
Shocking video of racist cat violating the civil rights of another


Category:  Entertainment

Via:  petey-coober  •  12 years ago  •  39 comments

Shocking video of racist cat violating the civil rights of another

Shocking video of racist cat violating the civil rights of another

See the link :

There were restraints used ! It brings back visions of slavery !


jrDiscussion - desc
Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    12 years ago

106.gif The Horror!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Have you ever seen anything like it before ?! The horror indeed !

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    12 years ago

As clear-cut a case of Hate-crime as you'll ever see.


Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Where is Eric Holder when we really need him ?!

Professor Expert
link   Krishna    12 years ago

Even if he's not punished-- the cat will carry this around with him for the rest of his life!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago


The dog was clearly bi-racial and the cat was a red head. What does this mean for red heads everywhere?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Karma is a bitch and so was the dog ... ma .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Maybe they like them too much ... abi-racial dog in restraints . I'm surprised there were no whips .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Bi-sexual bi-racial butt sniffing dog ... the mind boggles !

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

Ohoooo Yeah..... now that's an idea!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

Gonna have to agree Gene!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

And yet, it could get worse!

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    12 years ago

We are going to have to get the Never Abandon Any Cowardly Puppy (NAACP) organization involved in this right away. They will get this straightened out in a flash.

I am sure the Abyssinian Cat Lobby Union (ACLU) will oppose everything no matter which side they take. I don't know how they do that, but they do manage somehow.

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    12 years ago

They are cats. What'd ya expect?

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    12 years ago

Viagra, let's give the cat Viagra and milk. That might be fun to watch.

I don't know about milk and aspirin for cats. Does it do strange things to them?

Stephi Cantley
Freshman Silent
link   Stephi Cantley    12 years ago

71.gif 71.gif 71.gif

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

What do you have against living in LA ? Oh ... smoked away . Well I don't like to talk about that phase of my life .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

24.gif 24.gif

Professor Expert
link   Krishna    12 years ago

According to one witness:

This cat "got away with murder"!

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    12 years ago


Ah ha. Found it. I have had cats since I was a kid. None now, though, and I never knew that.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Perhaps it is time to try him in Sanford , Fl . That usually works out well ...

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    12 years ago

No, this is not worthy of a trial. Rehabilitation would do nicely. You are going to take him in, right, Petey. Or maybe Perrie.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

It would be an interesting experiment to see how he gets along with my current cat . I suspect he would get the "upper paw" .

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    12 years ago

Here's an interesting statistic

84% of all white cats that are murdered, are murdered by other white cats!

white Americans are just as likely to be killed by other whites. According to Justice Department statistics (pdf), 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites.

What say to that, Cats and Kittens!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Did you watch the shocking video ? If not you are not informed about the topic .

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    12 years ago

Yeah, I watched it by virtue of your headline, you made a cat pulling an a dog's leash, etc., a parody on racism did you not? And it really has nothing to do with racism, correct?

Usually a spoof or parody -- a humorous imitation of something, typically a film or a particular genre of film, in which its characteristic features are exaggerated for comic effect -- is relatively clear with regard to that which it alludes.

So what characteristic features of racist behavior are spoofed in your video?

What's the video have to do with civil rights?

And you commented

Perhaps it is time to try him in Sanford , Fl . That usually works out well ...

You spoofed -- I addressed the topic of your spoof.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Considering the number of times I have been unfairly called a racist on NT , I thought a little parody was in order .
Did you notice this was posted under entertainment ... not news/politics ?

I see that you added material in your comment . May I suggest that you add a comment instead of sneaking in an edit ? After all you have the advantage of longer edits ... And what does Sanford/Zimmerman have to do with DoJ stats ?

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    12 years ago

Did you notice this was posted under entertainment ... not news/politics ?

The video is very entertaining -- the headline ascribed to it, is not.

Considering the number of times I have been unfairly called a racist on NT , I thought a little parody was in order .

I have never accused you of that.

I'll tell you how I took it; if you tell me I'm wrong, I will take you at your word and delete my comment.

I took your headline to be a mockery of those who are offended/angered, etc., by civil rights violations/abuses. What your headline seems to imply is that those who express negative feelings towards racial profiling and other such manifestations, are over-reacting to actions no more serious than a cat and dog encounter of no real consequence.

You also made a comment mocking Eric Holder.

Why didn't you just use a headline that was "descriptive" rather than "mocking" and editorializing?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

The video is very entertaining -- the headline ascribed to it, is not.

You didn't like it . Others did .

I have never accused you of that.

Thanks for that . I have never claimed that you have .

I took your headline to be a mockery of those who are offended/angered, etc., by civil rights violations/abuses.

IMO there has been far too much of phony offense , anger and accusations of racism . Those abuses were long overdue for some parodying . As far as racial profiling goes , I have no doubt there are some abuses of that . But I expect if I were a cop on the beat I would also be doing that . The real world has that effect on people's perceptions . To expect OTW is to expect more than is humanly possible .

You also made a comment mocking Eric Holder.

