Report: Redskins’ Name Only Offensive If You Think About What It Means
A new study published Monday by the University of New Mexico confirmed that the name of the Washington Redskins is only offensive if you take any amount of time whatsoever to think about its actual meaning. When you hear or say Redskins in the abstract, its completely harmless, but weve discovered that if you briefly pause to remember its a racial slur for an indigenous group wiped out by genocide over the course of a few centuries, then, yeah, its awful, said lead researcher Lawrence Wagner, adding that only if you allow the NFL franchises name to register in your mind does it evoke the thought of human beings devastated by the forced removal from tribal lands, intentional exposure to smallpox, and countless massacres.
From the article:
Where's the link - I'd like to read it.
ROTFL, perfect, I love it.
Need a link Mashkawide'e.. I really need to read this article.
The to find this.
Oops. Sorry. I meant to include it.
Report: Redskins Name Only Offensive If You Think About What It Means
Here is another from the Onion...LOLOLOL
I love The Onion. It's all satire, and it takes on the really tough issues of the day. Every one of their articles reveals the stupidity behind some people's rationale.