Instant Karma Gonna Get You
I'm not really a believer in karma, too many horrible people are doing too well for me to put much faith in it. But occasionally something comes along that is so apt that it seems like karmic justice. I may have mentioned that I'm divorced, twice in fact, but I've never told the story of my first marriage, at least of the break up part. It just involves cutting my heart open and bleeding all over the screen, what the hell! It'll probably be good for me, or something.
I was married to a red-headed Irish girl, Mary. Our marriage was stormy from the start. She changed so much after we got married it was as though I didn't even know the real her when we were dating. She was a completely different person, or maybe I just noticed different things after we married. I'm kind of temperamental and stubborn, she's volatile and hot tempered. I'm forgive and forget, she's a grudge holder who never lets anything go. Yes, the sex was incredible and when things were right between us they were very right indeed. My birthday is June 27, hers is July 20, a very dear friend who's into astrology told me that was too many water signs for one house. Maybe she was right.
I have to say up front that I do believe in love at first sight, the first time I saw her, I fell and I knew without even thinking about it that she did too. I was fresh out of the Navy, she was a 20 year old widow with 2 little girls. She had married at 16, they had 2 kids and her husband died in a car crash when she was 18. I loved them all, the girls and I are still close, they're good kids and had no part in the bad stuff that happened later.
We'd been married about 2 1/2 years, battling all the while. She'd gone home to her mom a couple of times, I'd gone home to my mom a couple of times, (did I mention I'm temperamental?), but we kept coming back together. Oddly enough, on the day our marriage ended, not to be confused with the day of the divorce, I had been congratulating myself because things finally seemed to be smoothing out between us. It had been several months since our last big fight and I thought we were doing well. Turns out, I was wrong.
I knew something was different as soon as I came home from work that day, even before I walked through to the bedroom to change. I noticed that some of her clothes were gone and some pictures and things from the living room. I didn't take it too hard, she'd probably gotten mad at me about something, real or imaginary, and I'd find out soon. Did I mention she's volatile? I decided I'd eat and then ride to her mother's house and talk to her.
It was while I was eating that everything changed. A woman came to the door:
Me: (opening the door) "Yes Ma'am?"
Her: "Are you Brock?"
Me: "Yes Ma'am"
Her: "I need to talk to you."
Me: "About what?"
Her:"About my husband and your wife."
It was at this point that my face went numb and my ears started ringing.
Me:"Oh, then I guess you should come in."
Turns out that her husband, a man in his late 40's, and Mary had been having an affair for a while. Yes, he had money and we had none, one of the things we fought about...a lot.
Anyway, she told him that she was going to tell me. He knew that wouldn't turn out well, he went by Mary's job and told her, she quit, came home and packed and they left town for over six months.
I wanted to get past that part quick.
Now it's 2 years later, I'm working and one day he rides by the job. I see him out on the road and mention to my friend, Dave that I despised him.
This is where the karma comes in.
Dave had a sister, a year before, when she was 18 and still in high school, she had married my nemesis. Yes, he was marrying a girl young enough to be his daughter, he was a real charming guy like that and he had dumped Mary long before. They had a nice house, nice furnishings, joint accounts and a credit card. This was in a time when not everyone had a credit card, the 70's were kind of primitive. He bought her a car, treated her like a jewel.
He had a job that involved a lot of travel, made good money, family business, but he did travel a lot. Turns out that wasn't a good idea. During one of his extended trips, she sold all the house furnishings she could (Dave had helped the buyers load up the washing machine, refrigerator and dryer), emptied the accounts, took her little car and her 19 year old boy friend and went to Louisiana to stay with family there.
I must admit that when I first heard this I was not just pleased, it was a kind of ecstasy. My heart was buoyant, I think the word is schadenfreude.
My point is, I could never have thought of anything this good if I'd tried forever. If it isn't karma it's still cosmic.
This is all Buzz's fault, he asked for it. I posted this to the Vine a long time ago, probably not all of you have seen it though. True story, just like these other 2.
check these 2 gems too:
Is That A Shotgun Or Are You Just Mad To See Me?
