
The Nightmare Proceeds : Decent People Must Step Forward


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  looser-too  •  8 years ago  •  21 comments

The Nightmare Proceeds : Decent People Must Step Forward


In between live blogging the Republican National Convention for New York Magazine's Daily Intelligencer, Andrew Sullivan posted this sober realization on his  Facebook page :

Taking a walk this evening, it occurred to me, given the chaotic, careening shitshow we watched last night, that maybe there was still time to run someone else. And then I got back and saw the news of the nomination finally, formally secure.

So this is it. This is really happening. There is no waking up now.

It would be fair to say that with Trump's nomination, the Republican Party as we know it is officially over. Whatever this grotesque aberration is, it has nothing to do with conservatism, nothing to do with democracy, and nothing to do with any concept of a decent civilization. 

This is not to excuse the previous Republican administrations or the bunch of clowns currently residing in Congress, but this is something entirely different. One the of two mainstream political parties in America is now being led by an actual fascist -- a political idiot who understands almost nothing of international diplomacy, nothing about the history of his own country, and nothing about the functioning of government. Trump is man openly committed to torture, a racist misogynist who publicly brags about his penis size, lies on an hourly basis and has offended every minority in America. 

As Sullivan says, this is no dream -- it really  is  happening and decent Americans everywhere need to do everything in their power to stop him. 


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell    8 years ago
"...a political idiot who understands almost nothing of international diplomacy, nothing about the history of his own country, and nothing about the functioning of government. Trump is man openly committed to torture, a racist misogynist who publicly brags about his penis size, lies on an hourly basis and has offended every minority in America. As Sullivan says, this is no dream -- it really is happening and decent Americans everywhere need to do everything in their power to stop him. "
Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    8 years ago

It amazes me that there are those on this site-- people I consider to be decent, honest folk, whom I could be close friends with in real life-- would support this man, just because they have such hatred for Clinton.  It's like trying to have a conversation with my mother, for whom reality was a fiction that she made up in her own head-- after all, she had dementia.

Mama would manufacture something out of thin air, and logic did not work for her.  She dreamed up that I had taken her with me to pick up a refrigerator in my car-- a Subaru Outback, which could, in no way, hold a refrigerator-- dropped her off at an antique mall, and never came back for her.  This was a dream she had, that became a reality for her.  How does one reach someone who is so far beyond the pale as to be off their rocker?  How does one convince her of the truth?  I took her out and showed her my car-- How could I have fit a refrigerator in there?  Didn't matter, I had done it, and that was that.  Of COURSE I didn't drop her off and leave her stranded, anywhere!  But she knew I did, and there was no going back...  Why couldn't she have made up something good, like I surprised her with a diamond ring or something?  Why did it always have to be something bad?

This weird, dystopian view of the fall of America, is a made up symptom designed to feed dissatisfaction and distrust.  It is pumped up by a party that is determined to win an election, no matter the cost-- no matter who they hurt.  No matter what.  

I am frightened by this view, because I live my life in normal...  I don't see anyone rioting in the streets.  I go to MacDonalds and they still wish me a good day.  I go to the bank, and $10,000 hasn't magically appeared in my account, or left my account.  The stop lights still work.  There is road construction everywhere, as usual.  The grocery store is still stuffed with food.  The shoe store on the corner still has plenty of shoes-- just none in my size.  How has the perception become that the US is on the ropes?

I am utterly mystified...

Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

I blame mainly right wing  and conservative media. They have filled people's minds with innuendo, half truths , fantasies and lies for 35 years now. It is now ingrained in multiple generations of people. A tragedy for this country. 

Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

How has the perception become that the US is on the ropes?

I am utterly mystified...


Two nights ago the Republican stage was filled to the brim with hysteria over terrorism, crime, immigration, gay marriage, etc.   I read that one of the speakers even claimed that Americans are afraid to leave their homes thinking they will be victims of violence. 

Were none of these people alive in the 70's 80's and 90's?  Violent crime and murder rates were much higher back then. I assume they went out of their houses then (if they are old enough), but they are afraid to now?  Bullshit. 

