
Solution to a better future #1


Category:  Alternative Energy

Via:  shub-orinuj  •  12 years ago  •  1 comments

Solution to a better future #1

When I first got the idea to write this article I wanted to put down several ideas and mash it all together. As the days have gone past it was clear to me the direction of this site that only one of those ideas would ideally fit. It is an idea that I have been tinkering with for awhile. It is an unpopular idea, but must be said in these tough economic days weather you agree or disagree solutions like this one are needed. We must not remain stagnant!

"'In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."

-Benjamin Franklin

IRS budget is always getting slashed allowing more cheaters in all classes to not file taxes at all. There are former IRS agents who preach how to avoid the IRS all over this country. I believe the fear of the IRS in the public mind is to a great extent overrated. But my idea isn't about convincing you to pay more this tax period, much less the IRS. No my topic is to talk about something more local.

It might not hit your area of the country, but it is impacting a large population of the country. This economic slump has even touched other parts of the world. What I purpose is to create two taxes to help balance and sustain areas that are struggling today.

Pro-Tax is what I am talking about.

Yes, the federal government needs to get wealth to go downward, but what we need is baby steps. Starting at home is first:

The first thing I would want to see gone is garbage utility. Landfills have been shrinking, so why do we need to pay for garbage anymore. How many things do you throw out that aren't in some way recycled, reused, or composted? It is easy for small cities and towns, but for big cities it would be difficult to deal with. There are ways for cities to reduce, recycle, and reuse that are out there. Paint can be recycled, toxins can be dealt with in a safe manner, cooking oils can be turned into fuel.

The first tax would go into place with the elimination of garbage utility. Buying the equipment and manpower to do it without the need of a corporation doing it for us. It may or may not cost more at first, but the long term would save people money.

Next would be cutting off another utility weather it be electricity or water. To do so the second tax would need to come into place. A fairness tax. The more you use the more you are taxed. (I suppose you could add it when doing garbage, but lets say we put into place on the second utility so it doesn't seem a gripe for homeowners.) The money the two taxes collect would go to assisting those that don't have that extra every month to give. Rich individuals and families who might being paying more to the taxes would be helping those under them be more equal. Isn't equality what we all want?

For Electricity solar,wind, and geothermal are popular choices, but there are others out there that can spread out your diverse electric grid.

Water in the future we are being told is going to be gold. Creating a system now would give you and your neighbors an advantage. With all the toxins in tap water people have turned to bottled water. I for one refuse to go to the bottle feeling tap water is better, but that debate can go on for quite some time. Having a sustainable water system that collects water, filters, and retains is the goal.

Getting off the grid in these three utilities would allow homeowners to keep more money from their paychecks, and when all is done would allow an extra income. Can you say early retirement?

Masdar City should be the ultimate goal, but eliminating these three utilities would bring us one step closer than were we are today. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masdar_City

Taxes have helped society move forward in the past why can't they help now? Or would you like to pay three utilities that would cost more than those two taxes would cost yearly?


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Shub Orinuj
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Shub Orinuj    12 years ago

Good idea, bad idea, or does it need some tweaking? Comments and Questions are welcomed.


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