
Killer Rage


Category:  Entertainment

Via:  petey-coober  •  14 years ago  •  48 comments

Killer Rage

Killer Rage
[translation of the word Kolaveri]

India does the Macarena :

It was bound to happen . Up till now Indian love songs have apparently been
songs about happily ever after [as far as I can tell] . But finally here is one about the heart break upon being dumped . It has gotten well over 5 million hits on youtube .
Listen to it and you too will be mesmerized . [Don't be concerned . It is not a song about violence and it is translated into "sort of English" .]



jrDiscussion - desc
Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

I don't know what is required to do an embed code but the above is the youtube link .

Here I fixed it for you!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    14 years ago

Well, it's about time!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

OK thanks . I got the embed code now .

Freshman Silent
link   Kori    14 years ago

Being a fan of theBollywood movies (newer ones) which are mostly musicals, I'm not surewhat your point in posting this is but I do seea significantlack of creative musical talent.Other than that, not sure what there is to say.:-D

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

There is no accounting for tastes . I didn't care for the music you posted either . I could point out that this "significantlack of creative musical talent" had well over 5 MILLION hits on youtube ...

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    14 years ago

You guys are funny. I would say that both of these artists are "off the beaten path". Usually, they require more than one listening.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

"I'm not sure what your point in posting this is"

I thought I explained my point in the writeup . Did you read what I said ?
This song is very much against the tradition of Indian music . In that respect it
is as Perrie put it "off the beaten path" .

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

I'm glad to see that you are "hooked" too .

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    14 years ago

This seems to be a reflection of a less romantic notion of relationships. Perhaps it is signifies a cultural shift?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    14 years ago

Actually, Larry I have been reading about this in India.

Traditionally, woman stayed home and took care of the parents. Now, woman are finding that they can enter the work force with outsourcing, and be independent. It also gives the primary family more disposable income, which is why they have a booming middles class suddenly. But woman now are finding that you can't take care of the older generation and work, and so there is more pressure on marriages, where this is still culturally expected, so divorce rate is also going up. An unexpected side effect of outsourcing.

I think that this song is a reflection of this.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

"Perhaps it is signifies a cultural shift?"

That is exactly the point I was making . And , as usual , Perrie is on top of the
sociology of the ongoing changes .

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    14 years ago

I read... a lot!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

Yes you do ... and it shows ! BTW what was your reaction to the musical aspects
of this number ?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    14 years ago

It's verymesmerizing. Kind of like ledZeppelin's"Kashmir"or Sting's "One Thousand Years."

Freshman Silent
link   Kori    14 years ago

RS: I didn't know what to say earlier because the title says, "Killer Rage" and in the body it says "India does the Macrena", then moving on to the video I don't see the connection between the rage and macrena because it represents neitherof them.The words are repetitive and I don't really know what he is singing about. I might have liked it more if the song were subtitled in English (it was just a little). I guess I expect things to make sense to me and maybe that's my error.

I enjoy indian music and have listened to a variety over the years. Some of it is very lively, foot tapping dancing music, but this just didn't cut it for me.

I don't anticipate that everyone willlike the song or the music that I posted (re Jordan Page) but it's cool ifyou don't.I don't necessarily gravitate toward that stylebut I just happened to really like that particular one. It wasmuch more meaningful with the words and the video which helped me tounderstand what he was singing aboutand where he was coming from. I could appreciate it more.

I enjoy supportingitinerant musicians, new upstarts.

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    14 years ago

Interesting and thanks for a little background. Sounds like India's culture is experiencing sorta the same things that American culture faces.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    14 years ago


Rich gets very excited about new music and is very passionate about his finds. Once I told him that I didn't love Kristin Chenoweth, and he was very upset with me. He loves her. I think that he's a very passionate guy... but doesn't want anyone to know ;-)

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    14 years ago

Iimmediatelyheard Sting too; a kindasurrealisticvibe about it.

Cool and I gotta say yeah, I liked it!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

Kori ,

"I don't see the connection between the rage and macrena because it represents neither of them. "

Sorry if I lost you on that one . It is quite possible that no one followed me there .
My point is that the expression of male frustration is part of both of these songs in
cultures where such expression is just not put to music . The Macarena came out of Latin American culture and was ground breaking in its day . I am drawing a parallel between the cultural shifts that happened in Latin America back then with the shifts which are happening in India now . I hope that is a little clearer ...

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

It is no accident that this has gotten well over 5 million hits on youtube ...

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

OK ,

Upon further googling and youtubing I may have been wrong about the Macarena .

