Halloween music
Well it's that time of the year again , Halloween .
And what could be more Halloweenie than witches ... not much right ?
In that spirit I am launching my next musical challenge :
Find songs with the word "witch" in them .
I already thought of several but they are all very old .
Do they write songs like that anymore ?
To get things started , here is Donovan's Season of the Witch
Please include a link with your comment . You get extra points for anything later
than the 80's but you need to include the link . Thanks for your participation .
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Heh heh I like these, Rich. Was wondering when you'd do the next one.
Thanks Shelly Rene . That Ordo Funebris was hypnotic ....
The others has a "malformed video ID" . Did you truncate the ends ?
I even went in and rewrote the whole reply.
Let me try again.
Not working for me yet. Oh well, everything on my laptop is on a delay tonight. Here they are but ya gotta do the copy and paste...
okay scratch the copy and paste thing...
Those other 3 are intense to say the least ...
My taste in music is rather....varied.
I like intense.
I'm drawing a blank except for The Monster Mash and Thriller. Blahh... my brain is mush.
I asked for more modern witchism and that's what you gave me . I can''t complain about intensity ...
So I score the extra points then?
; )
Yes indeed . Extra points *4 actually for 4 entries ....
Perrie ,
Can't you think of any very old stuff ? Sinatra had one .... So did the Eagles .
Then there's Strange Brew :
I know... I suck. I usually can bang out a pile of songs on any subject... but this has been one long week with changing the site and all that kind of stuff... that my brain is sucked dry. Maybe it's the hour. I might be better tomorrow. OK I got one...obscure.... Pink Floyd. You're gonna have to wait for it.
Oh.. and this one
Huh ?!
What... "One of these days I'm gonna...." isn't scary? That's scary. The other is the theme song to "The Exorcist"
Picky, picky! LOL!
Ya know , for someone who just wrote an entire rule book for the site you sure are lousy at following rules ....
This is all I can think of, right this second...