Via: kori • 14 years ago • 11 comments
It's not like I follow the best of pole dancingbut ran across this several moments ago and thought I'd share it with you. This young lady'sabilities on a polearevery impressive. Youth is wasted on the young.
Don't know how to imbed a link so you will just have to click her name below ....
I took the liberty of embedding the video for you, so that it would be easier for your readers to see. In the future it is very easy to embed. You copy the embed code for you tube. Then in your article, you put the cursor where you want the video to go and you click on the icon that looks like a movie strip in the reply box tool bar. Then you paste the embed code in there, hit save and it's done. It doesn't always look right, right away, but hit refresh and it will.
Sorry P . Nothing personal . I was just trying to get you to watch the video . She really is a remarkable athlete . And there is no lewd display or nudity going on .
Wow .... she's very expressive & athletic .
I took the liberty of embedding the video for you, so that it would be easier for your readers to see. In the future it is very easy to embed. You copy the embed code for you tube. Then in your article, you put the cursor where you want the video to go and you click on the icon that looks like a movie strip in the reply box tool bar. Then you paste the embed code in there, hit save and it's done. It doesn't always look right, right away, but hit refresh and it will.
Hey P ,
I'll bet you couldn't do moves like that ...
You really know how to make an old girl feel bad.
I'm glad when I stand up and don't fall over.
Sorry P . Nothing personal . I was just trying to get you to watch the video . She really is a remarkable athlete . And there is no lewd display or nudity going on .
Yes-- I found that quite disappointing as well.
^ "I took the liberty of embedding the video for you, ... "
Thank you, Ms Perrie. I'll try that next time.
^ I'm glad when I stand up and don't fall over.
Honey, me and you both!I kept one each of my mother and mother-in-law's cane, walker, and wheel chair. Am prepared if/when the time!
However, I better get to pole dancing to keep those "golden years" at bay.
Yes-- I found that quite disappointing as well."
Let your imagination putthat specialtwinkle in your eye, Krish.
Another great video of Poles dancing:
OMG - her flexibility and strength and coordination are astounding - WOW