
Finally Made It


Category:  Other

Via:  spikegary  •  11 years ago  •  15 comments

Finally Made It

Well, a couple people have invited me over the last few years to come over, finally made it. Trying to find my way around and figure out the site. I've already seen a few of my old friends here and have reached out to them. Was on Newsvine since 2008, but the new version is just too confusing and there doesn't seem to be any methodology to stop the content spammers anymore (not that there was a lot before)

Looking forward to interesting debate without a lot of the stupid. Is that possible?



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
link   Kavika     11 years ago

Hi Spike, really good to see you here my friend. I think that your going to like NT. Grin.gif

Pat N2
Freshman Silent
link   Pat N2    11 years ago

Hey Spikegary! Good to see you! If you look up, Perrie has posted some instructional videos that are very helpful in learning how to navigate the site. After you watch those, this place becomes pretty intuitive.

Sophomore Silent
link   luther28    11 years ago

Welcome aboard, looks like many of us have found our way here. I liked the older version of the Vine, but I like it here better. Less vitriol and you get an intelligent discussion for the most part, not an echo chamber.

Miss Vlad and Grisham, maybe they'll find their way over.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    11 years ago

Welcome, dear Spikegary! I'm very glad that you're here!

We all enjoy heated debates here-- mostly without stupid, although there are many who would, I'm sure, tell you that I'm the stupid one... 3.gif

Machs nichts, I'm just glad you're here! Smile.gif

Professor Silent
link   TTGA    11 years ago


Vlad is actually a member here and does get over occasionally. Still working on Grish. Eventually, I think he'll come over too.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     11 years ago

Hey Auger, all is well here. How are you ?

Junior Quiet
link   seeder  Spikegary    11 years ago

Thanks Susan! Yup, you were the one that pushed me into it!

Junior Quiet
link   seeder  Spikegary    11 years ago

Thanks, Dowser! I'm glad you're here too!

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    11 years ago

He was here, I thought, then left... Maybe he'll come back! Smile.gif

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    11 years ago

Welcome aboard!

Junior Quiet
link   seeder  Spikegary    11 years ago

Thank you!

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    11 years ago

You are most welcome. Glad you are here. I remember you from NV.

later gator

Junior Quiet
link   seeder  Spikegary    11 years ago

Thanks, Ebeneezer!


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