
Conservative Musical Hits


Category:  Entertainment

Via:  petey-coober  •  12 years ago  •  94 comments

Conservative Musical Hits

Is it time for a musical challenge again ? I haven't published one of these ( or anything else ) for quite a while .

In any case this is a non-subject . There are no major hits of a conservative bent ... right ? Or at least not for a very long time . And to make matters worse any such hits are so very square that they are a must-to-avoid , right ? Well , maybe not . Some of them are quite enjoyable to listen to . For example , here is a remake of an old hit this really rocks out :
I can't go for that

Yeah some of them are extremely square but you can still listen to them if only for the historical context :
Pat Boone- Love Letters in the Sand (lyrics)

I'm sure you can find other examples ... without trying too hard . Some of them may even be more recent .
Let's hear what you can come up with . How about it ? What are your thoughts/feelings about these songs ?


jrDiscussion - desc
Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    12 years ago

Lucky Dube - Taxman

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

Whoa, this is hard and unique. I am going to have to give it some thought!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

OK here is one:

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

Ok, this one is so square, I think Nixon liked it:

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Wow ... who'd a thunk it ... a reggae rant against taxes ! Thanks for the link ...

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

That's the ticket ... thanks .
I'm surprised you didn't come up with this more conventional expression of conservatism :
The Way It Is

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Hmm ... Nixon liked it ? That is not the criterion !

That brings back some memories . Thanks . Was that as conservative as the Pat Boone number I posted above ? IMO talking to a Cathedral is more delusional than conservative although some people perceive those as equivalent !
What I'm trying to elicit is something with some conservative values in it . That song was basically just a broken heart piece .
Here is something which gets at the essence of conservatism :
Mary Hopkin
Those were the days

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

I don't know why my edit didn't take . I added that some consider The Way It Is to be a critique of conservatism rather than a support for it . What do you think about that ?

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    12 years ago

I listen to this on a conservative station every Friday evening at the end of the program.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

This song is definitely patriotic . Although that is not identical to conservative it is close enough ... Thanks for your contribution .

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    12 years ago

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

I think it's a critique of conservatism.

Standin' in line marking time
Waiting for the welfare dime
'Cause they can't buy a job
The man in the silk suit hurries by
As he catches the poor old lady's eyes
Just for fun he says, 'Get a job'

Sympathetic to those on the welfare line while the man in the fancy suit is being cold.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Is that conservative or merely anti-Obama ?

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    12 years ago

It's hard to separate the two, conservative and anti-Obama. LOL

But I'm a conservative and I bet you would like many of the same songs I like, so to have someone act like conservative songs are square is a little disturbing and quite ludicrous in my opinion.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    12 years ago

You see. I don't understand conservative and liberal songs. I love music and I don't translate a song as being either conservative or liberal. If you are trying to say conservative songs are square and liberal songs are hip, wouldn't you think you're being a little disingenuous in assuming that is true?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Some might call that Hodgson piece square ... and unlistenable . But not me . Thanks for that .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

I don't understand conservative and liberal songs. I love music and I don't translate a song as being either conservative or liberal. If you are trying to say conservative songs are square and liberal songs are hip, wouldn't you think you're being a little disingenuous in assuming that is true?

That is not my perception . However I think it is common perception among the music listening public . That is what I was attempting to address above .

Also I would agree that most music is not easily classified as conservative or liberal but some of it is .

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

I'm so sorry! I thought this was supposed to be a fun article...