Freshman Silent
link   Kori    14 years ago

RS: Thanks for taking the time to explain. Yes, it was and still is lost on me but music is subjectiveand wehave our own preferences, interpretations, and knowledge. Ienjoy learning from othersand sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't. That's me. :-)

I learned the Macarena as a happy dance song which maybe part of the reason I'm failing tosee the connection.I even looked up the english wordsandstill don't see it.lol! I must be dense. :-)

Macarena dance song, by Los del Mar- link: Macarena - Los del Mar

There is a link there but it's light pink, barely visible. That's odd. If we ever have a group meet, let's be sure to dance the Macarena. hahaha!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

Kori ,

Apparently it is I [me ?] who is dense . See this comment I made before :

Freshman Silent
link   Kori    14 years ago

Randy: I think my head wouldshake right off my shoulders if I try that dance.lol!

Here's one from the Om Shanti Om movie. What's nice is that it showcases a large cast ofthe Bollywood stars who appear to be arriving as guests at a party. Shah Rukh Khan is a favorite bollywood actor.

Deewangi, Deewangi - Om Shanti Om

Freshman Silent
link   Kori    14 years ago

Well if that's the case, we're in good company then.hehe! :-)

Freshman Silent
link   Kori    14 years ago

lol! Well,toss out that line of thought. :-D

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

Well , it seems that this particular youtube link is on fire ! The count was up to
approx 5.3 million when I wrote this article a few hours ago . Now it is up to almost 7 million ...

Professor Expert
link   Krishna    14 years ago

What an incredible collection of top Bollywood stars-- all in one dance scene!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    14 years ago

Never mind that Krish . What did you think of the featured song and my writeup ?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Update on the youtube performance : It is now over 72 million hits !!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Aren't you at all interested in listening to a song that got more than 72 MILLION hits ?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

All right then ! I thought I'd bring back this piece for nostalgia purposes . Does 2 years ago count as nostalgia ?

BTW , the other main song I'm aware of that got this kind of youtube attention was "Gangnam Style" from S. Korea . I liked this better ...

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

I won't hit you if you :
1] listen to the video
2] post a link to this thread in A Mac's "Dangers of BS" article . He seems to be going into a "killer rage" of his own.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

You really need to listen to that video . It can hypnotize anyone ... even A Mac . Then go find your inner piranha ...

Freshman Silent
link   Neetu2    12 years ago

So how many hits have you added to the list, Petey???

Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    12 years ago

I followed folks here and I am glad I did. What a cool little piece of music. I liked the rhythms and the harmonies. Cool and thanks, Petey.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Hypnotic soup song ...Smile.gif

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago

Petey, I was going to say, "I don't get the point you're making in posting the video - "killer," getting dumped, the music, their words, et al" -- but that's Ok.. Not much makes sense anymore. Grin.gif

I think the music, as a stand alone, is kinda nice, tho.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Well ... first of all this thread is an archive from 2 years ago . Second : the title is an exact translation from the Hindi. Third of all : its getting close to Halloween ... Does it make sense now ?

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago

lol, well the archive point does - I usually notice that, but didn't this time.

#3... I was doing Ok 'til I got to that one - clear as mud. But, whoever said mud isn't part of life, too, ya know??!! I actually like brown and - chocolate, brownies, pennies that aren't copper-colored anymore, brown people, brown hair, and all things that are "PC" brown.. so - mud is ok with me.

See, I told ya - not much makes sense anymore. Smile.gif

I didn't know the Macarena had a cultural perspective, either.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

Have you noticed how many recent threads there have been about zombies ? It's not a big stretch to go from that to "killer rage" ...

I didn't know the Macarena had a cultural perspective, either.

The Macarena used to be so much more than a song & its accompanying dance . It was almost a way of life !36.gif

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago

Have you noticed how many recent threads there have been about zombies ? It's not a big stretch to go from that to "killer rage" .

Thanks, Petey. I hadn't made the connection. True, there's been quite a zombie rage for several years now. That's not an immediate reaction for me, because zombies, vampires and such weren't part of Halloween for me as a kid...not even witches that much. (And I haven't gotten into the more recent craze.) I'm on the west coast. I've wondered if the zombie/vampire thing was more east coast back then. Just guessing.

Interesting on the Macarena. Thanks for that info!

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago

I know that if it was played over and over and over again it could probably cause me to kill someone. Does that make it a killer song? Then again Jinglebell Rock does that to me too.

LOL... I can relate to that! Ack! They're in my head now...can't get them out!

Freshman Silent
link   Chloe    12 years ago

Funny, JT! It's the one getting me right now, too!! I put a video song up to try and drown it out!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

J4T ,

Then again Jinglebell Rock does that to me too.

You must be loads of fun during the Xmas season ...Grin.gif . I can relate . I hate it too !

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Petey Coober    12 years ago

he didn't want to talk about it in case he got it too!

This is serious ! If I can cure you of this problem can I get the same hourly rate your shrink gets ?26.gif


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