
JORDAN PAGE, revolutionary rocker, activist, political commentator through music,


Category:  Other

Via:  kori  •  14 years ago  •  8 comments

JORDAN PAGE, revolutionary rocker, activist, political commentator through music,

Ran across a Jordan Page youtube videotoday and the song - LISTEN (2009) - was quite passionate and captivating,one of the best songsI've heard for a long time but admittedly, I don'tspend a lot of time looking and listening.That's why when I run across a songthat I really like I get pretty excited, especially if it's outside of myroutine listening pleasures.

LISTEN (2009), wassung in front of the Capitol building during the Revolution March. The song, paired with the video, isimpressiveandalludesto the corruption of leadership and powerin America and around the world, especially in terms of waging war. Pagespeaks/sings outon behalf ofindividual rights, civil liberties, freedom of the people,justice, and against the political war machine.

Jordan Page is also a loyal Dr. Ron Paulsupporter andwrote a song for Congressman Paul that is played regularly during his campaign gatherings. The song is, THE LIGHT OF REVOLUTION.


Excerpt of Jordan's bio fromhiswebsite. All linksfollow.

"Jordan Page is a young Singer/Songwriter and itinerant musician seeking to mobilize a new generation to stand up for their country and therights of the individual. Jordan uses his talents to promote a message of peace while educating and mobilizing resistance to tyranny and the erosion of American civil rights.

A mix of acoustic rock, hard rock, and folk, Jordan puts forth a powerful lyrical message with equally impactful music to educate and entertainsimultaneously. He embodies the protesting spirit of Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Steve Earle and Eddie Vedder before him, which is so rare in music today. Speaking truth to power in song, Jordan has raised his voice against Corporate Fraud and misguided Government policies with the hopes of activating a new generation to social conscience and peaceful political protest. Like his forebears, Jordan seeks to change society and the world for the better through his words and his music. He empowers his audience by letting them know that the real revolution begins with the individual."



LISTEN (copyright 2009)

Lyrics: Listen to the sound that you hear, Like an echo in your head
There's a strange vibration rising, Out from the heart of America, America

Listen to the sound of the drum, Calling players to the game
Of the New World Order, Don't be caught unaware, When the heads start rolling

No, it couldn't happen here, I know it wouldn't happen here

I will not submit to authority of man, I'm alive I'm awake
This is more than I can take, If you had an open door
Would you kill a little more?

Listen to the cries of the dead, In the wake of the Sudan
Is there no one out there? I see blood in the sands of despair in Africa

Listen to the sound of applause, In a chamber full of men
Selling out their people, As they plan their assault on the heart of America

No, it couldn't happen here, I know it wouldn't happen here

I will not submit to authority of man, I'm alive I'm awake
This is more than I can take, If you have an open door
Will you kill a little more?

There's a war machine in motion and the bullets fall as rain &
The light in the eyes of the innocent has faded into pain,
Yesterday I knew the world was spinning toward the end,
Today I see the wasteland and its too, late to pretend

"Listen to the words that you hear", Said the Ghost of Vietnam
Through a veil of napalm, "Don't forget your mistakes and where you came from"

I will not submit to authority of man, I'm ready to die but not for a lie
I'm ready to die but not for a lie, See the signs appear
You know its gonna happen here

Jordan Page Bio from his website, Revelushun

Jordan Page - Music Samples


Lyrics: Have you heard the people calling who are hungry in the night
have you heard the prayers of soldiers who are weary from the fight
have you heard the voice of wisdom in a time of pure deceit
have you heard the path to freedom is a road you rise to meet
have you heard the bonds of slavery are forged with paper chains
and the red sun that's rising sets on all of us the same
unless we stand together now, we all will surely fall
I heard the call in the words of Dr. Paul

have you ever seen a country bent and broken on it's knees
or a line ten miles long of hungry homeless begging please
or a banking institution funding both sides of a war
or it's chairman spouting lies upon the House committee floor
have you ever seen a talking head on television sway
the people through deception, telli ng lies to earn his pay
cant you feel the ground shake these institution walls
well i'll watch them fall when i stand with Dr. Paul

now let the people learn to reason
now let them stand up on their own
now let the light of revolution bring it home
now let the rights of man come shining
bright in self-evidence and truth
and let each one of you be counted as you stand
for the one who stands for you

well they say that truth is treason in the empire of lies
that the enemies of freedom are all cleverly disguised
the temples made of marble where the corporations reign
and the only ones that benefit stand far above the pain
as the people battle poverty, depression, and disease
and a crisis turns to meltdown and the liquid starts to freeze
but the printing press is roaring, leaving trillions in it's wake
and history won't forgive those who don't learn from their mistakes
as the rights of individuals are stripped down more and more
and we all can finally see the hidden face behind the war
unless we stand together now, this fate will touch us all
and stand free and tall as we march for Dr. Paul
we march for Dr. Paul
we march for Dr. Paul

In my humble opinion,pretty cool to have a song written about you but it's kindacorny too. lol!

Anyway, philosophically Jordan Page and I may differ on a few points but Iadmire him as an activist musician. There aretoo many points that we agree on to give much thought to what we may disagree on.


jrDiscussion - desc
Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    14 years ago

Is this guy about peace or about a "killer rage" ?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    14 years ago


You are shameless, LOL!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    14 years ago


I have never heard of this guy before, but he, he must really love Ron Paul. It takes a lot of passion about a candidate to write a song to them.

As a matter of fact, I think that this might be the only time I know of a performer who wrote a song to a candidate.

Kinda cool, if that is your thing.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    14 years ago

[:~ ))

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Kori    14 years ago

There was an ode to Billy Joe so why not a ballad toRon Paul. To each his own.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    14 years ago

Ron Paul is nuts ...

Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Kori    14 years ago

Sometimes I like what he has to say and other times I agree, he's a nut case.

At the last GOP debate, at one point Ron Paulwas making faces and gestures ina mocking like mannerwhile Santorumwas talking.That was pretty immature and classless, a total turn-off for me.RPis definitelypersonality plus! lol!

His son, Senator Rand Paul, seems to be pretty level-headed guy with potential torise in the ranks.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    14 years ago

A balanced budget during a war is insane . Unbalanced wars are the American way .


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