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

Doesn't it occur to you at all that people who support Trump over Clinton might have rational reasons for doing so? Claiming that your opposition is demented or "voting against their best interests" is why liberals are often seen as elitists. 

Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Cerenkov   8 years ago

Donald Trump is the worst, most unqualified nominee of a major party in the history of this nation. 

Now is the time for all good Americans to come to the aid of their country and make sure he goes down to ignominious defeat. 

Jonathan P
Sophomore Silent
link   Jonathan P  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

Who would we vote for to accomplish this?

Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Jonathan P   8 years ago

Well, if one is the worst ever, and the other isn't, my choice is clear. 

Jonathan P
Sophomore Silent
link   Jonathan P  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

Clear as a London fog...

Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Jonathan P   8 years ago

This is half of the list someone put out the other day




thumb_trump-17.jpg Said he would force the military to commit war crimes

2. thumb_trump-32.jpg Said about women, “You have to treat ’em like shit”
3. thumb_trump-8.jpg Said a U.S.-born judge couldn't be impartial because of his “Mexican heritage”
4. thumb_trump-39.jpg Advocated assassinating terrorists’ families
5. thumb_trump-20.jpg Advocated waterboarding as punishment even if it doesn’t help gain information, because “they deserve it anyway”
6. thumb_trump-30.jpg Promised to deport U.S. citizens whose parents immigrated illegally, in violation of the 14th Amendment
7. thumb_trump-1.jpg Proposed to create a database system to track Muslims in the U.S.
8. thumb_trump-tomato.jpg Urged supporters to beat up protesters at his rallies
9. thumb_trump-37.jpg Suggested the U.S. should reduce its debts by partially defaulting on them
10. thumb_trump-mocksReporter.jpg Made fun of a reporter’s physical disability
11. thumb_trump-2.jpg Advocated shutting down mosques
12. thumb_trump-15.jpg Said women should be punished for having abortions
13. thumb_trump-4.jpg Called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.
14. thumb_trump-35.jpg Fraternizes with avowed white supremacists on Twitter
15. thumb_trump-30.jpg Described global warming as a hoax perpetrated by “the Chinese” for competitive reasons
16. thumb_trump-7.jpg Called Mexican immigrants rapists
17. thumb_trump-16.jpg Endorsed torture
18. thumb_trump-37.jpg Responded to the murder of 49 people at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub with “Appreciate the congrats for being right on Islamic terrorism”
19. thumb_trump-mccain.jpg Disparaged Sen. John McCain's military service because he was captured by the North Vietnamese
20. thumb_trump-12.jpg Retweeted bogus crime statistics that wildly inflated the rate at which blacks kill whites
21. thumb_trump-japanesecamps.jpg Defended FDR’s internment of Japanese Americans
22. thumb_trump-4.jpg Refuses to sell any of his more than 500 businesses if he’s elected, potentially creating unprecedented conflicts of interest
23. thumb_trump-23.jpg Posted a link to Facebook promoting the conspiracy theory that the Obama administration actively supported al-Qaida in Iraq
24. thumb_trump-11.jpg Questioned President Obama’s American citizenship, bringing the “birther” campaign into the mainstream
25. thumb_trump-1.jpg Refused to release his tax returns during the campaign
26. thumb_trump-3.jpg Claimed he saw thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the 9/11 attacks
27. thumb_trump-9.jpg Suggested that supporters who attacked a homeless Hispanic man were “very passionate” and “love their country”
28. thumb_trump-tiananmenSquare.jpg Referred to Tiananmen Square demonstrations as a riot and said the Chinese government’s response “shows you the power of strength”
29. thumb_trump-33.jpg Proposed to change libel laws to make it easier to sue media organizations
30. thumb_trump-22.jpg Named and threatened former students who criticized Trump University
31. thumb_trump-34.jpg Barred reporters from campaign events for unfavorable coverage
