, but nothing to do with superstitions, just to do with reality!
LOL... Like, if I go outside without a jacket in the snow, I might get cold.. or, if I spend too much time on the computer, I'm going to be sorry later?!!!
That's for dropping by, Neetu!
Oh, I thought of another reality fear. I'm afraid of having gas appliances, heat, etc. I've read of too many accidents in my state where people had explosions and leaks and they were nearby when the problem happened. They had detectors in their homes, but that doesn't help in instantaneous situations.
My list of fears is endless, Chloe! Oh well, actually, maybe not, or maybe I am just afraid of crashing my car the next time I drive on that ice, like I did before, or maybe I forgot to turn the stove off before leaving home, or perhaps my husband found a list of my passwords that I forgot to put away before hopping on a plane...Now that is the biggie!
I think everyone has at least some of those reality fears - and driving on ice is one for me, too. Lots of curves, bends and mogul-type of roads where I am. I was going slow and still slid into the ditch with four-wheel drive and new snow tires. It's an ice skating rink here when there is ice; I'm guessing it's because snow will freeze overnight and then there is always a heavy dew from the early morning that settles on top of it. There is rarely a dry snow here.