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    12 years ago

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    12 years ago

Just in case the words were not clear as they aren't sometimes due to listening to too many large Marshall amps in your ears, family genetics or just old age, the words to Sons Of Liberty are:

Once an honest man could go from sunrise to its set
Without encountering agents of his state or government
But a sorry cloud of tyranny has fallen across the land
Brought on by the hollow men who did not understand

That for centuries our forefathers have fought and often died
To keep themselves unto themselves, to fight the rising tide
That if in the smallest battles we surrender to the state
We enter in a darkness whence we never shall escape

When they raise their hands up our lives to possess
To know our souls, to drag us down, we'll resist

Watt Tyler led the people in 1381
To meet the king at Smithfield to issue this demand
That Winchester's should be the only law across the land
The law of old King Alfred's time of free and honest men

'Cause the people then they understood what we have since forgot
That the government will only work for their own benefit
And I'd rather stand up naked against the elements alone
Than give the hollow men the right to enter in my home

When they raise their hands up our lives to possess
To know our souls, to drag us down, we'll resist

Stand up, sons of liberty, and fight for what you own
Stand up, sons of liberty, and fight, fight for your homes
Stand up, sons of liberty, and fight for what you own
Stand up, sons of liberty, and fight, fight for your homes

Stand up sons of liberty, and fight for what you own
Stand up sons of liberty, and fight, fight for your homes
Stand up sons of liberty, and fight for what you own
Stand up sons of liberty, and fight, fight for your homes

So if ever a man should ask you for your business or your name
Tell him to go and fuck himself, tell his friends to do the same
'Cause a man who'd trade his liberty for a safe and dreamless sleep
Doesn't deserve the both of them and neither shall he keep

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Alright. Frank Turner. He also penned "Thatcher Fucked the Kids", not exactly a conservative ditty, and does a pretty amusing version of "Dancing Queen". His tune, "I Still Believe" is well worth a listen as well.

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

I'm going to have to put on the old thinking cap on this one as well. It's a challenge.

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

John ,

Definitely yes .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Why is Love Letters In The Sand a conservative song?

The description of their relationship involving 'vows' is what makes it conservative . It wasn't just a love affair . However the conservatism by Boone was not matched by his lady .

As to that Sinatra piece : " I planned each charted course , each careful step "
Yes , that is the speech & thought process of a conservative . Good call .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Unless I missed something [there seemed to be no variation in the lyrics . They consisted in only the 1 phrase "keep that same old feeling" repeated many many times .] there was nothing conservative about this . The use of the word "old " does not make it conservative IMO . Do you have another explanation ?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Very definitely ...

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

OK two more by Huey Lewis:

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

It is apparent that we don't agree on what 'conservative' is . Just not changing is not its primary characteristic .
In fact conservatism was the organizing system in place for some of the most rapid changes in the country's history starting with Cornelius Vanderbuilt through John D. Rockefeller and on through the many technical changes that occurred later on . Those include the revolutions in transportation , communication & computation and the more modern advances including the combination of the 2 .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

I agree that using such a label is pointless . But there are many who would use it . In the popular view "squareness" is equivalent to conservative .

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

This one isn't really conservative as such, but it fits within the parameters. Sorta. It is amusing anyhow.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Very interesting example Dean M.

I'm not sure if this was 'conservative' at the time it happened no more than the American Revolution was conservative when it happened . However after these 2 events established the principle of 'no taxation w/o representation' that principle became the conservative standard . There is more to this peasant's revolt as well . I'll need to consider the other ramifications . Thanks for making me think !

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Tex ,

I don't perceive anything remotely conservative about either of those 2 songs . Please explain yourself . Also the words are difficult to make out ...

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

This one is more militaristic than conservative . Or am I missing something ?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Yes ... now you've got the idea .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

There ya go !

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Alrigth. Let's see, Sweet Home Alabama in not only an anthem to the area Liberals love to hate it is a direct reaction to the hippies point of view and Neil Young's great tune Southern Man.

The Sex Pitol's ditty in definitely exhibits a pro life point of view.

"She was a no-one who killed her baby
She sent her letters from the country
She was an animal
She was a bloody disgrace

Body I'm not an animal
Mummy I'm not an abortion

Dragged on a table in a factory
Illegitimate place to be
In a packet in a lavatory
Die little baby screaming"

And so on and so forth.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

"There's blood on the table
cause we work for what we have"

Yeah , that is a conservative value . Thanks ...

