Via: perrie-halpern • 13 years ago • 51 comments
As many of you may know, our Pat N hadreceiveda very nasty email from the Newsvine email system. Because of the extreme nasty nature of this email, she has decided to quit the vine. Many members here at NT have been very kind a supportive of her, in this very troubling time for her and she wanted me to let you know the following:
Thank you for the outpouring of love and support from the folks at NewsTalkers who are leaving comments for me. I want you to know that I am truly touched by your comments and I appreciate them very much, but am unable to respond at this time.
Please don't take it personally that I can't respond to you at this time. I honestly am just following the suggestions of the authorities. Please don't withdraw any friend requests and I will respond to them at a more prudent time.
Pat, we all support you at this time, and we hope that this awful issue will be resolved for you quickly. Best of luck, and stiff upper lip!
Ugh . Apparently this was so severe that it required the intervention of the police . I am very sorry to hear that . I sincerely hope they catch whoever was responsible and punish the SOB . And I'm not talking about just getting banned from the vine . I'm talking about some jail time .
Pat , hang in there . We here at NT are all in your corner .
I know what you mean John . People like that get heavily invested in the CoH so that they can game the system . They violate the spirit of the rules while staying wthin the letter of the laws .
Pat N. was and is a tough person to debate with, and those at NV knew it and so attacked her whenever and however they could.
That e-mail, however, was so beyond the pale it staggers the imagination. Wish to hell a'holes like that actually had some courage, wouldn't mind meeting that SOB for a few minutes.
No, Terry ... I only started following this today ... can you direct me to her comment if it still exists? I have bits and pieces of the incident but really don't have a full sense of what happened nor the sequence.
"I'm surprised at how many people HERE spend so much time belly-aching about THERE."
Welcome to NT ! That has been our legacy since our founding . We have dealt with quite a few embittered banned viners over their past difficulties . There really is no easy solution to deal with these feelings , at least none that I know of . But we carry on somehow and try to allow them to decompress here until they can refocus their energies .
Quite true. All of us original members from the old site remember how bad it could be when you got so many bitter ex-viners together with no opportunity to decompress. It is much cleaner and nicer now, especially since we moved our venue (thanks Perrie) an ex viner or two can get it out of their system without a huge uproar. If anything, it is expected.
Now, back on task. Pat is a good friend and i have every confidence that this situation will be resolved to her satisfaction. It's just shitty that some douche took it so far to begin with. She can be a polarizing columnist, but that should just stir the fires of proper debate.
If this was between Dennis and Pat, then the legal waters become quite a bit more murky, since he lives in Turkey and is only beholden to their laws. Maybe i am wrong.
I haven't been a moderator here since before we moved to Ning, but i think i would be putting some words in purple about now. There are better places for you two to have disagreements, and certainly plenty of other places to discuss the wonders of Newsvine. Just sayin....but not in purple.
I've been out for a while ... I can't post comments from my iPhone but I've been following the thread otherwise.
How ironic that we're discussing a pissing contest on another site and watching one starting to materialize here! Think about it ... we have evolved away from the other site; we're free to discuss anything here and generally do so without making bad feelings.
Let's not crap where we eat ... META - phorically speaking.
That is how we used to do it. It definitely limits longterm obligations. Personally, i think our current moderators are doing fine, but if somebody is bored, then i dont mind moderating for a while. I do think Randy is right terms outside of AMac and Perrie seems the way to go (they clearly need to be permanent moderators IMO)...
I would agree, but not too many people want to do the job. And even when they do, really it's Me and Mac who are on the most. I guess it is a thankless job, and so not too manyvolunteers. But I think that I will add Peter to the list, even if I don't cut someone, since we could use a well trained set of eyes.
Best wishes to Pat. I hope this all works out for the best. I look forward to having her here as a regular.
Her crime is thecomplete nature of her research. She backs her opinion up with rich and thorough sourcing. When her opponents - most of them incapable of forming their opinions in a coherent manner - are cornered and beaten, they lash out. Rather than walking away, they race to the bottom.The new method of admitting defeatis the personal attack. She's better off done with that place. Too much class, if you ask me.
Don't think she actually wrote a farewell address, not like Gillis put up for you. I think it was in a note to someone. If there was an actual farewell address, will find it and link it.
Before we see another pissing contest, let me clarify ...
" ... we have evolved away from the other site ... "
Ironically, were it not for some of the negatives of NV, The NewsTalkers may not exist today. Changes occur dramatically ... in a REVOLUTIONARY way, or, gradually ... EVOLVING as they go.
Members have come to NT for various reasons ... banning from another site, displeasure with another site and/or curiosity/interest from mention/discussion/reference on the Internet.
Some brought their bad manners and got booted; others modified their "styles" because they didn't wish to get the boot or, realized the pluses of what is mostly the self-moderation herein.
So, while the evolving NT is not a "simple" phenomenon, neither is it so complex as to defy a simplified yet somewhat accurate summary.
If that is allowed unchecked, all we'll havehere is a forum full ofpeople that couldn't practice simple civility there.