I don't think he represents the US population fairly in his actions .

Why didn't you just use a headline that was "descriptive" rather than "mocking" and editorializing?

Because it was under entertainment . Get it ?

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    12 years ago

Yeah, I get it. I wasn't entertained.

IMO there has been far too much of phony offense , anger and accusations of racism . Those abuses were long overdue for some parodying . As far as racial profiling goes , I have no doubt there are some abuses of that . But I expect if I were a cop on the beat I would also be doing that . The real world has that effect on people's perceptions . To expect OTW is to expect more than is humanly possible

So I was correct about what you intended.

IMO there has been far too much of phony offense , anger and accusations of racism . Those abuses were long overdue for some parodying .

But you were mocking those who take offense to the abuses -- it's not your call to decide if anger/taking offense is "phony."

It's Shakespearean

He jests at scars that never felt a wound. (Romeo and Juliet)

When racism ceases to be a problem, then mocking those who speak out against it will be justified.

Archie Bunker was entertainment in that HE/HIS CHARACTER was being spoofed and mocked. You're mocking those of us who mock the Archie Bunkers!

Big difference.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

it's not your call to decide if anger/taking offense is "phony."

Why not ? John Stewart has been spinning the news to the left with an entertainment bent for many years . Is he funny ? Some think so . Others are not entertained .

Here's something for you to consider . The Trayvon/Zimmerman thing went on for far too long on NT . In fact it is still appearing on our forum :

When is it going to fade out ? If it isn't going to I am here to help it out the door through parody . Don't like it ? Then write another inflammatory Trayvon/Zimmerman piece if you are not sick of it . But don't tell me what is or is not "my call " . You don't have that right .

You're mocking those of us who mock the Archie Bunkers!

No . I'm mocking those that still accuse Zimmerman of murder . That is uncalled for and unjustified .

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    12 years ago

Why not ? John Stewart has been spinning the news to the left with an entertainment bent for many years .

But he calls it what it is and doesn't disguise it. And he mocks the mockers not the victims.

Here's something for you to consider . The Trayvon/Zimmerman thing went on for far too long on NT . In fact it is still appearing on our forum :

Your opinion; when all of the unanswered questions are answered it will stop on NT and still be studied for eternity in law schools/forums/scholarly discussions/papers, etc. .

But don't tell me what is or is not "my call " . You don't have that right .

You don't get to call when other people's pain and victimization ends nor do you justifiably get to mock those who are in sympathy.

When is it going to fade out ?

When the unanswered, obvious questions get answered.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

But he calls it what it is and doesn't disguise it.

OK , next time I will clearly label it as satire . In fact I have already added that tag .

And he mocks the mockers not the victims.

Ah well , some mockery is easier to distinguish than others . I am making fun of those with excessive zeal about the prosecution of "civil rights" cases especially where it does not belong .

still be studied for eternity in law schools/forums/scholarly discussions/papers

This case will be forgotten about in a year .

You don't get to call when other people's pain and victimization ends nor do you justifiably get to mock those who are in sympathy.

How about the pain & victimization of G Zimmerman for no other purpose than to get media attention ?

"When the unanswered, obvious questions get answered."

Or maybe sooner :

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    12 years ago

How about the pain & victimization of G Zimmerman for no other purpose than to get media attention ?

Yes: compared to Trayvon Martin who no longer feels any pain.

I am making fun of those with excessive zeal about the prosecution of "civil rights" cases especially where it does not belong .

Cite one and we'll go point-for-point.

This case will be forgotten about in a year .

Not as long as SYG is on the books.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

compared to Trayvon Martin who no longer feels any pain.

So you are all for the trial by media circus then ?

Cite one and we'll go point-for-point.

Not gonna change the subject of this thread . If you want to write one perhaps I will comment there .

Not as long as SYG is on the books.

I agree that SYG is problematic . But this Zimmerman case is nearly played out already .

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    12 years ago

So you are all for the trial by media circus then ?

There! You're doing it again. I never said that, don't feel that way and stop doing that.

Not gonna change the subject of this thread . If you want to write one perhaps I will comment there .

Did you forget we've been having a conversation -- you've been part of it.

But this Zimmerman case is nearly played out already .

For you and others; not for me and others. If you're not willing to discuss it even on academic, philosophical or sociological terms, IMO it's because your fear the specter of, IRONICALLY, a truth that will upset the fairy tale ending that some wanted and received.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

There! You're doing it again. I never said that, don't feel that way and stop doing that.

Nevertheless it is quite possible to draw that conclusion from what you said . I put a QUESTION MARK after my comment . That was preceded by "then" . You are getting in a huff from a reasonable question . Are you saying it was NOT a reasonable question ?

For you and others; not for me and others. If you're not willing to discuss it even on academic, philosophical or sociological terms, IMO it's because your fear the specter of, IRONICALLY, a truth that will upset the fairy tale ending that some wanted and received.

This thread is an example of satire . It is not set up for discussion . If you want discussion then start your own thread .

pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson    12 years ago


Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Thanks Pat . Glad you liked it .


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