
I never thought I'd love a commercial, but this one is awesome.


Category:  Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life

Via:  loretta-mashkawidee-kemsley  •  12 years ago  •  51 comments

I never thought I'd love a commercial, but this one is awesome.

"Ever been called the B-word? Women face a double standard in the workplace every day. This commercial from the Philippines pretty much nails it."


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
link   Krishna    12 years ago

Of course most commercials are basically trying to manipulate us into buying stuff we really don't want or need. But occasionally there have been a few such as this one that have the goal of fighting prejudice-- or other good causes. (Unfortunately there aren't all that many...yet).

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
link   seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley    12 years ago

Found this on the Heartless Bitch International website. Thought you'd like it as much as I do:

"Being a Heartless Bitch isn't about stepping on other people, or reality TV-style sabotage antics. Its about working hard for what you want, and knowing when to stand up for what you deserve. Its not about demoralizing others; its about self-empowerment. Its not about being arrogant; its about displaying your confidence and intellect as a badge of pride. Its not asserting any inherent superiority or self-entitlement, but recognizing your own self-worth and value."
-- Kat D.

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
link   seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley    12 years ago

If there were more commercials like this, I would stop turning down the sound or leaving the room.

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
link   seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley    12 years ago

24.gif 24.gif 24.gif

Of course not. No difference at all. /s

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     12 years ago

I love this commercial. We surely need more like it.Smile.gif

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    12 years ago

Prejudice? Where's the commercial for shampoo for bald guys?

pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson    12 years ago

Thumbs up to Pantene! I would want to use their products but they are full of nasty chemicals.

Masters Quiet
link   Enoch    12 years ago

I cannot get the video to open. Is anyone else having this problem?

I am open to suggestions. Thanks.


Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    12 years ago

And just how many times have we seen the double sided words used - daily - everywhere???

If you don't believe in equality - you don't have a chance.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     12 years ago

I just opened it again niijii. Not have a problem with it.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson    12 years ago

If you don't believe in equality - you don't have a chance.

So you think it would be okay if men were considered second class citizens ?

Masters Quiet
link   Enoch    12 years ago

Dear Friend Kavika: I turned off the computer, unplugged it. Then re-plugged and rebooted it.

Video works fine now.

I know nothing of information technology. Not sure what happened.

All's well that ends well.

Thanks. Enoch.

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    12 years ago

Just as long as women were also considered second class citizens - remember - equality.

Personally, I think cats and dogs rate up there as first class - they never lie to you - men and women do - equality.Grin.gif

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    12 years ago

Light switch up - lights on; light switch down - lights out - all I wanna or need to know.Grin.gif

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     12 years ago

Duct tape and a hammer are my weapons of choice when dealing with my computer.Smile.gif

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    12 years ago

I'd probably put the duct tape over my eyes and wail away.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson    12 years ago

Personally, I think cats and dogs rate up there as first class

I totally agree. And I'm glad to see that you think men and women are equal.

Freshman Silent
link   Neetu2    12 years ago

I agreeSmile.gif .

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
link   seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley    12 years ago

So...when peoplecall me the B-word, it reallyisn't about me, it just shows how little respect and value they really have forthemselvesas both.

Very true. People who need to engage in insults when around someone who can accomplish tasks they can't are simply showing their own weakness. Unfortunately, our society doesn't help. They encourage put downs of women, but its more than that. They also encourage people to feel ashamed of not being perfect, so its hard for some people to admit they don't know something.

We're all good as some things and lousy at others, but some people seem to have internalized shame so much they can't admit not being perfect. That's a hard frame of mind to live with.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    12 years ago

Well I've worked for all kinds of people in my life. I've worked for SOB's and I've worked for B's. And I've worked for people who understood how to handle people and whether they were male or female I've always enjoyed working for these types of people far more.

I think the theme of this video is saying that the different genders are looked upon differently when they do the same things. I'm sure that is the case more often for females than it is for males.

I've found, like I said, quite a few SOB's out there and occasionally a B. And it is not pleasant working for either one of them.

I prefer the easy to work with personalities who have developed the ability to motivate the people they are in over.

I've found the SOB's and B's are just generally SOB's or B's in my experience and is just a part of their personality and inability to successfully motivate people without making them miserable and probably shouldn't be in that position.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    12 years ago

Here is another gender comparison :


The related photo for the male is him looking worried with a heavy weight around his neck that says "financially responsible for the rest of his life " .

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    12 years ago

I understand there is a difference when it comes to having to get someone to perform their job when they are not doing it after you've done everything you can to make it so. That is not what I would call a SOB or a B. You know you have to be a SOB or a B to someone some time. It's inevitable if you are in charge of others.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    12 years ago

That's when you have to just sit back and "remember the good times."

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

This is so very true! And, it's getting worse!!!

No matter what you do-- there is someone ready, willing, and able to criticize it.

Go out and save the world? You've left your children home, unattended. You've not met the emotional needs of your husband. You've selfishly pursued your own interests instead of those of your family.

I'm sick of it all, and thinking of selling everything I own and buying a ticket somewhere. I might be able to get to Nashville, from Louisville, and somehow, that's just not quite far enough... Smile.gif

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago


The related photo of the man should be "Happy Family Man".

