
This Article Is For Mickey...(and everyone else!)


Category:  Entertainment

Via:  chloe  •  12 years ago  •  7 comments

This Article Is For Mickey...(and everyone else!)

Many of you noticed Mickey's recent article about DJ's routinely playing the same songs. Well, here is a local tribute to a DJ that didn't do that! He did not follow the charts, but instead tried to help give locals exposure (as well as some that were not local).

" He was the on/off switch for your potential career," said Presidents lead singer, Chris Ballew.

Now, more than two decades after grunge emerged, a documentary is being made about Marco's life. It's called The Glamour and the Squalor and the above quotes, from Ballew and Cross, come from that film. "

And, Mickey, this DJ had affects on some stations in your area:

" He wasn't just another DJ because he was doing something no one else was: ignoring what the big record labels were sending and playing what he loved.

"We didn't follow national charts. We played what we thought we should play for Seattle. What ended up happening is the station went #1 in the market. It was the first time an alternative station ever in the history of the country had gone #1. So, all of a sudden, all those other radio stations in the country are looking at us to see what we we're playing. So if I added a song called "Loser" by Beck, KROQ in LA would be like, 'What the hell is this?' and then other stations start grabbing on to the song, trying to find it. And then things would take off from that point."

Beck isn't local but he probably owes his fame to Marco Collins.

"Beck had only released 500 12-inches of a song called "Loser" on a little record label called Bong Load Records. And we got a hold of that vinyl and started playing it on The End. The song blew up for us, became a #1 single."

Marco joins legendary Seattle DJ Pat O'Day as the only two Seattle representatives in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame's DJ exhibit.

"There is a thread that the two of us connect on and it's the ability to hear bands early on in their careers and play them. If I wake up singing it two days later, then it's a hit."


Pat O'Day is legendary here, alright. So what a huge honor for Marco to be considered in his league, having similar goals, not following the charts.

I'm not that familiar with Marco, but I could see that his talent in going against the mundane and expected, that led to fame and popular music set him apart from the others that you were finding annoying.



jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Chloe    12 years ago

...How being unorthodox can lead to being # 1..

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Well, good for this fellow. There are still stations out there who play off the corporate charts. Mainly online but they are there.

The problem with "classic rock" is that a great deal of it, even in the day, was just popular schlock. In those early daze of Musical Renaissance the "classic" was a mighty big tent. Sadly and for the most parts kids get to hear what was popular and will sell them some useless product they don't need. At least on the radio.

A Tip O The Stetson to Mr Collins and his ilk.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Chloe    12 years ago

Hi, Tex, happy that you noticed the article. I didn't get a tracking of your comment!

Good to point out that 'off the charts' is found online. Maybe that would help to put some pressure on DJs! It's a shame that so many only play what's popular, isn't it...and the affect on other generations is not something I had thought about. True!

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Chloe    12 years ago

Mickey, good to see you noticed the article. As soon as I came across it, I thought of your article and frustration with some of the stations.

This DJ might not have always played what I would have wanted to hear, although I don't mind 'some' of Nirvana and Foo Fighters style, at all, but at least there wasn't a lot of repetition. The station they mentioned, "The End" as we call it...because it's...well...at the end of the channels, plays some oldies, newbies, and lots of in-betweeners...it's never boring.

Freshman Silent
link   Aeonpax    12 years ago

I support music pirates.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Chloe    12 years ago

LoL! As long as they don't carry swords, Ok.. Grin.gif

They don't like sheet music 'stolen' by copying it instead of purchasing it, either. I must be a Piratess, because I've done it a couple of times. 63.gif

(I know these emoticons are sooooo corny, but I'm hooked!)

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    12 years ago

Me too. The RIAA is an antiquated and destructive organization that has done much to hurt young musicians. Screw em.


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