Put away that cellphone: study highlights cancer risk
Category: Mental Health and Wellness
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner • 12 years ago • 8 commentsResearchers find evidence that changes leading to cell mutations are much more prevalent among heavy talkers
A study by Tel Aviv University has shown, for the first time, a clear connection between cellphone use and higher risk of cancer.
Although cellphones are generally regarded as potentially carcinogenic, scientific studies on the issue have been inconclusive until now, a report on the study posted Monday on Science Blog noted.
Holy moley!
Interesting idea to examine the salivary glands . They don't have to actually need to have cancer to show oxidative stress .
I guess the idea is to discover a pre-disposition to having Cancer before the disease actually begins, with the focus on prevention (an idea that flies in the face of most "traditional western medicine" as it is now practiced.
I've read the same thing as well-- and for both issues.
Like ... what's withthe pic of the hoochie mama? Shouldn't she at least be talking on a cell phone to be relevant to this article? Lol. Are those implants, or tumors?
Looks like she needs a thorough examination for cancer. I want to be he first one to volunteer my services. You're welcome.
I've developed a new motorboat breast exam technique that I think could be beneficial to her well being.