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

This seems to be anti-conservative ! How about an alternative explanation ?

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

It is a "Peace through Superior Firepower" tune, as well as being about The Gadsden Flag.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Workin for a livin' :
Rock on ... Not conservative .

Hip To Be Square :
Yes ... well done !

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Rock on ...

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

This is more anti-liberal than pro-conservative . But thanks for trying ...

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

No need to apologize . But I was deadly serious when I conceived of this . The selection I pointed out may get you involved . Or not ...

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Within in the context of the times in which it was popular it was certainly anti status quo. Looking at at 19th century tune and point of view from the 21st, it becomes a rant against the power of the Feds.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    12 years ago

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Considering the tone of the times I would pose that an anti liberal song is aligned with the conservatives philosophical reality map.

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Self explanatory.

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Sweet Home Alabama in not only an anthem to the area Liberals love to hate it is a direct reaction to the hippies point of view

Let me explain myself better . From my POV conservative music is not just about squabbles with liberals or hippies. It is about expression of conservative principles . Being anti-liberal does not make one conservative if one does not have the guiding principles behind one's replies .

As to the sex-pistols number , I think I'd take it more seriously as a conservative viewpoint from a group with a different name ...

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Uh ... just being anti-Fed doesn't mean you're conservative . The principles one is defending are the critical factor .
It is not what you are against , its what you are for . This song is an expression of opposition . What are they for ?

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

I see where you are coming from. I think it is perhaps just two different perspectives and reality maps.

As for the Sex Pistols, a problem with their name seems to be part and parcel of conservative values, but somtimes solidarity is found with the strangest bedfellows.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

I don't consider the tone of the times to be important in determining conservative principles . I think it is unfortunate that things have degenerated to such a state ...

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

It is unfortunate but it is the reality of our time. Both sides, in some degree or other, measure their principals as the opposite of thte other. They, more or less, define their point of view within the context of opposing another. So much so that neither side will budge and admit the other side has a good idea or two. Sad.

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

This is certainly an example of self promotion . But what are the conservative principles ?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Does this express conservative views ? Being against big government might be an admirable goal but is it conservative ? Is the constitution against it ... maybe amendment 10 ?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Forget your lust for rich man's gold
All that you need now is in your soul .

These are not words of advice about capital formation ...

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah    12 years ago
That's some god-awful reggae. How funny that the worst example of reggae music has a conservative theme. I wonder if these guys know how streets that they are driving around on were financed. They understand why they pay their bodyguards, and why they pay their doctors and lawyers, but as they drive down those city streets (that must have been built overnight by the magical infrastructure fairy), they just don't understand why they should have to pay taxes. They might want to ease up on the spliffs.
Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

It's a Biblical warning. The Bible/Conservationist. Great pair sez the Bear.

Overall though the message of the song fits well within a conservative point of view. Independence, love and patience. However, the line you point out can, and does, appeal to both sides.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    12 years ago

In the popular view "squareness" is equivalent to conservative .

And who is to be the judge as to what is the "popular view". Has that authority been granted to someone in particular or is it just another opinion and you know what they say about opinions?

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    12 years ago

"The Trees" - Rush

There is unrest in the forest
There is trouble with the trees
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas

The trouble with the maples
(And they're quite convinced they're right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade

There is trouble in the forest
And the creatures all have fled
As the maples scream 'Oppression!'
And the oaks just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights
'The oaks are just too greedy
We will make them give us light'
Now there's no more oak oppression
For they passed a noble law
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe and saw
Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

The inclusion of patriotic/religious themes as unique to conservatives is false and indicative of a need to broaden what is an otherwise narrow (conservative) point of view.

I tend to agree with the religious part of that . However narrow & conservative are not identical as you have implied .In fact I have seen examples of narrow thinking by liberals as well .

