
Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars and Their Careers


Category:  Other

Via:  z  •  12 years ago  •  12 comments

Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars and Their Careers

"For the first time, a massive data set of 10,000 porn stars has been extracted from the worlds largest database of adult films and performers. Ive spent the last six months analyzing it to discover the truth about what the average performer looks like, what they do on film, and how their role has evolved over the last fortyyears." - http://jonmillward.com/blog/studies/deep-inside-a-study-of-10000-porn-stars/

Professional Porno in the US is big business, or at least used to be. With the advent of a smaller yet technically superior medium to "film" your own business, amateur talent (most of it free depending if you know where to look) has taken over.

The old porn stars do need a "Hall Of Fame"...if for no other reason than they represent the trail blazers of a time where sex was considered the gateway to hell.


jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Aeonpax    12 years ago

Professional Porno was a multibillion dollar a year business in the US until video cams came along. Now, people post their junk for free. The "Old School" model is gone.

The Sentinel
Freshman Silent
link   The Sentinel    12 years ago

Pornography still is a multi-billion dollar industry, just not as centralized. The article is basically whimsical fluff by a fan-boy of pornography. The piece was just over-the-top superficial with zero substance.

Sometimes when I hear people railing against porn, declaring it as the downfall of society, a poison infecting masculine minds and demeaning female ones, I wonder what kind of porn theyre talking about. To me, porn seems a lot like sport. I dont mean the sex in it looks like a sporting activity (maybe it sometimes does, but thats a separate point), but rather that there are as many types of sex in porn as there are forms of sport. Take synchronised swimming. This could be seen as lesbian porn, or solo scenes, in which women casually masturbate for your viewing pleasure. Next consider a vigorous game of badminton: this might be your standard boy-girl scene. Pretty vanilla stuff, with maybe a dose of anal sex thrown in if the match is really heated. How about a gory mixed martial arts fight? That would be comparable to a 10-man midget gangbang, maybe. Theyre all sports, all types of sexual activity, but they differ wildly in whos involved and what theyre doing with, or to, eachother.

I'm sorry, but anyone taking the above paragraph as journalistic endeavor has lost touch with reality. Granted, our society is sexually repressed but, IMO, pornography is not the means to alleviate that situation. Respect and admiration of the human body along with the realization that after survival, sex is the next greatest impulse of the human being, will go much further in diminishing that repression than a proliferation of pornography.

One could infer from his logic presented above that footage of a man ramming his cock down the throat of a teen till she pukes is not only not demeaning but a "sport!" Wow, line up the Christians and bring in those lions.

But let's take it from another perspective, since pornography, in the author's eyes, is not demeaning to the actors, they will all, most certainly, display with pride their exploits for their eventual children and grandchildren, no? "Yeah, that's right kids," she said with a twinkle in her eye, "I could fit 2 huge cocks in my ass at the same time." "Heh, heh, why that's me there kids, rubbing cocks with Dick Bentley in grandma's ass," chimed in Grandpa.

No, there is a better way to mitigate sexual repression in our society and pornography is not that way.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Aeonpax    12 years ago

Wow, line up the Christians and bring in those lions.

Aside from prostitution being the worlds oldest profession, porn comes in second.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Aeonpax    12 years ago

There are far worse professions than being in pornography, like being a Republican (or Democrat) politician.

The Sentinel
Freshman Silent
link   The Sentinel    12 years ago

There are far worse professions than being in pornography,

On that I will agree, though I would venture that the morality and ethics of politicians and pornographers are not too dissimilar.

However, IMO, pornography as a profession for women is dicey at best. Very few women aspire to be a porn star without extenuating, and usually tragic, circumstances. For men, they're virtually invisible (except in gay porn) and are less stigmatized, generally, by the experience. The industry operates on the fringe of acceptable society with virtually no successful crossover into other forms of entertainment. So longevity becomes an issue. And then what? If you're one of the "lucky" handful you get to direct or produce. If not, what, fluffer? Or you go on the circuit of adult clubs as long as your body holds up.

Definitely not a life I would voluntarily seek out.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Aeonpax    12 years ago

Perhaps...I will not deny that there are massive pitfalls working in pornography and/or being a prostitute but not all is as seedy as the media paints it. Aside from that, while many take public umbrage at porn, those that purchase it (a billion dollar industry in the US) cut across all races, creeds, nationalities and cultures. Therein lays a bit of hypocrisy.

The Sentinel
Freshman Silent
link   The Sentinel    12 years ago

Well said.

I found these words from the end notes of Bernard Shaw's Cashel Byron's Profession, which I finished reading this morning, to be apropos:

As long as society is so organized that the destitute athlete and the destitute beauty are forced to choose between underpaid drudgery as industrial producers, and comparative self-respect, plenty, and popularity as prizefighters and mercenary brides, licit or illicit, it is idle to affect virtuous indignation at their expense. The word prostitute should either not be used at all, or else applied impartially to all persons who do things for money that they would not do if they had any other assured means of livelihood. The evil caused by the prostitution of the Press and the Pulpit is so gigantic that the prostitution of the prize ring, which at least makes no serious moral pretensions, is comparatively negligible by comparison.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Aeonpax    12 years ago


One Really Fed Up Boomer
Freshman Silent
link   One Really Fed Up Boomer    12 years ago

What is porn anyway? the SCOTUS could not define it, case was brought up years ago. They ruled it was in the eye of the beholder and to shut it down would be a violation of the first amendment. So like so much of what is going on in this world today if you don't like something don't do it but don't shove your morality, ethics, theology or anything else on the rest of the USA by attempting to legislate it away. If you do we no longer have a "free" society. What is needed is the teaching of the fact that a democracy requires a good solid education so people can take responsibility for their own actions incumbent on them by living in a free society. We as a nation seem to have forgotten that. Frown.gif

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Aeonpax    12 years ago

Since the proliferation of filming technology, amateur porn is fast replacing so-called professional porn so with that in mind, anyone can be a star.

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Aeonpax    12 years ago


Ex-Miss Teen Delaware USA Melissa King Reportedly Offered $250,000 ... - Well, she said she needed the money.

According to TMZ, Melissa King, who resigned the title of Miss Teen Delaware USA following allegations that she appeared in a pornographic video, has been offered $250,000 to be the spokeswoman for adult site YouPorn. TMZ obtained a copy of YouPorn's offer to King, which read in part:

"While you may have surrendered your tiara for Miss Teen USA, we'd like to keep that pretty head of yours topped with ours, and name you Miss Youporn ... We believe your incredible beauty and personality coupled with our internet trafc is a "win win" for both of us. We believe this story will only catapult your career and could really expose you to an entirely different audience."


Unless you are very good or get into specialized porn, it's a short lived career that doesn't pay that well.

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
link   Mark in Wyoming     12 years ago

LOL, actually its said that politics is the 2nd oldest proffession and has a lot in common with the 1st oldest.( taking money to screw someone)


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