32. thumb_trump-6.jpg Claimed he’s donated $1 million to veterans’ groups, although none received any money until reporters began investigating
33. thumb_trump-33.jpg Doesn’t pay his bills
34. thumb_trump-obamaReligion.jpg Repeatedly suggested that President Obama might be a Muslim
35. thumb_trump-davidDuke.jpg Didn’t immediately disavow an endorsement from KKK leader David Duke
36. thumb_trump-brexitwhosit.jpg Didn’t know the meaning of the term “Brexit” less than a month before the U.K. referendum on leaving the EU
37. thumb_trump-kimun.jpg Praised North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un
38. thumb_trump-kelly.jpg Described Fox debate moderator Megyn Kelly as having “blood coming out of her wherever”
39. thumb_trump-44.jpg Approvingly repeated a tall tale about a U.S. commander ordering the execution of Muslim insurgents with bullets dipped in pig’s blood
40. thumb_trump-25.jpg Doesn’t know how many articles are in the Constitution
41. thumb_trump-warren.jpg Called Elizabeth Warren “the Indian” and “Pocahontas”
42. thumb_trump-hands.jpg Bragged about the size of his penis during a primary debate
43. thumb_trump-14.jpg Blamed sexual assault in the military on “put[ting] men and women together”
44. thumb_trump-23.jpg Called an attorney who requested a break to pump breast milk “disgusting”
45. thumb_trump-21.jpg Founded Trump University, which a salesman called “a fraudulent scheme [that] preyed upon the elderly and uneducated”
46. thumb_trump-13.jpg Said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters”
47. thumb_trump-40.jpg Proposed to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants
48. thumb_trump-1.jpg Refused to condemn anti-Semitic attacks on journalists
49. thumb_trump-43.jpg Advocated plundering oil from Iraq, Libya, and other oil-rich countries invaded by the U.S., in violation of the Geneva Conventions
50. thumb_trump-fiorina.jpg Said of Carly Fiorina, “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?”
51. thumb_trump-29.jpg Threatened Amazon as payback for negative coverage in the  Washington Post
52. thumb_trump-27.jpg Named himself as his primary consultant on foreign policy
53. thumb_trump-5.jpg Claimed he’s donated $102 million to charity, although journalists have been unable to find evidence of any substantial donations
54. thumb_trump-29.jpg Refused to rule out using nuclear weapons against ISIS
55. thumb_trump-24.jpg Claimed that American Muslims knew about the Orlando nightclub shooter and San Bernardino terrorists before the attacks
56. thumb_trump-41.jpg Proposed to compel Mexico to pay for a border wall
57. thumb_trump-48.jpg Paid campaign money to family members and his own businesses
58. thumb_trump-13.jpg Advocated withholding free public education from insuffciently studious kids
59. thumb_trump-daughtersbreasts.jpg Speculated about his 1-year-old daughter’s future breasts
60. thumb_trump-38.jpg Refused to take care of his children, saying that husbands who change diapers are “acting like the wife”
61. thumb_trump-starHillary.jpg Tweeted an image that originated on a white-supremacist account containing a star of David over a background of money
62. thumb_trump-18.jpg Didn't understand the phrase “nuclear triad” during a primary debate
63. thumb_trump-2.jpg Has repeatedly done business with figures linked to organized crime
64. thumb_trump-ivankasLooks.jpg Said, “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her”
65. thumb_trump-15.jpg Suggested that he might refuse to serve as president if elected
66. thumb_trump-35.jpg Said, “It doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass”
67. thumb_trump-hitler.jpg Kept a collection of Adolf Hitler’s collected speeches in a cabinet by his bed
68. thumb_trump-yusefSalaam.jpg Called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, five black men later exonerated of rape and assault
69. thumb_trump-cruz.jpg Suggested that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy
70. thumb_trump-hussein.jpg Praised Saddam Hussein for being good at killing terrorists
Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

Let's look at one item

Praised Saddam Hussein for being good at killing terrorists.


Saddam Hussein didn't kill terrorists, he created them. 