Improvisational jazz requires a mental willingness to think outside the box, to go in unexpected directions and explore new musical ideas. I a person can't do those things, they are incapable of creating that type of music.

Agreed . But that is only one form of music , a form that does not enjoy as much popularity as it has in the past .

Also your emphasis on the 1st part of the published definition is not warranted . We are talking about the 2nd part of the definition , the political one .

Is there something preventing you from pointing out examples of conservative musical hits ? This topic is amusic challenge. It is mostly about offering songs that fit the theme .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Great example Dean . Thanks .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

And at first, I though as Dowser did on the first page that this was for "fun." However, after reading the other comments I felt a need to respond.

That's OK with me . And if you take issue with my disagreement with Dowser feel free to defend it back under those comments . And no , this is not strictly about fun . I wanted to explore this exact topic .

And I would like to point out that your insistence on emphasizing only the 1st part of the definition is almost conservative in its approach ...

As to your selection of a conservative song can you point out exactly what lyrics indicate a conservative way of thinking ? I couldn't make out the words in Bowie's version so I examined this Nirvana version instead :

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

In your perception only . Conservative thinking [not feeling] is the issue here . I'm not surprised that you don't recognize the difference between thinking & feeling ... What a pity ...

And I should add that liberal feeling is every bit as meaningless as conservative feeling .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

OK , I'll admit it . In my opinion that is the popular view . But things may have changed since I acquired that perception . It it your perception that is not the case ?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

John ,

Complex ideas like the market mechanism are principles which claim to permit change to happen gradually .
In that respect they are not opposed to change , only extreme and rapid change . Defense of the market mechanism is one of the hallmarks of conservatism . And I'm not saying that this mechanism is infallible but it often provides simple solutions to economic problems .

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

It is not just anti fed. It is a reflection, in that time, of anger at the Federal Government controlling their lives. In other words, a rant against Big Government. From my perspective that fits in nicely with a conservative view.

All of this though comes through different prisms. What is seen through yours is quite probably not witnessed through mine. For instance, work. Labor has historically been in solidarity with the Left. Working for a living has been as much the Grail of the Left as that of Conservatives. Religion. The same, though certainly, the Fundamentalist Right is perceived, rightfully so, as aligned with the right in contemporary US of A, but it is not the provenance of conservatives.

Perhaps it would be wise to post a list of what your perception of Conservative Values are and then we can find tunage to match.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Trying to apply current political philosophy to historical events is often misleading . Times of great upheaval such as the war between the states usually present an exercise in futility in trying to explain them that way . That said here is my take on things :

It is a reflection, in that time, of anger at the Federal Government controlling their lives.

Actually it was about a war . War is the exact opposite of conservative values . Conservatism is about gradual change , not drastic sudden change .

In other words, a rant against Big Government. From my perspective that fits in nicely with a conservative view.

Granted the Union was bigger government than the Confederacy but both of them were big government so that argument doesn't wash .

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    12 years ago

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Didn't you see those mules at 1:05 ? That automatically makes this a liberal number ...
Nice rhythm !Grin.gif

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago


I so agree, Daryl and that song truly 'rock out' !! I loved Hall & Oates from long ago, and only recently - a few months ago - realized Daryl was filming jam sessions from his house. Love them!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

OK , we agree it rocked out . Do we also agree it is conservative [in values ] ?

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago


Admittedly, I noticed that was the reason why you posted the link in your article, but because I didn't want to argue or appear antagonistic in anyway (I'm having to walk on eggshells these days, it appears -- lol; best not to explain that:), so I didn't say anything about it. Grin.gif

I actually interpret the opposite from the lyrics. My interpretation is that they are talking about the workforce, the labor. "They've got my body, now they want my soul" or to that effect. The first line mentions "overtime"...So, the gist of the song seems to be saying..."I'll do anything you want me to" --up to a point. When they start asking for too much...then it's "No can do."

