The Vile, Anti-Semitic, ‘Brownshirt-y’ War of Trump Supporters Against Journalists
Trump’s had issued repeated threats against freedom of the press , and has even inciting violence against journalists, like Katy Tur, who had to be protected by the Secret Service. Taking their cue from him, his supporters regularly issue death threats against reporters who say something critical about their hero.
In February, we are told by The Daily Beast , “Conservative essayist Bethany S. Mandel, who has been awash in a deluge of social media abuse since she began denouncing Donald Trump, finally purchased a handgun over the weekend.” She has been told things by Trump followers that “you deserve the oven,” and “Missed one, you slimy Jewess.
When Jewish journalist Julia Ioffe wrote in GQ about Donald and Melania Trump this spring, her inbox and phone were flooded with anti-Semitic hate and death threats . “They said I’d make a good lampshade,” she said .
Pretty ding dang scary!
Katy Tur told Morning Joe that Trump realizes he needs the media, but he has a strange way of showing it. It hardly matters how gracious he can be on an individual basis when he is inciting crowds against you, and those Trump rallies are beacons to white supremacists and anti-Semites.
There's not the slightest doubt in my mind that if trump were to be elected president, we would see a significant rise in verbal anti-semitism and definitely a YUGE rise in violent attacks on various minorities-- but especially Jews.
There's not the slightest doubt in my mind that if trump were to be elected president, we would see a significant rise in verbal anti-semitism and definitely a YUGE rise in violent attacks on various minorities-- but especially Jews.
My take as well, though
I think we will see more violence against Muslims too. That of course will drive more to terrorist violence....
I believe that NBC has taken Katy Tur off the beat as the reporter on Trump.
There is definitely bad blood between the campaign and her. She now works out of the studio as far as I can see.
Liked because you brought it up not because of the content. Poor woman!
Crazy bastards...But what can you expect from that scum.
I expect them to continue on with their biased reporting of opinion rather than fact based news reporting without injecting their personal opinion. Crazy bastards feeding crazier bastards that watch and believe them.
In February, we are told by The Daily Beast , “Conservative essayist Bethany S. Mandel, who has been awash in a deluge of social media abuse since she began denouncing Donald Trump, finally purchased a handgun over the weekend.” She has been told things by Trump followers that “you deserve the oven,” and “Missed one, you slimy Jewess.
I wonder if she joined the NRA yet. Probably not a bad idea to buy guns now just in case Hillary does win.