The late Iraqi dictator did kill many thousands of people—but very few were terrorists

Donald Trump is, by his own admission, “like, a really smart person,” and someone who has “a very good brain,” but he don’t know much about history. His remarks this week—and on multiple other occasions—about Saddam Hussein’s skill at counterterrorism are a reminder of this.

“He was a bad guy—really bad guy,”   Trump opined during a rally in North Carolina . “But you know what he did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good. They didn’t read them the rights. They didn’t talk. They were terrorists. Over.”

Hussein, it is true,  killed a lot of people . The estimates run into the hundreds of thousands, and he murdered in a variety of appalling ways He had his victims shot, gassed, blown up, beheaded and even torn apart by wild animals. And while all of his victims had excellent reasons for not liking life under the longtime Iraqi dictator, almost none were terrorists. On the contrary, terrorists in Iraq were mostly honored guests and worked at the regime’s behest.

Thousands  of terrorists called Iraq home, and their organizations had the blood of Israelis, Turks, Iranians and Europeans from numerous countries on their hands. Among the killers were members of the Palestine Liberation Front, the Arab Liberation Front, the Kurdish PKK, the Iranian Mujahidin e-Khalq and the Abu Nidal Organization. Saddam promised to pay the families of suicide bombers who killed Israelis for their deeds. It is true that he despised jihadists and had nothing to do with al Qaeda, but that hardly diminishes his record. Not for nothing, Iraq was among the first batch of countries designated by Washington as state sponsors of terror in 1979.

Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

More often than not, by far, when he talks about what is happening or has happened in the world he gets it wrong or makes something up. 

He wants to believe Hussein was a great terrorist killer, so he just blurts it out with absolutely no fact checking or conformation. He does this sort of thing every day since this campaign began.   He does not know anything , certainly not to the degree required of someone in any high governmental office. 

There are 140 other reasons given similar to this one. It is impossible to contemplate this person in power. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

the bullshit artist is safer than the sociopath who tells premeditated lies. 

Professor Expert
link   Krishna  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

Excellent list--- do you have link to original?

Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  Krishna   8 years ago

the full list

Professor Principal
link   seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

