Hometown Glimpse
Category: Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
Via: larry-hampton • 12 years ago • 11 commentsOur little town made it on the local Grand Forks news last night with this feel-good segment. The Sky-Vu has been a little known gem of ours for sometime now, and is gaining some attention throughout the region. We know and are neighbors with most of the folks seen on the video. We just love kickin' back and relaxin' out under the stars with friends and family watching a movie---so much fun!
It's been a favorite of many in the small town for 60 years, an old fashioned drive-in movie theater. Owners of the drive-in theater just outside of Warren, Minnesota say it's been one of their best summers for the movie business.
This probably doesn't work out too well during the winter ...
Fun article Larry, a drive-in movie. Oh my, the memories.
For sure; not the same on snowmobiles!
Everybody looks forward to opening weekend in late Spring and the place is PACKED OUT for the final movie of the season.
Very neat Larry. I passed one this past Saturday evening and there were quite a few cars arriving as I rode by it in Shelby, NC. We have one in Belmont, NC but I haven't been by it in a while. I think it is open on weekends during the summer. I haven't been to one in many years, but it use to be a ritual for every Saturday night.
Wow-- that's amazing!
And its been around for 60 years!
I've never been to a drive-in but I do live in an area of Wisconsin that's off the beaten path.
I have never been to a drive-in theater, Larry, but I can imagine how much fun it can be! Thanks for sharing this.
He, he, he...very true!
There is such a difference in going to a movie theater and going to the drive in.
First you wait in line....in your car. You pull into and wedge your vehicle along beside others, the slots are angled upward for a better view of the screen. You have your windows down and can see and hear all the other people talking in their cars, kids tumbeling outta them and laughing as they find their friends and play tag, throw a ball or Frisbee, and visit before the show.Parents fumble with the radio tuning into the correct channel for sound. As dark approaches dew begins to set in and the smell of popcorn wafts across the parking lot. As the screen lights-up there is a tangible excitement in the air; while the theater sells it's concession wares folks appropriate their selective viewing mode and prepare for the flick to start. You can see old and young alike skipping back to their cars or lawn chairs with smiles on their faces and gleams in their eyes..." the shows about to start"! When the movie begins there is an echo that reverberates throughout and bounces of the cars creating an atmosphere that is to be had nowhere else. Lovers in the back of the lot begin to slide down in their seats as the movie progress. Secreted beers are pulled from coolers, friends are sitting together, and there is a continuous stream of hungry folks go back and forth for more goodies. When the show evokes responses from the audience, it is rebounded in 360 degrees all around you from some distance, that still manages to sound close and cozy. As the credits roll and people pack their blankets, kids and lawn chairs away, engines start up and the line out forms. It is usually very late and kids are excited but sleepy, and all are glad they came and sorry it is over so soon.
The outdoor theater is an amazing community, neighbor experience that is matched by nothing else!