
Dirty Limerick Contest. Come one, come all! Fabulously large prizes not awarded. Dirty language included!!!


Category:  Entertainment

Via:  neale-osborn  •  13 years ago  •  0 comments

Dirty Limerick Contest. Come one, come all! Fabulously large prizes not awarded. Dirty language included!!!

Some tried and true limericks to start with- remember, rhyme and scansion are VERY important- (Thanks for the idea, ladies!!)

There once was a man from Nantucket,

With a dick so long he could suck it

He said with a grin

as he wiped off his chin,

If my ear were a ___ I would fuck it. (My wife detests the word the blank replaces. Sorry!)

There once was a man from Toronto

With a dick the Rockettes all could hold onto

Without leaving the room

He could enter the womb

Of a girl eating soup in Oneonta.

There once was a man from Peru

Who fell asleep in a canoe

While dreaming of Venus

He played with his penis

and woke up with a handful of goo

THere was a young lady named Dot

Who inserted a fly in her twat

If you tickled her fuzz

that fucker would buzz

till you glued it's wings shut with a shot

Well, do YOU have any good ones?? Worthy of a 24.gif ?


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