
Opposites Attract – The Definitive Political Orientation Test


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Via:  pj  •  9 years ago  •  7 comments

Opposites Attract – The Definitive Political Orientation Test

Opposites Attract – The Definitive Political Orientation Test

by:  PJ

Jan 27, 2016

The other day Perrie posted “The Definitive Political Orientation Test”.   A number of members took it, including myself.   There were some surprises, a few not so surprising, some naysayers and a couple skeptics.   It was fun to see which members ended up politically aligned.   Most placements were expected, some were shocking and others were intentionally staged to make a point but even those rebels revealed a little about themselves.  

Being the newbie of the group I was interested to see where some members would land within the political spectrum of the test so I could get a sense of their communication styles and how firm or flexible they are with their party beliefs.     To my surprise, my results aligned with some members of which I’ve heartily opposed on a number of issues.   I found my soul mate in X² (to his displeasure I’m sure).   Never the less, it was fun to get away from some of the serious political issues with a game of “Where’s Waldo” within the political map.  

It was also to my delight where I stumbled upon the heart within the community of NewsTalkers.   Gone were the heated debates and the snarky one liners.   Gone were the tag teams; carpet bombers and the intellectual untouchables and in their place were some members taking a boat trip while others were being dragged off to church (kicking and screaming I might add) and some chose to remain on their islands.  

I’m glad Perrie posted that silly test because it showed me the comradery that exists between the members here and that no matter the opposing views or how divided members can be, it can all be set aside even for a short time to revel in the silliness of a test.  

Thank you NewsTalkers for being so welcoming to me.   I appreciate your patience while I get my bearings and for being so gracious when I’ve blundered.   Don’t thumbs down my post X²!

Here's a link to the discussion and test -  The Definitive Political Orientation Test


jrDiscussion - desc
Masters Quiet
link   seeder  PJ    9 years ago

For those of you who haven't yet taken the "The Definitive Political Orientation Test" you don't know what you're missing!


Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    9 years ago

That's nice. Seriously, I am glad you enjoyed it. 


I don't think though that the test revealed much about people's political position. For example, by strongly disagreeing with every single question, I ended up with the exact same political position on the chart as Perrie, BF and FlyNavy. 

The test is, like you say, for entertainment purposes. 

Masters Quiet
link   seeder  PJ  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

Yes - It served it's purpose.  It was a nice breather from the normal.  :0)

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    9 years ago

Glad to see that someone gets NT here!! That was a wonderful article PJ. Glad you took the time to write it and I agree with you totally!


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