First, I dont think theres any objective truth. We have faith, beliefs, biases, skewed opinions, but I dont think anyone, at least on NT and probably any chat room or social site possesses any truly object truth, and its more exemplified by the sources of our truth, particularly if we rely on only one source for reading or posting articles., or if sources are all of like mind.
If one reads and posts articles only from the Daily Kos or Little Green Footballs, then theres going to be a bias.
If one reads and posts articles only from Fox News or Hugh Hewett they are going to have a skewed view.
If my source material solely comes from World Net Daily and Jonathan Greenberg then the truth is going to be entirely different than if I gather my information from Al Jazeera.
If my sole source of information is Indian Nation, my truth will be totally different than if my sources were from American Family and Bryan Fischer or Stormfront, the white supremacist publication.
If my truth comes from American Renaissance and the Tea Party Patriots, or the NRA, then my beliefs....my truths will differ from those who read the Pacifists Journal.
Wow will my reality on life be entirely different if I read Catholic Living rather than Womens Rights, or gather my info from Palestinian Today, rather than Jewish Journal, or Persian Outpost.
Im sure some read this list and nod their head and said,
Biased? Yep, yep, yep, yep....hey wait a minute....thats not slanted! Or read it and get angry.
Each holds the TRUTH in the mind of their readers filtered through their own life experiences, their family history and those they respect.
If these are our only sources, and we surround ourselves with only those with like beliefs and experiences then there is no room for discussion.
We arent even going to move close to objectivity or even to hear the words of another until we acknowledge that President Obama is not the worst President, nor is he the best. Everything he doesnt isnt right, nor is it all wrong. All blacks are neither bad or good, nor are whites, nor are Native Americans, nor are those who are Christian or those who are atheists, or Jews or those who follow Islam.
There are good, kind, honorable, ethical, moral, hardworking, intelligent people, and bad, cruel, lazy, ignorance, and dishonest people in each one of those groups.
Some are wonderful parents, and some are spousal abusers, some are tea totalers, and some alcoholics....some will be in the Army and some the Peace Corp and no one, no group has the exclusivity on virtue or goodness, or the TRUTH.
No one group has been only victims, and no group has been only persecutors, not the Jews, the Germans, the blacks, the whites, the Christians, the atheists, Native Americans, Palestians, Muslims or Hispanics.
I feel beleaguered. Im going through a difficult period right now, so perhaps its making it worse, but I dont believe that friends should become enemies because of differences of opinions.
I may not believe as you do, but that doesnt make me a bad person. I may not express myself in the way you wish, but that doesnt make me a bad person.
I dont like the person Im becoming, and if I have a decent side, left then I have to go and get in touch with it.
I personally should be able to sign off of this site at the end of the day without feeling sadness or in tears, and it isnt happening anymore. As I say, Im not in a smooth place right now so its probably worse.
This is the last article Im going to write or post for a while.
One can read it and make comments, or not. One can agree or disagree or not.
Im making no more comments to this, and perhaps I may not read the comments because then Ill be tempted to reply, and I dont want to go there, so I ask that one of the monitors or Perry take it down if is seems appropriate.
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We have crossed metaphoric sword on many issues, but you have my respect as a person of values who stands up for what you believe in
I will miss your insight and feedback and the occasional figurative slap down too
Hurry back
Rescue, my friend, please know that you have friends here, regardless of your opinions or political or social leanings. People tend to take discussions way too seriously on all social networks, as if they are going to influence policy and lawmakers. They are not. Stating opinions can be a discussion, an argument, or it can lead to an ugly fight where no one really wins, no matter what their opinion. That is a realization each one must come to on his or her own.
I am sorry you are feeling so low. Please put aside all the ugliness and think of the good friends you do have here. Life is hard enough, a social platform such as this one doesn't have to be a battleground or a place to run from.
I will watch the article and make sure that it is respected. I am sorry that you have left here in tears. IDK what else to say.
I hope that you feel well enough to return soon-- We all have hard times, for sure! My thoughts and prayers are with you!