I was thinking there was more of a union man attitude...more liberal sounding.

Also, Daryl is from the NY-Conn. area, I think, more liberal area...might have an influence on the song. I don't know. What's your interpretation of the lyrics ?

Easy, ready, willing, overtime
Where does it stop
Where do you dare me
To draw the line
You've got the body
Now you want my soul
Don't even think about it
Say, no go
I, I-I, I 'll do anything
That you want me to do
Yeah, I, I-I, I'll do almost anything
That you want me too, ooh

But I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that

I can go for being twice as nice
I can go for just repeating
The same old lines
Use the body
Now you want my soul
Ooh, forget about it
Now say, no go

I, I-I, I 'll do anything
That you want me to do
Yeah, I, I-I, I'll do almost anything
That you want me too, ooh

But I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that, yeah

[Instrumental Interlude]

Yeah, I, I-I, I 'll do anything
That you want me to do
Yeah, I, I-I, I'll do almost anything
That you want me too, ooh

But I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that, yeah..

Easy, ready, willing, overtime
Where does it stop
Where do you dare me
To draw the line
You've got the body
Now you want my soul
Don't even think about it
Say, no go
I, I-I, I 'll do anything
That you want me to do
Yeah, I, I-I, I'll do almost anything
That you want me too, ooh

But I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that

I can go for being twice as nice
I can go for just repeating
The same old lines
Use the body
Now you want my soul
Ooh, forget about it
Now say, no go

I, I-I, I 'll do anything
That you want me to do
Yeah, I, I-I, I'll do almost anything
That you want me too, ooh

But I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that, yeah

[Instrumental Interlude]

Yeah, I, I-I, I 'll do anything
That you want me to do
Yeah, I, I-I, I'll do almost anything
That you want me too, ooh

But I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that, yeah..

Easy, ready, willing, overtime
Where does it stop
Where do you dare me
To draw the line
You've got the body
Now you want my soul
Don't even think about it
Say, no go
I, I-I, I 'll do anything
That you want me to do
Yeah, I, I-I, I'll do almost anything
That you want me too, ooh

But I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that

I can go for being twice as nice
I can go for just repeating
The same old lines
Use the body
Now you want my soul
Ooh, forget about it
Now say, no go

I, I-I, I 'll do anything
That you want me to do
Yeah, I, I-I, I'll do almost anything
That you want me too, ooh

But I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that, yeah

[Instrumental Interlude]

Yeah, I, I-I, I 'll do anything
That you want me to do
Yeah, I, I-I, I'll do almost anything
That you want me too, ooh

But I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that, nooo
No can do
I can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that
Can't go for that, yeah..


http://www.lyricsfreak.com/h/hall+oates/i+cant+go+for+that_10140134.html" target="_blank"> ...

Oh, no... I was having trouble posting, it looked like it wasn't going through, so I kept trying. Now I can see it was going through...and it posted the lyrics several times. I'm sorry. I was concerned about trying to remove the extras...I'd probably end up nothing, with the way things have been going this a.m. ..lol

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

OK , thanks for your POV . I have not considered that interpretation in the past . And I still don't .
BTW you should not be concerned about appearing argumentative in one of my articles as long as you keep it cool.

Anyway based on these lyrics [and the correct lyrics from your link ] :

I am probably going to disagree . The 1st thing you should notice is that the lyrics have a negative in them which yours don't as follows :

I can't go for being twice as nice
I can't go for just repeating
The same old lines

This does not sound like a convo between a worker and his boss . Repeating the same old lines is often a part of a job . It is unlikely to be a real issue but with a girl friend repeating the same old lines could end up being a deal breaker . Likewise being twice as nice sounds a lot more like a girlfriend issue than an employment issue .

Also the song goes to :
Where does it stop [not when does it stop] ... right after the word overtime . Now overtime could mean work as you suggested but it could also indicate his sex life , especially when you consider the entire lyric :

Easy, ready, willing, overtime

In any case thanks for this different interpretation . It has made me reevaluate my position .