Check All The Pockets
Wheel I have to say that you lived one interesting life and brother did you know how not to pick them. Not that I have a perfect record, (one day I will talk about my two Irsih Jims....dated at the same time so that could never roll over and say the wrong name... so said Jim2 about Jim1), that is a story for a different time. In any case, it is always good to see what we Nyers say, "What goes around, comes around" and so the old coot got his.
Be glad...not every dog has his day. I knew this poor bastard that in less than a years marriage, his wife disapeared leaving nothing... and I do mean nothing but a baked potatoe on the kitchen counter. This girl seemed so dumb... that when we were in high school, she actually asked when the 4:30 bus was, but she sure knew how to wipe out a bank account and disappear. Can never tell about those dumb ones, can ya?
Oh BTW, yeah one too many water signs....but she was on the cusp of Leo and they can be very fickle.
Both those dates are Sun in Cancer. In touch with emotions, Very sensitive. Often food, nurturing, the home, and "old fashioned"(& your "roots") energies may be present.But you can't tell much by the sun sign alone, you have to look at the whole chart (all 10 planets), as well as aspects and house placements. Sounds like she might also have some Scorpio and/or Aries. Yes...definitely Aries (which could also be planets in the 1st house and/or a prominent Mars.
Just re-read the above story---sounds like you may have some Aries somewhere in your chart as welll....
I don't know if this fits or now , but just about a yr ago now , I said in front of a divorce judge , to the now ex , I simply wish life gives you exactly what life thinks you deserve, not what I think you deserve. the judge of course chuckled , and said I was a very mean individual( did I mention he knew of me for some time) to date and its will only be a yr as of the 20th of Aug , she has gone through 3 different vehicles , and had to move 3 different times due to "unforeseen circumstances " (of which I have nothing to do with). maybe life is karma , so live life the best you can , because good karma begets good karma and a good life is irreplaceable.
I read these stories all the time and all I can say is scmidt happens.
I met my wife-to-be at Oktoberfest in '72 in Kitchener, Ontario. She was partying and I was working. I was everything she wasn't looking for and she wasn't everything for. Stranger thins have happened.
After a few bizarre events, we met and we talked. We dated. I made my manly tries to get to first base and she said no every time. Did I tell you that I was a freak (hippies, freaks of society)? Her parents hated them. After a month of going out, we decided to go on our own ways. We took a walk around the block to say goodby. We got engaged.
Met in October, engaged in November and married in May. I married the most beautiful woman in the world. Bonus point; she looked great too.
Today we talked about our over 40 years together. We have never had a major argument. We have never threatened each other with anything but love.
Neither of us know what the secret is, but the most important part is to listen and treat each other as an equal. Which was hard for us because my wife is 6'tall and I'm barely 5'10".
Wheel I have to say that you lived one interesting life and brother did you know how not to pick them.
Oddly enough, I don't actually pick them so much as allow them to pick me. But yeah, I do have a thing for a certain 'type'. Crazy is a type, right?
Not that I have a perfect record, (one day I will talk about my two Irsih Jims....dated at the same time so that could never roll over and say the wrong name... so said Jim2 about Jim1),
Now see! THAT is a story I'd love to hear.
that is a story for a different time. In any case, it is always good to see what we Nyers say, "What goes around, comes around" and so the old coot got his.
You can't imagine how it felt when I first heard about what happened. It was ...perfect.
Be glad...not every dog has his day. I knew this poor bastard that in less than a years marriage, his wife disapeared leaving nothing... and I do mean nothing but a baked potatoe on the kitchen counter. This girl seemed so dumb... that when we were in high school, she actually asked when the 4:30 bus was, but she sure knew how to wipe out a bank account and disappear. Can never tell about those dumb ones, can ya?
There was a chief aboard the boat when I was in the Navy. He married a young hottie 20 years his junior, it didn't end well. We came in from a rather extended tour and there were some guys waiting on the pier for him. His wife had taken all the money he left with her, (we used to get large, cash pay disbursements sometimes when we were going to be at sea for extended periods. I once got 6 months pay in advance before an extended tour, it was how we dealt with things like rent and carp payments in prehistory when credit cards were rare and debit cards were unheard of.)Anyway, the chief was bankrupt, she had ruined him. He made arrangements to pay his debts. He lived on the sub like a common seaman for over 3 years, but he paid every penny.
