
The “labia pride” movement


Category:  Other

Via:  z  •  11 years ago  •  0 comments

The “labia pride” movement

Underneath a self-portrait snapped of the ruffly pink flesh in-between her legs, a woman writes, I am 23 and so embarrassed of my labia that I still have never shown it to anyone to a guy or even a doctor! Its a post submitted by an anonymous reader on the Tumblr Large Labia Project. The blog is filled with similar photos accompanied by tales of vulval shame. One woman writes of distress over the fact that her labia are lopsided. Another worries that shes lost lovers in the past because they all thought my vagina was weird. There are concerns about taste and smell, too, but mostly vulva shape and size.

Its just one of several new sites calling on women to bare all to benefit womankind.

These crotch shots are not meant to titillate although some male readers pop in to proclaim that they navigate the site with one hand. Instead, the idea is that submitting a photo can help a woman get over her body shame particularly because of positive feedback from site moderators and readers, who often offer you go, girl cheerleading. (Although, some posters find it devastating when their photo doesnt get as many likes as others.) The greater aim is to publicly catalog normal genital diversity the kind you wont find in mainstream porn so that women no longer judge their nethers by an unrealistic standard. Source: http://www.salon.com/2013/02/17/the_labia_pride_movement/

More so in grade and high school, I would hear the boys occasionally bragging about the size of their phallus. My guess was that the larger it was, the more of a man they are. There were times I would interject that you never hear women bragging about the size of their vagina's, which I thought was humorous. Later, it came to my attention that there were some guys whom were not part of those discussions and in fact, were ridiculed because nature did not endow them thusly. This was a poignant lesson I learned a body and self esteem.

What I did not learn in primary and secondary school however, was just how sensitive us females are and how critical and ashamed some of us are about our own bodies. For example, the girls who would always shower as far away from the group and would always cover up in the locker rooms. Even among friends, there was some sort of societal proscription about our physiological short comings.

The one thing I like about sexylabia.com is that it breaks down another long held barrier us women unconsciously impose upon ourselves. It brings out in the open things that we were taught coming a more anachronistic and Victorian time and says I am beautiful, not despite what we perceive as our short comings but because of them.


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