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago


Wow, you've caused me to look at the lyrics a different way, too ! Maybe this strange phenomena could happen in politics, too!! LOL..just joking.

First, if you're wondering what happened, and why the link doesn't match the words...I was having difficulties right from the start with the original link:

I think I know why, now, as an after-the-fact, what was causing my problems...I didn't remember to activate my plug-ins. I do not know what I clicked somewhere along the line a while back to change my system or browser, but I now have to remember to click an icon for plug-ins...otherwise, certain things won't work.

So after I finally got the lyrics to post, I thought, "oh great, I didn't link the source," and I was NOT going back there!! ..lol, so I linked a different source just to give you a quick reference...never considering that they might be different!! lol...with all the trouble I've had posting today, it doesn't surprise me that something else unintentionally went wrong, too! Grin.gif

So, sorry for the discrepancy.


I can see the interpretation you are getting; lots of things that are said can apply to different situations, can't they. When I read the whole song first to get a general feel for the 'picture' they want to paint, I'm still seeing the union man talking about his general attitudes and how he has to act in union negotiations with the bosses.

" I can't go for being twice as nice
I can't go for just repeating
The same old lines "

I was seeing, in my mind, sitting around a table trying to negotiate hiring more people and expecting less overtime from the employees they have (I have worked for a company that intentionally kept the work force smaller, and had 'forced' overtime as terms for employment, with 'needs of the service' as the condition. I agreed with it--it's like being a doctor--you can't just stop the surgery you're in the middle of because the clock says it's 5 o'clock. Plus, the extra pay was nice.)

"Where does it stop " -- Yes, business will always expect 'more' from one employee for 'less' pay, benefits, et al.


Interpretation - words or body language, we (universal we--everyone) often have a different sentient perception of what's said and done, it seems. Not right or wrong, just 'different.' Smile.gif

Thank you, too, for the opportunity to look at things differently..

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Wow, you've caused me to look at the lyrics a different way, too ! Maybe this strange phenomena could happen in politics, too!!

Shhh ... don't let the rabid partisans hear you ...

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago


Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Well , I don't really have anything to add now but you have set me up to take the coveted 100th comment ...
so here I am saying nothing in particular .... How about speculating if this Beatles number is conservative ?

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago

Oh, the Beatles - I forgot that song. It was nice to hear it again. I'll be interested to read your interpretation on this as well.

The first stanza could be the boss; the second - a future employee.

The third stanza is despair that the situation seems hopeless in not finding a job that is negotiable/agreeable, they have no money, so they are giving up and leaving.

The fourth and fifth is feeling carefree and chasing a dream.

From there, a dream came true.


I'm having a difficult time finding partisan politics. I might see it as the 'Establishment' - the policymakers - is controlling everything. If I'm on track, the Establishment is more of a goal than a partisan issue, I think (I'm influenced by a discussion with jfx regarding Establishment Bias. When I thought what we were discussing was a partisan issue [Congress and the Budget], he corrected me saying, to the effect, that the Establishment sets the economic policies, not the partisanship).

So, I guess I'd sum this up with - it's about Gov/Bus control, but I don't see conservatism. What do you think ?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

I won't speak to the entire song as you just did , just to its conservative values . From that POV it was mostly about getting stoned !

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago

I won't speak to the entire song as you just did , just to its conservative values .

I must know you better than I think...Grin.gif I truly thought you would say that!

I originally started to say, " I don't see a conservative value, " and not much more... But decided to lay it out as to why I didn't...

it was mostly about getting stoned !

LOL! Probably!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Here's one that is somewhat unexpectedly conservative :

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago

Hmm, Foundations, I guess.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Cleanliness is next to ...

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago

Oh... good observation! That didn't come to mind for me at all.


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