
How did the Higgs Boson get it's name ?


Category:  Other

Via:  petey-coober  •  13 years ago  •  1 comments

How did the Higgs Boson get it's name ?

I couldn't decide whether to put this under humor or sci/tech so I settled for other .

Back when he was in college Peter Higgs had a part time job as a clown at birthday parties . One day he was in a big hurry and didn't have time to remove his costume before returning to school . Several of his buddies saw him
in the clown getup and referred to him as Bozo . As you can guess there is a very small jump from being called
Bozo to being called Boson . Do I really have to draw in the dotted line for you ??

OK , I actually made that up , like you didn't know ...

But here is an short easy to follow explanation of the Higgs Boson . I think you'll enjoy it .
What is a Higgs Boson?

OK , still a glutton for more punishment ? Here is another video ...
Higgs Boson: Latest Update


jrDiscussion - desc
Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    13 years ago

If you watch the second video you will see[at 5:40] that they have furthered narrowed the range of possible masses of the Higgs .

Also back in February they narrowed the range of mass of the W Boson which would make it easier to find the Higgs .

Here is what an Italian researcher said recently :

[[Italian researcher and blogger Tomasso Dorigo, who works with both CERN and Fermilab, said the independent but similar results from differing experiments "does raise the odds to which I am willing to bet that the Higgs is there." ]]

So it is starting to look like the H B is real and they will find it fairly soon .

Just yesterday they discovered some completely new particle while searching for the H B .

That's all I've got for now .


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