
Happy Birthday to Our Uptown Gril


Category:  Other

Via:  perrie-halpern  •  11 years ago  •  40 comments

Happy Birthday to Our Uptown Gril

Uptown girl
We've been living in her NT world
I bet she's IMing with an NT guy
Because it's fun to socialize that's why

This is for our uptown girl
It's her birthday in this great big world
So here's our big birthday plan
We're gonna hire her a downtown man
Take if off with Officer Stan!

And we want her to know
That she's the best
and that she's special
And better than all the rest!

Happy Birthday Uppy! And yes my poem sucks!

But here is a better version!


jrDiscussion - desc
Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Happy Birthday UPPY! LUV YA!

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

I love you6.gif this much! Thank you!

and it does not suck...your poem is awesome!8.gif

Icelandic Woman
Freshman Silent
link   Icelandic Woman    11 years ago

Happy Birthday My Sweet Uppylicious!!!

I hope you are having a Fantabulous Day!!!

I found this and thought it was cute, I hope no one shows up though. LOL


Professor Principal
link   Kavika     11 years ago

Happy Birthday Uppy, hope that your day is great. May the force be with you....Smile.gif

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

Thanks everybody! 1514108.gif

LOL...Icey that would be hilarious! Hey Perrie can you check the place out for us and see if anybody shows up?Grin.gif

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    11 years ago

Best Wishes and a personalized card on your birthday.


Wrong Spelling? All right then how 'bout now?



Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Headin over now!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Yeah... but not everyone has your talent Mister!

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

You guys are awesome!! Thank you so so much for making my day! Mac your talents never cease to amaze me...thank you! John!!!...wow that is one huge cupcake! Did you make that Perrie?Grin.gif

1508948.GIF & 1508147.GIF

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago


Can never get enough!

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

Never...ever!! Damn nice pic there Perrie!Tongue.gif Grin.gif

Freshman Silent
link   LoneRanger01    11 years ago


Happy Birthday Upity,...LR

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

Up is having a birthday? OK, no one has asked - how old are you, Up? I'm 66, but I figure you are just a kid. Maybe, 28, I think. Was I close?

Three cheers for Up: Hurray, hurray, hurray.

Larry Hampton
Professor Participates
link   Larry Hampton    11 years ago

Happy Birthday Uptownchick!


Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    11 years ago

7196_discussions.png Happy Birthday, dear Uptown-girl!

7197_discussions.png What say we have an evening on the town? Here is your new Prada shoes! And new Prada handbag!

Of course, you need a little black dress! (See below!)

7198_discussions.png 7199_discussions.png Pick one! And, last but not least, a your very own LIMO!!!

Have a Wonderful Birthday!

36.gif 36.gif 36.gif 36.gif 36.gif

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
link   Trout Giggles    11 years ago

Happy bday, Uptown Chick.

love the poem, Perri36.gif

Freshman Silent
link   Soovivers    11 years ago

Wowsa Uppy!! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you, da da da da da da da da da. And many moreeeee.

36.gif Woohoo...

Broliver "TheSquirrel" Stagnasty
Freshman Silent
link   Broliver "TheSquirrel" Stagnasty    11 years ago

6.gif Hey Upppy! Happy birthday!!!!!!36.gif

Hell Yeah!41.gif

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

Happy Birthday to Our Uptown Gril.

What's a GRIL? Grin.gif

Broliver "TheSquirrel" Stagnasty
Freshman Silent
link   Broliver "TheSquirrel" Stagnasty    11 years ago

Bar &...... ?Grin.gif

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

They are going to BBQ Up? Tell me it isn't so.

Broliver "TheSquirrel" Stagnasty
Freshman Silent
link   Broliver "TheSquirrel" Stagnasty    11 years ago

Nooooooooo. Going to start The Uptown Grill & Bar


Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

Oh, well. That's better. This conversation made me sorta hungry. Sorry about that.

Freshman Silent
link   Feddy    11 years ago

Happy Birthday Uppy! I love you! 8.gif

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    11 years ago

It's Feddy !!!! Howdy, young lady.

Freshman Silent
link   Feddy    11 years ago

Well howdy! Yep it's me Grump. lol Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. lol Grin.gif

Freshman Silent
link   Neetu2    11 years ago

Hope all your wishes come true, Uppy! Many happy returns!

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

Thanks LR!! 8.gif


Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

Close?? Uh...the son is four months away from turning 28!! Had him when I was 27...you do the math!!26.gif 24.gif

Thanks Grump!! and Jack, too!!5.gif

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

Thanks Larry!!Grin.gif

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

Wow...Dowser sure knows how to PARTAY!!36.gif I had a blast on my birthday!! Thanks for making it so special!!6.gif

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

109.gif 105.gif

LOL...thanks Mike! One of my favorite SNL skits!!

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

Thanks for coming by HS!103.gif

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

1507235.GIF Love ya, Soovie!!

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

LMAO...I wondered the same thing Grump!Grin.gif

Funniest typo I've seen in a while...translation first: "LMAO! I lubs you, too!" This is how it came out: LAMO! I lube you, too! Still giggling days after getting that one! tff... 1512040.gif

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

And I love you, too, Feddy! I miss you a lot...hope you start coming back around more soon!6.gif

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

Thanks bunches, GWTW!11.gif

Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    11 years ago

Hi Thee!! Thanks Pal!!Grin.gif Pretty cool that we can be friends and not know each other! 1507216.GIF

Stephi Cantley
Freshman Silent
link   Stephi Cantley    11 years ago

I can't stop singing that song Uptown Girl now! hahhaha


We love our Uppy Girl!!!!!!!

MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka)
Junior Guide
link   MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka)    11 years ago

Happy Barfday neighbor!Tongue.gif

Have fun, dirty mitten style! *Yes I made that just for you!*



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