
More lights......


Category:  Other

Via:  dr-khaled-pasha  •  11 years ago  •  0 comments

More  lights......

first , it is difficult to express complex ideas in English, but I'll try.

When trying to analyze a phenomena , which is beyond our 'five senses ' ,it is logical to avoid using our ' previous experiences ' , or what we can detect by our nervous system, from the surrounding world.

Example; we can sense an object " according to our nervous system , which transfer ' signals' , representing this object, to this ' vague Immaterial ' thing inside us , which is called ' atman ' ; this existing , feeling, and thinking entity.

so , human atman senses what the nervous system is intended to detect. thus , the human 'body' could be considered as ( a material suit ) which our atman wear , and is used to transfer signals representing the detected material objects to our 'atman '.

To this step , we can expect that , if our nervous system has a different design , we may sense our world in a different way , or may sense another worlds , which are around us , but our nervous systems , with its present design , can not detect ..!! .

But , what can we sense , without this ' material suit ', (our bodies) ?? . After time, we shall leave our 'material suits' for land to be dissolved into another substances , according to the chemical and biological rules , in order to complete what is known as 'the circulation of substances ' .

If this is the situation, when analyzing the world or ( worlds) around us , then, what about analyzing an event concerning ' the source ' of all that ??? .


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