
repost of To My Friend UptownChick


Category:  Other

Via:  loneranger01  •  12 years ago  •  2 comments

repost of To My Friend  UptownChick


Within my heart there happened a small miracle

Not knowing when or how

But just knowing the happiness it has brought me

Is a special gift in of itself

Because our friendship is a special gift from God

And like a diamond in the desert,

Upity, you will always be my special friend...



jrDiscussion - desc
Junior Silent
link   Uptownchick    12 years ago

Thank you so much LR...you're a sweetheart! You really didn't have to repost this but I'm sure happy you did...6.gif

Freshman Silent
link   Feddy    12 years ago

Why did you have to repost it?


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