Mitt Romney's Mexican Family
I found this article about Mitt Romney's Mexican family. I thought that it made an interestingcompanionpiece to the Ann Coulter article, since she talk so much about immigration and her final choice was Romney.
COLONIA JUREZ, Mexico As Mitt Romney campaigns for the White House, his Mexican cousins and supporters in this Mormon community would like to weigh in on some of the most contentious issues of the campaign: immigration, border security and religion.
Romney has more than 20 distant relatives going back three generations and a legion of supporters living in this region where his father, George, was born a sanctuary colony in the northern state of Chihuahua originally established by polygamists from Utah led by Mitt Romneys great-grandfather Miles Park Romney. Mitt Romney has never set foot in the region, his relatives say, but they are closely following the campaign for the Republican nomination, sometimes a bit uncomfortably.
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I never knew that Mitt had Mexican family. I wonder if this makes a difference to him about immigration?
Interesting information. Did not know this about Romney.
Former Florida Govenor Jeb Bush, brother of GW,married into a Hispanic family with roots in Mexico and I always wondered if thefamily connectionshadan influence on hisjudgment, primarily due toan increase intrade ageementswith Mexico thathurt the producers and growers here in Florida. I don't have proofof that,I simplyquestioned whydecisions were made that ended up hurtingFlorida businesses yet benefited Mexico.
Kind of missing the main point, Randy.
I didn't know that Kori about Florida growers. Very interesting and a good point, Kori.
Your point might be spot on or it was just NAFTA. I really don't know.
But blood can be thicker than water, so they say.
This is true Randy. George W was verysympatheticto the Hispaniccommunities. I'm not sure if his approach to immigration was right. In fact, I think that it might be one of several reasons that this is such a hot button issue today.
But are they really "Mexican"? They were immigrants to Mexico--but were originally Americans, and:
Randy, miss the point??
How dare you, Perrie.
^ Randy, Perrie,
true and true.
In reality, GW's expansion of NAFTA had more to do spike inimports from Mexicothan family matters. However,just before and afterthe expansion ofNAFTA, there werewidespread protests fromFlorida growers and businesses. As ususal, the govmt doesn't listen to the people.
Ironically, Mormons who believe in plural marriage move toNevada. They don't have to move to Mexico. And frankly, I don't care if a person wants to believe in plural marriage, so long as it is adults involved.
Right on the nose, Kori!
Romney has Mexican family-- and many disagree with his views on immigration..
Well, now it has been revealed that Santorum has family in Italy -- and wow-- do they ever have different political views!
Rick Santorums Communist Clan in Italy