
For My Friend,....Perrie


Category:  Other

Via:  loneranger01  •  12 years ago  •  12 comments

For My Friend,....Perrie
Who would have ever thought something
as simple and nice as a care package
in the middle of a war torn battle field
would bring two people together
more than forty years later
to form a bond and forge a special friendship
between my friend Perrie and me.
I watch my fickle friend rule the roust each day
with sad eyes and a broken heart I wonder,
how she manages to carry the burden
of the purple pen on her shoulders so well.
Then in hopes that one day she will learn
I say what I mean and I mean what I say
And Perrie my friend, I say to you,
we have a special friendship
thats worth treasuring always,
and that will be forever and a day....


jrDiscussion - desc
Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    12 years ago

Very, very nice LR!105.gif

I knew you could do it!3.gif

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    12 years ago

A truly sweet tribute to a wonderful lady! Thanks LR, for posting this!

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  LoneRanger01    12 years ago

the war torn battle field was Hill 881S just outside of Khe Sanh where I was. the battle lasted 77 days and nights. the care package came from Operation We Care and was sentfrom Ottos Deli in Wantagh NY. where Perrie lived....the battle was in more than 40 years ago and when I joined NT I met Perrie for the first time.....

That is the moment in History that Perrie and I share....together

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

What a lovely and perfect poem, LR. It really means a lot to me.

I couldn't have asked for more.

I wasjealousof the other girls,

And now you evened the score.

You put pen to paper,

It really means a lot to me.

I just wanted you to know,

And said it sobeautifully,

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

Awww.. Bruce.. how sweet... I think?

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  LoneRanger01    12 years ago

thank you.....see you worry for nothing...24.gif 24.gif 24.gif

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  LoneRanger01    12 years ago

thank you Dowser for taking the time to read it....

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    12 years ago

Not private at all. One of the first things LR posted here was about a battle he fought in Vietnam. He talked about care packages airdropped from a deli in Wantagh. In an odd twist of fate, Wantagh was my hometown, and those care packages that Otto dropped was supported by the town's people. The local shops, of which my parents owned one, had donation cups to collect money for Otto's to continue these drops that they started and our town, being a rarity at the time, supported our troops in this little way.

My dad a vet of both the Korean War and Vietnam was proud of our little town for caring about our troops. Little did he or any of us ever realize is that I would be able to tell my friends who still live in Wantagh (and many still do), that I actually got to know one of these vets, our LR.

Freshman Silent
link   Feddy    12 years ago

Beautiful LR! Grin.gif

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    12 years ago

Have to say I agree,,,nicely said LR!

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  LoneRanger01    12 years ago

thank you Fed up and larry

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  LoneRanger01    12 years ago

wow gunny,...wiping tears from eyes,...well said


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