70.thumb_trump-41.jpg Proposed to compel Mexico to pay for a border wall

71. thumb_trump-starHillary.jpg Tweeted an image that originated on a white-supremacist account containing a star of David over a background of money
72. thumb_trump-putin.jpg Hired a suspicious number of advisers who have done work on behalf of Vladimir Putin
73. thumb_trump-7.jpg Praised the U.K.’s vote to leave the EU because a falling pound would be good for his Scottish golf course
74. thumb_trump-yusefSalaam.jpg Called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, five teenagers later exonerated of rape and assault
75. thumb_trump-ivanaRape.jpg Subjected his then-wife Ivana to what she described in a deposition as rape, although she later said she didn’t mean the word literally
76. thumb_trump-19.jpg Called for the construction of a wall across the U.S.-Mexico border to prevent immigration
77. thumb_trump-cruz.jpg Suggested that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy
78. thumb_trump-grahamphone.jpg Read out Sen. Lindsey Graham’s personal phone number in a campaign speech
79. thumb_trump-10.jpg Tweeted: “Our great African American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore!”
80. thumb_trump-clintons.jpg Suggested that Bill and Hillary Clinton conspired to murder aide Vince Foster
81. thumb_trump-25.jpg Said that the U.S. military should withdraw from Japan and South Korea and allow those countries to defend themselves with nuclear weapons
82. thumb_trump-27.jpg Included the head of the white nationalist American Freedom Party on a list of California delegates
83. thumb_trump-42.jpg Directed a female employee not to take lunch orders when visitors came to Trump Tower because he found her insufficiently attractive
84. thumb_trump-28.jpg Has been a plaintiff in at least 1,900 lawsuits and a defendant in 1,450 more
85. thumb_trump-aliciaMachado.jpg Publicly shamed a Miss Universe winner for gaining weight
86. thumb_trump-22.jpg Repeatedly claimed, falsely, to have opposed the Iraq war
87. thumb_trump-42.jpg Believes the world would be “100 percent” better if Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi were still in power
88. thumb_trump-31.jpg Told his security team to confiscate protesters’ coats and “throw them out into the cold”
89. thumb_trump-46.jpg Sold Trump University and Trump Institute courses that relied on plagiarized materials
90. thumb_trump-17.jpg Claimed there’s “no real assimilation” of “second- and third-generation” families from the Middle East
91. thumb_trump-38.jpg Argued that the massacre at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub could have been prevented if patrons had been armed
92. thumb_trump-31.jpg Earned millions from failing casinos by shifting the debt burden to investors
93. thumb_trump-MuammarQaddafi.jpg Tried to set up an investment partnership with Muammar Qaddafi
94. thumb_trump-45.jpg Filed for corporate bankruptcy four times
95. thumb_trump-9.jpg Claimed, falsely, that President Obama “issued a statement for Kwanzaa but failed to issue one for Christmas”
96. thumb_trump-18.jpg Took out advertisements alleging that the “Mohawk Indian record of criminal activity is well documented” to fight competition for his casino business
97. thumb_trump-8.jpg Wished for a housing-market crash
98. thumb_trump-tubman.jpg Called the decision to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill “pure political correctness”
99. thumb_trump-47.jpg Falsely claimed there have been calls for a moment of silence for Dallas shooter Micah Johnson
100. thumb_trump-21.jpg Has insulted 239 candidates, journalists, organizations, countries, sitting politicians, and celebrities on Twitter
101. thumb_trump-16.jpg Said, “Refugees are trying to take over our children” by telling them “how wonderful Islam is”
102. thumb_trump-tebow.jpg Used contributions to the Trump Foundation to buy a helmet and jersey signed by Tim Tebow for $12,000 at a charity auction
103. thumb_trump-41.jpg Greeted a Miss Universe contestant with a kiss on the lips, which she called “gross” and “inappropriate”
104. thumb_trump-nranogunfreespace.jpg Proposed to abolish gun-free zones
105. thumb_trump-blacklivesmattertrouble.jpg Said that Black Lives Matter activists are “looking for trouble”
106. thumb_trump-lewandowskiFields.jpg Defended then–campaign manager Corey Lewandowski after he physically grabbed a female reporter
107. thumb_trump-39.jpg Proposed a 35 percent tax on Mexican-made cars and trucks, in violation of NAFTA
108. thumb_trump-oDonnell.jpg Called Rosie O’Donnell a “big, fat pig”
109. thumb_trump-ferguson.jpg Falsely claimed that Ferguson, Missouri, and Oakland, California, were “among the most dangerous [places] in the world”
110. thumb_trump-tacoBowl.jpg Tweeted “The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!”
111. thumb_trump-36.jpg Pretended to be his own publicist
112. thumb_trump-12.jpg Threatened to “spill the beans” about an unspecified scandal concerning Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi
113. thumb_trump-47.jpg Attempted to court Jewish voters with anti-Semitic stereotypes about money, influence, and dealmaking
114. thumb_trump-46.jpg Said that Hillary Clinton “got schlonged” by Obama in 2008
115. thumb_trump-45.jpg Proposed to have China assassinate Kim Jong-un
116. thumb_trump-48.jpg Claimed that “the birther movement was started by Hillary Clinton in 2008”
117. thumb_trump-bulldozer.jpg Attempted to seize and bulldoze the home of an Atlantic City, New Jersey, widow under eminent domain
118. thumb_trump-24.jpg Accused Hillary Clinton of “playing the woman card”
119. thumb_trump-14.jpg Proposed to appoint himself U.S. trade representative
120. thumb_trump-3.jpg Included two anti-Sharia cranks on a list of five foreign-policy advisers
121. thumb_trump-tedcruzpussy.jpg Repeated a supporter who called Ted Cruz a pussy
122. thumb_trump-26.jpg Claimed a federal spending bill “funds ISIS”
123. thumb_trump-popewishes.jpg Said, “If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS … the pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president”
124. thumb_trump-10.jpg Said, “I think Islam hates us”
125. thumb_trump-likesputin.jpg Believes that he would “get along very well” with Vladimir Putin
126. thumb_trump-alexjones.jpg Praised conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, telling him, “I will not let you down”
127. thumb_trump-20.jpg Kept journalists in restrictive “press pens” on the campaign trail
128. thumb_trump-28.jpg Proposed a 45 percent tariff on Chinese exports
129. thumb_trump-romney.jpg Said Mitt Romney would have “dropped to his knees” for an endorsement
130. thumb_trump-7-11.jpg Referred to 9/11 as 7-Eleven
131. thumb_trump-26.jpg Proposed to charge American allies for military defense
132. thumb_trump-wine.jpg Falsely claimed he “100 percent” owns “the largest winery on the East Coast”
133. thumb_trump-butler-hungfortreason.jpg Employed a butler who said President Obama should be “hung for treason”
134. thumb_trump-44.jpg Launched at least 15 business ventures that went on to fail
135. thumb_trump-19.jpg Questioned Hillary Clinton’s religion
136. thumb_trump-43.jpg Claimed that the U.S. is being “ripped off” by its fellow members of NATO
137. thumb_trump-34.jpg Characterized the theme of his administration as “America First”
138. thumb_trump-5.jpg Questioned Ben Carson’s Seventh-day Adventism
139. thumb_trump-2.jpg Sued a former campaign aide for $10 million for breaching a confidentiality agreement
140. thumb_trump-6.jpg Questioned Ted Cruz’s evangelical faith
141. thumb_trump-36.jpg Entrusted his health to a doctor who described his test results as “astonishingly excellent”
Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Cerenkov   8 years ago

