Negative Chaos
OK ... so you've had some phrase , expression or saying rattlin' around in your head for a while . If you've got many of these they are like cobwebs in your mind . And now it's time to clean out your mental attic .
How you ask ? Here is my suggestion . Just re-express them as the negative . It's easy to do but can result in the liberation of the mind from these pesky interferences . And don't even worry about what they mean . Let others do the interpreting for you . It worked for Bob Dylan . It can work for you .
To start you off here are a couple of examples :
1] "The unfairer sex "
See how easy that was ... What does it mean ? I can think of at least 2 interpretations . How about you ?
2] "Uncleanliness is next to ungodliness ."
OK this one used the logical inverse . Does this pass for profound truth ? Who can say ? What part of the political spectrum would even say such a thing ?!
Alright then ... your turn . Come up with a negative version of some expression or interpret what someone else has done . Have at it ...
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I was just thinking that your mind is already too liberated . What kind of monster might you become from this exercize ? I expect it is already too late for that !
"Too far away for discomfort"
Great example ! At last someone gets it . Aren't you glad there is no need to apply it ... or have you already ?
Presence makes the heart grow hostile.
Things dissimilar to dissimilar things, are dissimilar to each other. (Geometric Axiom)
Max, that is precisely why I used it LOL.
Complacency is the root of all good.
Ooo I likey that one.Eleanor.. I'm not so sure about.
Keep your friends close and your enemies as far as you can.
Works for me!
The moon will go away yesterday.
Shel ,
So vicious ! I'm sure we have all seen examples of that ..
YES ! Highly confusing and probably not even logical ... but I'm too lazy to analyze it .
Or the day after!
Subtle ...
Danny DeVito?
Shut up later or eternally blab.
[[Don't ask what you can't do for your country, ask what your country can't do for you.]]
Nicely done . I see that you left out the Kennedy style syntax .
Not just the evil live into their advanced years.
Oooh ... good one . And its rather revealing of human nature as well .
That was actually almost profound .
Billy Joel would not adopt that into a song ...
I don't think "Cat's" will be writing that into any new songs ...
I'm fairly sure that 1st Officer Spock would not like that one ... Oops Feronia beat me to it .
This is more of a personal philosophical statement than a mental exercise ...
Another personal philosophy ?
Out of the mouth of teens...
Eleanor ?
You just reminded me...
"however, logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
I'm just gonna leave that one alone.
Perhaps it's just as well .
Or perhaps the "opposite" orifice ?
I don't know . The price of copper keeps going up and making your own foundry is not that difficult ...
Descarte would recognize it ... as a rank out .
Quantitatively inferior punctually than incessantly. (Better late than never)
The friend of your friend is your enemy. (The enemy of my enemy is my friend)
The beginning is distant. (The end is near)
All play and no work makes Jack a fun boy.
Good one D'Wayne!
Talk loud and don't carry a big stick.
Likewise , all play & no work makes Spuds Mckenzie a party animal .
That is much more popular today than what T.R. said . Still , it could have been updated as
"bellow loudly and carry an iphone" .
I do like that better, Rich! Very clever!
You are quite the wordsmith ... very creative . I'm sure I would have gotten the reference on the last two . That 1st one would have been some work !
Death is the sound of distant thunder at a picnic.
It's very poetic . Is it part of the exercise ?
The light at the end of the tunnel might only be a train wreck or explosion in your own mind.
Excuse you!
Politically wrong.
Wasn't that used by Steve Martin in a comedy bit ? After rethinking it I would say no . His was :
I guess you are just typing faster than I can read cuz I just don't get it....
You mean you don't get the concept ?
Just express some oft-repeated phrase as its negative . And as I said :
"don't even worry about what they mean . Let others do the interpreting for you . It worked for Bob Dylan . It can work for you ."
Does that help ?
got it
Petey, Were you looking for something that was more of a play on words (like Mac's?)?
My mind was going down the road of "cobwebs, or cleaning out the mental attic" as you had suggested, with my suggestion being someone caught up with a light they created.
Would you prefer something like, the light at the end of the tunnel is just another headlight. lol..or is that not quite it? Can you change it?
I'm after whatever you feel like throwing out ... as long as it is new and original .
Nice ! So I'm guessing that random acts of unkindness are OK ?
The light at the end of the tunnel..
Okay, thanks! Interpretive works.
That's quite a surreal picture . Thanks . Feel free to also add some verbal material of an original nature .
Ok...I'll try to see where it takes me.
If you can say something nasty, say anything at all... long as they are filled with lots of negative chaos.