Hot Sultry Saturday Night - Santana and Rob Thomas Doin' Smooth Baby - Video
12 years ago
It's a hot, sultry Saturday night here.
This is what you should be doing.
Forget politics, and all the other crap, and get smooth with your lady.
Carlos Santana and Rob Thomas from the CD, Supernatural - Smooth
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It's Smooth baby.
Ever done any street dancing? Your missin' something if you haven't.
Can't beat Santana, and with Thomas in this song, they are great together.
Ahhh yes, street dancing on a hot sultry night. Can't beat it.
There I fixed it~
Really neat... and I love Santana! Very sexy!
He's back...Ass man...LMAO
It is sexy, and I love street dancing with the ladies.
Ohhhh, yeahhhhh.. !
Sounds like you enjoyed it Chloe...
What was that flight number?
Yeppers! Thanks, Kav. I like both of them...a lot!
Mike, we need to clear up one thing. Is it coconut butter, canola butter, non fat butter, buttermilk or just sweet smooth warm butter?
Your welcome Chloe.
Ohh yeah. My granddaddy taught me that you don't have enough butter until it drips from your elbows.
Sounds like melted butter with shellfish..
Not sure, but I sure am sorry we missed it.
I was just getting ready to post this. I like your taste.
Santana and dancing, what could be better?
I agree, Mike. I've only listened to them on the internet before.
Calling 911 Mike...
#2 pencil....ROTFLMO..
Mike, I lived in Vegas for awhile and saw them a number of time..
Great video.
I'm feeling you too Michelle.
Great video Steve.
PJ's with the little bears on them RW?
I wear my ''Buffalo Briefs'' when I remember, which isn't often.