I couldn't agree with you more.
Members have come to NT for various reasons ... banning from another site, displeasure with another site and/or curiosity/interest from mention/discussion/reference on the Internet.
So, while the evolving NT is not a "simple" phenomenon, neither is it so complex as to defy a simplified yet somewhat accurate summary.
Excellent summery Mac.
Think of NT as a new beginning. Cleans yourself of the past and everyone will benefit, including yourself.
I seem to recall that when our group had an excess of problems due to vine obsession we simply put up a temporary ban on discussing it in any form . But all other subjects were acceptable . Unfortunately we have had Pat N's problems crop up and we are trying to deal with this event without imploding .
I think we should at least let the investigation proceed to the point that we have some real facts to talk about instead of rehashing vine history here . That's my take on this FWIW .
I do find it instructive, however, that we see someone who is clearly unhinged and how they the attack someone else merely because of her positions vis a vis another poster.
Lesson to be learned by all, methinks. It is, after all, just the net!
It will be a lot more instructive when we find out who was behind this . Right now all we can do is partake in speculation and finger pointing without real evidence .
NV over time has become despicable regarding Israel and Jews. Ithas becomeopenely anti-semetic with little or no moderator intervention. But if I call someoneout onan anti-semetic comment, I am immediately chastised. At this point, I am more inclined to ignore the "Usual Suspects" (A phrase I coined for the openly anti-semites on NV.)
I believe that I am labeled by NV staff as atrouble maker, something that I am proud of. I will not be intimidated nor will I submit . What is the worst thing they can do to me (and that may be a good thing anyway)
My latest gesture was to create a group on NV called.... "Anti-semeitic Seeds on NewsVine"
P.S. I too have received unwanted emails on NV via their email system. Buty I changed my setting to only allow email from friends.
I've tried to unravel the mess over there but everyone has editorialized, pointed fingers and done the usual pissin' on the floor ... does anyone have a specific, sequential run down?
The cast of characters has grown do much, and the events so twisted, that it's almost impossible to explain. I think that Krish knows the most. He's probably the guy to fill you in.
I have a theory . The idea was to make Pat quit the vine . It would be hard to devise a better way to do it than the email which was sent . By mentioning McCann as the alleged ringleader it made it look as though Pat was trying to frame him . How could she prove she wasn't ? The only real proof was to quit ...
Ugh . Apparently this was so severe that it required the intervention of the police . I am very sorry to hear that . I sincerely hope they catch whoever was responsible and punish the SOB . And I'm not talking about just getting banned from the vine . I'm talking about some jail time .
Pat , hang in there . We here at NT are all in your corner .
Just saw the drama over there. NV appears to be spiraling out of control.
I would like to keep this about Pat and not about NV. Thanks everyone!
I know what you mean John . People like that get heavily invested in the CoH so that they can game the system . They violate the spirit of the rules while staying wthin the letter of the laws .
Saw and followed along and I have to say I wasappalled. Sincere well wishes Pat; sending lottsa good Karma your direction.
Pat N. was and is a tough person to debate with, and those at NV knew it and so attacked her whenever and however they could.
That e-mail, however, was so beyond the pale it staggers the imagination. Wish to hell a'holes like that actually had some courage, wouldn't mind meeting that SOB for a few minutes.
All thoughts with you Pat!
Pat N is a friend; we have widely divergent political views for the most part, but Gemini folk bifurcate.
Best of luck Pat N.
AMac, she mentioned you in her asta lavista from the Vine. Don't know if you knew that.
No, Terry ... I only started following this today ... can you direct me to her comment if it still exists? I have bits and pieces of the incident but really don't have a full sense of what happened nor the sequence.
"I'm surprised at how many people HERE spend so much time belly-aching about THERE."
Welcome to NT ! That has been our legacy since our founding . We have dealt with quite a few embittered banned viners over their past difficulties . There really is no easy solution to deal with these feelings , at least none that I know of . But we carry on somehow and try to allow them to decompress here until they can refocus their energies .
Quite true. All of us original members from the old site remember how bad it could be when you got so many bitter ex-viners together with no opportunity to decompress. It is much cleaner and nicer now, especially since we moved our venue (thanks Perrie) an ex viner or two can get it out of their system without a huge uproar. If anything, it is expected.
Now, back on task. Pat is a good friend and i have every confidence that this situation will be resolved to her satisfaction. It's just shitty that some douche took it so far to begin with. She can be a polarizing columnist, but that should just stir the fires of proper debate.
I would like to see this also.
If this was between Dennis and Pat, then the legal waters become quite a bit more murky, since he lives in Turkey and is only beholden to their laws. Maybe i am wrong.
That does make sense actually. Dennis can be a dick, but he didnt seem like the type of guy to send threatening letters to a person.
I say dick, but we have gotten along fairly well in the past, lol.
OK Iar and John... Enough! Anymore after this, will be deleted.
I haven't been a moderator here since before we moved to Ning, but i think i would be putting some words in purple about now. There are better places for you two to have disagreements, and certainly plenty of other places to discuss the wonders of Newsvine. Just sayin....but not in purple.