I worked with a fellow who's wife joined some kind of religious cult. She moved out one day while he was at work. She had help from her cult come in and help her. She took everything but his clothes, left them lying on the floor where the dresser had been. Took all the food but what was in the refrigerator, took the light bulbs. He came home from work to an empty house. He found out what happened by asking his neighbors, even her mom didn't know anything about it.
Oh BTW, yeah one too many water signs....but she was on the cusp of Leo and they can be very fickle.
Krishna seems to know more about that than I ever did judging by his comment below. I just had a dear friend who was totally into that stuff. She did my chart and everything. I think I still have it around here somewhere.
Current story not withstanding, I often think of something written by a largely forgotten but terrific American writer named Willa Cather when I hear stories like that:
"Even the wicked get worse than they deserve."
Ok, yeah, he got his.
But the fact is, I feel sorry for Mary even after what happened. Things didn't go well for her, but there was no such clearly defined 'karmic' aspect, just a lot of crappy things, health problems, relationship problems, mental problems. I forgave her a very long time ago and I wish her well, though it doesn't seem to help.
Well, assuming you beieve in "Karma"--- when something bad happens how do you know when its caused by "Karma"-- and how do you know when its not?
Sometimes I think things happen to people because they feel like they deserve it, especially the health type things. People really can 'wish themselves ill', at least I think they can.
That's one of the secrets Lyvang. Marry a woman who can whip your butt. Most men will behave when they think they are fixing to get their ass whipped.
On the other hand, I think that is great and great story. Congratulations to you. Sounds you won the lottery on your first try.
I dug out that chart she made. It's all on one side like. There is a single point in the middle of the left side, the opposite side is like a half circle. Looks kind of like a basket turned on its side. Make of it what you will.
About Scorpios, almost all my best male friends are Scorpios, I get on great with them in general.
Sounds like you and she did something right. Congrats.
Apparently Perrie has a thing for Irish guys named Jim...just sayin'.
The one thing I've never understood, and I hope you don't take this wrong, because it's not directed at you, Wheel, not at all--it's just a general statement -- is why do both men and women tend to blame 'the other Party' instead of their significant other when cheating happens. The ex-partner knowingly and willingly cheated on them; no one forced or coerced them into it. I haven't experienced that situation, but I have noticed others not putting the blame on the former partner, and always wondered why. If there was some kind of irony here, I would say it goes to your ex 'Mary' -- she "cheated on" you (that's correct, yes?) with someone else, and ironically, got [deservingly?] dumped herself, yes ?
I've thought about that before, jwc, and that might be why they hurt others.
Good for you man, good for you!
Most of mine are Geminis, Libras or Aries. But my grandmother and cousin are and I get along fine with them. On the other hand those Saggies, well let is suffice to say that one of those Jims was a Saggie.
One day I'll tell the Jims story. I have a big thing for Irishmen... it's been the death of me.
Oh and Krish, yeah, the things you would have never thought. He is an expert on astrology.
Chloe, you're not wrong of course. And at first I was so angry and hurt that I didn't use any kind of reason or understanding, just spewing my pain all around. Not just toward Mary, but toward friends of hers and of mine that I found out knew about the whole thing and didn't tell me. Since then I've been on the other side of that equation and I learned a bit about being a grown up and a friend.
But, there is a difference between a young woman from a poor background who has had limited experience and a very well off (hell, wealthy) older man with a history of seduction and abuse. I hope you can see that, took me a while I admit. In some ways, Mary was a much a victim of this guy as I was.
That doesn't mean that I don't hold Mary responsible for her actions. But I understand that the glamor of living a life that she's never imagined or hoped for can turn the head of a person, man or woman, who's lead a life of borderline poverty for most of his or her short and often tragic life.
What would I have done if some attractive, wealthy older woman with a history of seducing and using younger men had set her sights on me? I like to think that I would have done the right thing, but who can ever say in a situation like that? I was a much younger and more naive person back then too.
