Another Grand View for All, But this One Especially for Member "1ofmany"
Hopefully, some of my recent Grand Canyon photos will give a first look to those who have never been to the Grand Canyon, a formerly unseen look for those who may have missed it when there … and, a look that will move viewers to visit and/or re-visit.
… and this one is especially for "1ofmany".
Pinon Pines, A View from the South Rim, Grand Canyon, Arizona
© A. Mac/A.G.
© A. Mac/A.G.
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One of many for 1ofmany … and everyone!
Thank you Amac. It's beautiful and a welcome respite from a hectic week.
A lovely gift for you-- and for all of us! I know you are enjoying it!
I hope you're not getting these beautiful shots by standing on the cliff edge, after trampling down the plastic mesh barricade and ignoring the danger sign with stick figure falling off the mountain.
I hope you're not getting these beautiful shots by standing on the cliff edge
My wife expressed the same concerns while I took many of these shots … there are rather small "fences" around some of the rim and none-at-all around much of it.
I do not use a tripod when photographing at edges of steep drop offs … I don't want to add a possible trip to a photo trip … not for me or anyone nearby. My camera has a great burst mode and a vibration reduction feature and I can shoot at a low number ISO and an aperture of f8 and still get clean shots and good depth-of-field.
But I do appreciate the concern … and sometimes living and photographing at "The Edge" pays rewards for risking the dangers.
Many more photos to come.
Well be careful . . . a lot of the rubble at the bottom of the canyon used to be part of the cliff ledge before it fell off.
I promise, when in such situations, I will do my utmost to keep from becoming part of that rubble.
Again, I appreciate your concern. Thank you.
I love how the pinon pines weather... All twisted-- bleached bones of the tree, still valiantly hanging on! I bet the hawks of the area love it!
Thanks for yet another wonderful picture!!!
And, with their resilience, people should understand why the pinon is a sacred plant to some SW tribes/nations.
Absolutely gorgeous work Mac - thanks so much for your dedication.
There were pinon pines at our "camp" in WY... They are so beautiful--until they actually fall down and rot, and there is still beauty in the 'rotting'...
I have other shots of high desert ecosystem scenes, some with fallen Pinon Pines on the desert floor; as such, I personally find them to add an element of pathos and 19th Century style "romanticism" … 'course, to a romantic such as myself, I am a sucker for the feeling.
One more … hope it's not One Too Many for 1ofmany … or anyone else.
It's a horizontal view just under the top image.
Thanks for another great view Amac. All I get to see during the week is traffic and the inside of an office. Pictures can generate memories of a place and yours bring back pleasant memories for me.
My pleasure.
I'm itching to take my rock hammer to some of the lower slopes... Beautiful shots!!!
sigh................ :0)
Good night and thanks and PEACE to all.
Beautiful photo Mac.