Thank God my husband has never expressed that to me-- I'd likely kill him in his sleep. I've always worked and contributed to the family income, plus kept house, etc. I am his partner and his support. I love him, and he loves me. When I die, I hope to be with him, wherever he is. He is my husband, my lover, my soul mate, and my best friend. He is funny, and kind, and a wonderful man! I, too, am a wonderful wife! I do all I can to help him, and let him know that he is loved, every day. SHEESH.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

The hammer is my favorite tool, period. Smile.gif

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

5280_discussions.png Here you go, dear Grump!!

For that SHINY pate!

(And yes, this is a gently teasing picture-- NO offense meant!)

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

Yep. Wish I could do it. I think it's too ingrained for me... Of course, I've had about 5 months of dealing with my mother on a weekly basis, and that's enough to do anyone in... Smile.gif

pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson    12 years ago

here, here Dowser !!! Good rant !!!

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

Like this one?

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
link   seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley    12 years ago

Petey, please stay on topic. Deliberately trying to derail a topic is not acceptable at NT I am told. I could check with a moderator if necessary.

Do you have any comments on the topic raised in the commercial -- the difference in the way women and men are treated at work when they do the exact same thing?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    12 years ago

Do you have any comments on the topic raised in the commercial -- the difference in the way women and men are treated at work when they do the exact same thing?

The video was fraught with faults . The woman who was the main feature was merely eye candy . She said NOTHING . As a result it is hard to take her seriously as a human being .

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    12 years ago

Dowser.... I really liked your explanation of your life with your husband. I think that is great for both of you to have experienced life in this way. Today too many have left family behind and it is a foundation to build on in every way rather than to run away from in my opinion.

I, like you, would love to truck away, but I have no idea where. Maybe closer to my family? They've always been there for me.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

We have both had bad marriages in the past. Our peace was certainly suffered for, and I guess the best thing I can say is: I love him, and he loves me. Together, we have our son. Our family is what really matters to us.

Yeah, I'm thinking somewhere else. I don't know where, mind you.

I'm glad that you have family, Sixpick. Family is what makes everything worth it! Smile.gif

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    12 years ago

Bon Ami !! I have never thought of that. What a cool idea. I will run right out and get me some. I can polish my dome and scrub the shower at the same time. Thanks a bunch.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    12 years ago

Your comment is typical male chauvinism.

Yours is typical hair trigger male bashing . Fact : the woman in the video presented herself as eye candy . And the video was represented as evidence of discrimination against women . But the video perpetuated such discrimination rather than opposed it . There are plenty of eloquent intelligent women speaking on internet videos . This was not such an example ...

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
link   seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley    12 years ago

It is not "male bashing" when someone objects to your comments based on the sexism contained within them.

Your reference to "eye candy" is a perfect example of this. She would only be "eye candy" to men who sexually objectify women. Since this commercial is aimed at women, she would not be effective if "eye candy (sexually objectification)" was the reason she is there.

She is there to represent women. All women. The people they want to buy their product.

She doesn't need to say anything because the other scenes in the ad say it all. There are no oral comments by anyone in that commercial, so why should she be different?

The commercial itself is eloquent and intelligent, a fact you seemed to have missed because the only thing you could relate to was sexually objectifying the woman.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    12 years ago

She would only be "eye candy" to men who sexually objectify women.

Don't be stupid . Any male who is sexually active would consider her to be eye candy . So would many lesbians .

The commercial itself is eloquent and intelligent

Nah . It proved the point of its opposition . I could link to dozens of TED videos featuring intelligent well spoken women SPEAKING about important topics and showing their brain power for all to see . That video ... no .

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

I loved that commercial, Dowser! One of my all time faves.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

Great commercial Lore. I am sure that everyone can relate.

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
link   seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley    12 years ago

Any male who is sexually active would consider her to be eye candy .

Thank you, Petey, for making my point. This commercial was not aimed at men, thus she was not put there for "eye candy." And it is only men who would sexually objectify her into nothing more than "eye candy."

I could link to dozens of TED videos

TED videos are not commercials, so the comparison is invalid.

TED videos are videos of speeches and oral presentations, so yes, the people in them (both men and women) would be speaking. Nothing new there.

The valid comparison is this commercial vs other commercials, most of which show people as idiots who are idiots because they haven't bought the advertiser's product.

The message in this commercial is intelligent and eloquent, a fact you keep avoiding while you naval gaze and meditate on "eye candy."

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    12 years ago

And it is only men who would sexually objectify her into nothing more than "eye candy."

Would you like to see a link to an example of a lesbian objectifying another woman ? How about examples of women objectifying men ? Your comment was as clear an example of gender bias as any I have ever seen !

TED videos are not commercials, so the comparison is invalid.

There is NO reason that a woman can't speak intelligently in a commercial , is there ?

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     12 years ago

Not everyone Perrie.


Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
link   seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley    12 years ago

There is NO reason that a woman can't speak intelligently in a commercial , is there ?

Again, you're focusing on your "eye candy" and pretending nothing intelligent or eloquent was said in the commercial. There was no reason for her to speak. The speaking was all done by the printed words in the background.

Would you like to see a link to an example of a lesbian objectifying another woman ? How about examples of women objectifying men ?

Once again, your obsession with "eye candy" is apparent. "Eye candy" has nothing whatsoever to do with this commercial. Please watch it again (or for the first time if you haven't watched it yet) so you can see the actual message.


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