A Shaggy Dog Story
Category: Pets & Animals
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner • 11 years ago • 3 comments
The Komondor, Canis familiaris pastoralis villosus hungaricus, (in Hungarian the plural for komondor is komondorok, not used in English ) is a large, white-coloured Hungarian breed of livestock guardian dog with a long, corded coat.
Sometimes referred to as 'mop dogs,' the Komondor is a long-established powerful dog breed that has a natural guardian instinct to guard livestock and other property. The Komondor was brought to Europe by the Cumans and it was mentioned for the first time in 1544 in a Hungarian codex. The Komondor breed has been declared one of Hungarys national treasures, to be preserved and protected from modification.
Traditionally the coat protected the Komondor from wolves' bites, as the bites were not able to penetrate the thick coat.
The coat of the Komondor takes about two and a half days to dry after a bath. ( Read it all )
Related article: The Puli
The Puli is a small-medium breed of Hungarian herding and livestock guarding dog known for its long, corded coat. The tight curls of the coat, similar to dreadlocks, make it virtually waterproof. A similar looking, but much larger Hungarian dog breed is called Komondor. (Link)
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Wow crazy.
It looks a bit like Pop-art. I wonder-- were these dogs first invented by Andy Warhol?
The perfect mop.