Or maybe you're exactly right. Maybe, because I loved her, I was more willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that I was to him. I don't think that's right and I've spent a LOT of time thinking about this, but maybe I'm wrong. It's a feelings thing, not a thinking thing.
Wheel, Thank you for your explanation. I can understand the emotionalism, as you say:
You did cause me to think for a bit here too:
I think I might know why my attitude is what it is - and it's exactly what you point out - the "victim" thing.
When I went into my first full-time work experience with a large corporation as a twenty-one year old, I had the shock of my life. The managers were hitting on me and all of the other young girls there, and those men were all married. Most of the girls were, imo, probably considered nice looking, but I wouldn't think anyone was ravishing or exceptional -- we were all just very young - young and inexperienced was all those men wanted - because we were easy prey to throw away? I didn't give in because I saw them for who they were and what it was all about - short-term affairs. Maybe that's why I never gave in later in life, too ? I don't know. Maybe I'm too (and maybe not
But, that experience taught me at a very early age that money can't buy true happiness; it's used as a lure and an ego power-play to meet someone that will cheat with them... sometimes, anyway.
And I saw exactly what you imply, young twenty somethings thinking the managers were going to leave their wives, and they would live a fairy tale life...only to get discarded when the managers got bored with them. So, yes, youth can be naive and weak... a victim.
I think you have a very virtuous and forgiving attitude, nothing wrong with that. In fact, your attitude is probably what emotionally saved you. Maybe you're a Saint? I think you are.
Hey now, I'm a Sagitarius... my Husband is a Virgo...
Wejust had our tenth wedding anniversary and he isnt a body hidden in a weird place so ... I think we are doing okay.
Oh and my Virgo is a nice, big6'5" Irishman from Wicklow... I'm with you on that score Perrie :D
I'm German/Irish on one side of the family and native american on the other side. My mom always said I take my smooth talking and good singing voice from the Irish side of the family.
Irish guys are just naturally charming I guess.
Wheel , not to change the subject but I think I've got a girl you might be interested in :
Utah beauty queen among teens accused of throwing homemade bombs
Actually petey, I've never seen you NOT go off topic in one your responses on my articles. It's kind of what you always do. That said, thanks for taking the time to read it.
It was a wonderful feeling. I usually try to avoid taking pleasure in the misery of others, but this time I was overwhelmed.
Oh kiddo, have you got me wrong! I'm about as far from a saint as you can get. Go back to my first post on this seed and check out the true story named 'Is That A Shotgun...', especially the comments.
I'm just an old man that's trying to let go of negative feelings that don't do anything to help me but can hurt me.
And yes, successful middle aged men often see attractive young women as sops to their aging ego's and not as the wonderful people they actually are.
Off topic ? Me ? I doubt it .
I'm not into the karma thing, but I am into vengeance. I think it's best when served cold.
Good story Wheel.
Raven, I love the story of your mother and father. It sounds like they had something rare and wonderful.
I am sorry to hear that you and your children were ever at risk from someone you should have been able to trust and count on. I'm very sorry to hear that you have never been able to trust anyone that fully again. I understand it, I just regret that you find yourself in that position. I do hope that you can find some measure of happiness in this turn of the wheel.
I also hope that you have been thoughtful in the things you say about your ex around your children. I understand bitterness, anger and fear. But please remember that he is still their father and the things you say can hurt them in ways you might not be aware of. I'm speaking here as a child of divorce myself.
But is it vengeance if I didn't really DO anything to bring it about? I was trying to get on with my life, not trying to get revenge. And even if I had been trying to get even, I could have NEVER thought of anything like this.
Have to agree with you Wheel. There is no way that anyone could have thought up sometime so karmatic (is that a word)...
My mother's older sister was named Rose, but family members called her Sis till the day she died. As you say, it's almost traditional to call the oldest girl in the family 'Sister' or 'Sis'.
I see that you already were aware of what I meant in my last message. My grandfather and grandmother used to use me as their go between. Especially when they had been arguing and Grandpa had gone off to his 'pout house' as my grandma called it. It was really an old barn that he used to work on machinery and hang out when he was mad at grandma.