I don't think of myself as an elitist.

Frankly, I would like to hear what the republicans are going to DO about all this-- not who to hate for not doing or for doing something.  You are all so affronted by Clinton.  So, your answer is Trump?  Find someone sensible to run, and tell me what you are going to DO...  

I'm sick of the hateful rhetoric, and would like to hear something positive come out of the RNC.  SOMETHING positive...

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

Many of us voted for other candidates in the primaries, but the majority rules.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Cerenkov   8 years ago

I understand...  It happens to all of us!

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty  replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

You were probably singing the same Pollyanna song in 2007 when others like Ron Paul knew the bottom of Clintons housing bubble was about to fallout. You probably thought Obamacare was going to save money not hurt people and the hamper employment. Our spending and debt are out of control. We've been flooded with poor illegal aliens waiting to be legalized so they can be eligible for free healthcare, food, cloths and housing. Our foreign policy and endless wars are a disaster. Obama has set back race relations fifty years. Obamas quantitative easing fueled stock market bubble is about to burst. Wake up people working two jobs at McDonald's is not what America could be. 

Crooked Hilllary means the downward spiral will continue. We need to clean house in Washington and it's going to take outsiders like Trump to usher in real change. 

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Dean Moriarty   8 years ago

People work two jobs to make ends meet, because the minimum rage hasn't gone up in years-- and costs are skyrocketing.  

I'm disappointed in Obamacare, too.  It didn't go far enough to me.  I can sit here at my house and count 3 new hospitals, within 3 miles, that sit empty-- the profits they are making have to go somewhere...  Everything is a rip off, but that's due to maximizing profits and not sharing the wealth with good paying jobs.  From where I stand, it's the republicans that have caused a lot of the problems, not Obama.

Race relations have been simmering under the surface for years-- since the 60s.  This is nothing new, it has just come to the forefront.  Furthermore, I don't blame the blacks for our problems, I blame us.  

People need jobs.  Under Obama, we've added quite a few-- not enough, but quite a few.

Don't call me Pollyanna.  I'm telling the truth, as I see it.  And don't be hateful to me.  There is no rioting in the streets here, no one is out firing rifles in the air, the military is near by, if we get into a mess.  We've had several peace marches, primarily populated by blacks, but by whites, too.  And our Jewish and Muslim neighbors...  I can't help it if you don't see these things, this is just how it is here in Louisville.


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