D'oh! You post more quickly than I.
I would be glad to have you as a mod. I might just add you, since several of our mods are not on enough. I'll talk to you in a bit.
I've been out for a while ... I can't post comments from my iPhone but I've been following the thread otherwise.
How ironic that we're discussing a pissing contest on another site and watching one starting to materialize here! Think about it ... we have evolved away from the other site; we're free to discuss anything here and generally do so without making bad feelings.
Let's not crap where we eat ... META - phorically speaking.
Very well said, Mac!
That is how we used to do it. It definitely limits longterm obligations. Personally, i think our current moderators are doing fine, but if somebody is bored, then i dont mind moderating for a while. I do think Randy is right terms outside of AMac and Perrie seems the way to go (they clearly need to be permanent moderators IMO)...
I would agree, but not too many people want to do the job. And even when they do, really it's Me and Mac who are on the most. I guess it is a thankless job, and so not too manyvolunteers. But I think that I will add Peter to the list, even if I don't cut someone, since we could use a well trained set of eyes.
Pete ,
R U sure you're up for the training ??
Rich....are you calling me fat?!?
edit: This should have dropped a bracket.
Best wishes to Pat. I hope this all works out for the best. I look forward to having her here as a regular.
Her crime is thecomplete nature of her research. She backs her opinion up with rich and thorough sourcing. When her opponents - most of them incapable of forming their opinions in a coherent manner - are cornered and beaten, they lash out. Rather than walking away, they race to the bottom.The new method of admitting defeatis the personal attack. She's better off done with that place. Too much class, if you ask me.
Or the collapse of entire articles!
You should have been here at this place's inception! LOL
It really was not between Pat and Dennis, at least not the e-mail issue.
Here's the link to where you are mentioned.
Here's a link to the e-mail.
Don't think she actually wrote a farewell address, not like Gillis put up for you. I think it was in a note to someone. If there was an actual farewell address, will find it and link it.
You're a class guy, Iar, never doubted that.
Before we see another pissing contest, let me clarify ...
Ironically, were it not for some of the negatives of NV, The NewsTalkers may not exist today. Changes occur dramatically ... in a REVOLUTIONARY way, or, gradually ... EVOLVING as they go.
Members have come to NT for various reasons ... banning from another site, displeasure with another site and/or curiosity/interest from mention/discussion/reference on the Internet.
Some brought their bad manners and got booted; others modified their "styles" because they didn't wish to get the boot or, realized the pluses of what is mostly the self-moderation herein.
So, while the evolving NT is not a "simple" phenomenon, neither is it so complex as to defy a simplified yet somewhat accurate summary.
Quite true, and on a personal level, an highly successful woman, conservative woman, which many folks just can't take.
Like Jazz, a highly successful black guy, conservative black guy.
So many stereotypes of how one who is "identified" in a group should act.
I'll second that!
I couldn't agree with you more.
Excellent summery Mac.
Think of NT as a new beginning. Cleans yourself of the past and everyone will benefit, including yourself.
I seem to recall that when our group had an excess of problems due to vine obsession we simply put up a temporary ban on discussing it in any form . But all other subjects were acceptable . Unfortunately we have had Pat N's problems crop up and we are trying to deal with this event without imploding .
I think we should at least let the investigation proceed to the point that we have some real facts to talk about instead of rehashing vine history here . That's my take on this FWIW .
I do find it instructive, however, that we see someone who is clearly unhinged and how they the attack someone else merely because of her positions vis a vis another poster.
Lesson to be learned by all, methinks. It is, after all, just the net!
It will be a lot more instructive when we find out who was behind this . Right now all we can do is partake in speculation and finger pointing without real evidence .
NV over time has become despicable regarding Israel and Jews. Ithas becomeopenely anti-semetic with little or no moderator intervention. But if I call someoneout onan anti-semetic comment, I am immediately chastised. At this point, I am more inclined to ignore the "Usual Suspects" (A phrase I coined for the openly anti-semites on NV.)
I believe that I am labeled by NV staff as atrouble maker, something that I am proud of. I will not be intimidated nor will I submit
. What is the worst thing they can do to me (and that may be a good thing anyway)
My latest gesture was to create a group on NV called.... "Anti-semeitic Seeds on NewsVine"
P.S. I too have received unwanted emails on NV via their email system. Buty I changed my setting to only allow email from friends.
I don't really know Pat N, but I just read the email. Pretty sorry individual. I am sorry that she got that.
I've tried to unravel the mess over there but everyone has editorialized, pointed fingers and done the usual pissin' on the floor ... does anyone have a specific, sequential run down?
The cast of characters has grown do much, and the events so twisted, that it's almost impossible to explain. I think that Krish knows the most. He's probably the guy to fill you in.
I have a theory . The idea was to make Pat quit the vine . It would be hard to devise a better way to do it than the email which was sent . By mentioning McCann as the alleged ringleader it made it look as though Pat was trying to frame him . How could she prove she wasn't ? The only real proof was to quit ...