Cats and dogs know a whole lot more than we give them credit for! If my cat hates you, or my dog hates you, you can better believe there is something wrong... They are much better judges of character than I am!
I have a cat that loves everybody, and my dogs love everybody-- except when my sister-in-law visits, they run and hide, all of them. They have a point-- I wish I could run and hide, too!
You may call BS, but I truly believe that cats and dogs pick up on body language that we might not be aware of.
BTW, if you don't like cats, and pull your face away from them, cats interpret that as a sign that you like them, so they'll jump into your lap and purr... Of course, you will pull away, if you don't like cats, which makes them even more affectionate. Just a disconnect between species...
A feather on a stick or something other than a TV with sound. I didn't think about that. I bet it was, because the cat went into a passive position by putting her pawns folded under her as it is shown on the screen here. That's a more playful stance than a fearful stance to me.
It is instinctive.
That's funny!!! It looks like Donald Trump looks down at the cat.
Cats and dogs know a whole lot more than we give them credit for! If my cat hates you, or my dog hates you, you can better believe there is something wrong... They are much better judges of character than I am!
I have a cat that loves everybody, and my dogs love everybody-- except when my sister-in-law visits, they run and hide, all of them. They have a point-- I wish I could run and hide, too!
You may call BS, but I truly believe that cats and dogs pick up on body language that we might not be aware of.
BTW, if you don't like cats, and pull your face away from them, cats interpret that as a sign that you like them, so they'll jump into your lap and purr... Of course, you will pull away, if you don't like cats, which makes them even more affectionate. Just a disconnect between species...
You may call BS, but I truly believe that cats and dogs pick up on body language that we might not be aware of.
Oh I do to, but I assure you the cat didn't run because it was Donald Trump Dowser, get real, really! LOL
My cats don't like his voice... They put their ears back when they hear his voice. Maybe it was the sound, not the message...
I love cats. I know this isn't the DNC, but it is still funny.
Love the music! Don't you wonder what was really happening? The cat didn't appear to be threatened... Was it a feather on a stick?
A feather on a stick or something other than a TV with sound. I didn't think about that. I bet it was, because the cat went into a passive position by putting her pawns folded under her as it is shown on the screen here. That's a more playful stance than a fearful stance to me.
ears up, eyes alert-- that cat wants to play!